Trams and light rail


tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings

This page is for general tram links. Specific tram links can be found on:

specific link pages:
to my Freiburg tram links
to my Zürich tram links
to my tram home page
to my Freiburg tram page
to my Zürich tram page

This page has the following categories:

tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings

It is not my goal to collect as many links as possible. There are some excellent link collections on the net already. In this list they are marked

It would be pointless for me to try to duplicate them here. The links on this page are pages which interest me specially, pages of friends and people I know, pages which link to my own, or pages whose content somehow relates to the content of my own pages.

This does not mean I am not open to further link suggestions. Please contact me if you would like your link added (a return link would be greatly appreciated).

Explanation of symbols

Websites have information on:
modern trams.
heritage trams.
system history (system no longer operational).
planned or proposed system.
campaign website.
system map.
ticket information.
timetable information.
association or club site.
official site.
private site.
site with large photo collection.
site with large link collection.
site with return link (thank you!).

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | webrings | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | tram home page

L I N K S ... (tram)

ASSOTRAM information, history and news on tram systems in Catalunya and other parts of Spain.
Ballarat Vintage Tramway (Australia)
Blickpunkt Straßenbahn in German / in English
Carlton Colville: East Anglia Transport Museum
Croydon Tramlink
Freunde der Freiburger Straßenbahn e.V. (Friends of the Freiburg Tramway)
Gaarder Online, trams in Oslo and elsewhere.
Görlitz VGG. Public transport in Goerlitz, Germany.
itramways - tramways et transport urbain (large and well maintained link collection).
IDL - Informationsdienst Linienverkehr, Link Collection.
Light Rail Now!, a light rail campaign and information page with interesting articles
LRTA (Light Rail Transit Association)
Madrid transport page with interesting tram pictures and information.
Montevideo tramways.
Naumburger Straßenbahn (in German).
www.publictransit.us, advocacy news and campaign site from the USA.
Rotterdam: De Digitale Tram.
Sporvognsrejser, thousands of tram pictures, mostly from Europe, and links to hundreds of tram companies and descriptions of tram cities or museums.
Trolleybus & trams de Belgique et d'ailleurs..., trams and trolleybuses in Belgium als elsewhere.
Tram Museum Zürich
Trams by Edouard Paris
Tramway postcard of the month
Verkehrsfreunde Stuttgart

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | rail links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page

L I N K S ... (transport with tram sections)

European Railway Server, with lots of links and pictures and public transport section.
Bus Station.
Bahnsuche, German railway website directory.
ferrovie.ch, Italian language website on railways.
ÖPNV-Tram-Adressen und Links, large collection of links.
Railhoo great railway link collection (mostly in German).
Répertoire ferroviare is an excellent collection of international rail and tram links (in French).

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page

Other rail links

Rebenbummler / Eisenbahnfreunde Breisgau e.V..
Spur 1 Freunde Freiburg.

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page

Bus and trolleybus links

Bristol VR Enthusiasts' Society
David Bradley Online historical trolleybus pictures from Croydon and elsewhere.
Rob's Bus Zone Buses in Reading, Coventry and elsewhere.

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page

Other transport links

FUNIMAG web magazine about funiculars.

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page

Other pages linking to this site

Marcel Bamert.
explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page


last modified 26.01.06
links checked 20.08.01
counter added 17.11.99
mailto: shadowfax@datacomm.ch

W E B R I N G S ...

explanation of symbols | top of page | tram links | transport links with tram sections | other rail links | bus and trolleybus links | other transport links | links to this site | webrings | tram home page