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VBZ reacts to rolling stock shortage

filed on: 07.11.2019 (7th Nov 2019)

The shortage of rolling stock is putting increased strain on VBZ. The delivery of the new Flexity units is delayed, while an increasing number of trams is unavailable due to accident damage. At the same time VBZ is having to cover expanded service due to the recent tram extensions, Hardbrücke and the first phase of Limmattalbahn. This is already leading to single Tram 2000 units increasingly appearing on diagrams intended for coupled pairs. The return to service of the two Mirage trams from the heritage fleet is providing some relief of course, but this is not enough.

VBZ has now announced a range of changes that will take effect from 25th November. These include:

- 50 percent of trams on route 8 will be Sänfte.

- Route 17 will be discontinued. The Werdhözli leg will be replaced by extending / diverting route 6. Route 10 will replace the Bhf Enge leg of route 6 during the hours that route 6 served this section, extending to Albisgütli at peak times as replacement for route 17.

- Route 12 will be operated by a mix of Cobras and Sänfte units.

- Route 15 will see a headway reduction to 15 minutes on Mondays to Saturdays.

- The two Mirage trams presently on routes 8 and 17 will be transferred to route 13 and run as a coupled pair.

source: SwissRail ioGroup

This news item is from the 2019 newslog.

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