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Concerning Photograph of Bruxelles tram (January 2009)

Dear Editor,

As an authoritative and internationally recognised journal, Tramways & Urban Transit is frequently referenced by both campaigners and students of tramway development. As such, I feel the magazine should exercise prudence in using illustrations of imaginary situations, or at least clearly label these when not immediately obvious. I am referring to page 26 of the January 2009 edition showing a Brussels tram in Rue Montagne de la Cour, a location where trams do not run. Furthermore, the famous art-deco "Old England" building has been distorted through editing. I have sympathy for the photographer's intention to depict the tram in a typical Brussels art-deco setting, but surely there are dozens of suitable locations in that city in which this would have been possible without such measures.

Letter submitted to T&UT in January 2009.

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TAUT detail The article (above) and a real photograph of the location below showing how trams rails have been introduced where there aren't any, and one building has gone missing while another has been added to and had it's canopy transformed to a tram stop shelter.
real life photo of Rue Montagne de la Cour

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