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Geissbock tram back in Zürich

filed on: 18.06.2019 (18th Jun 2019)

Some catching up one news I missed. This newslog announced the return of the Geissbock tram from Lucerne to the Zürich tram museum. The event has been well covered, so here are some links to some of that coverage:

Some dedicated coverage with lovely (and obviously meticulously planned) footage from Tele Züri (first broadcast on 28th March at 18:20).

geissbock kommt zurueck nach zuerich
geissbock kommt zurueck nach zuerich
geissbock kommt zurueck nach zuerich
geissbock kommt zurueck nach zuerich
geissbock kommt zurueck nach zuerich

Also a whole collection of great photos as well as another film clip on Bahnonline.

geissbock kommt zurueck nach zuerich

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