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The books of the Cormarë Series collect papers of non-fictional writing on Tolkien and his world.
To date, 12 books have been published:
Inside Language. Ross Smith: read abstract.
Roots and Branches. Tom Shippey: read abstract.
Tolkien and Modernity 2: see contents, read abstracts.
Tolkien and Modernity 1: see contents, read abstracts.
Reconsidering Tolkien: see contents, read abstracts.
Recovery and Transcendence for the Contemporary Mythmaker: The Spiritual Dimension in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Christopher Garbowski: read abstract.
Translating Tolkien: Text and Film: see contents, read abstracts.
Tolkien Through Russian Eyes: read abstract.
Tolkien in Translation: see contents, read abstracts.
Four Christian Fantasists: A Study of the Fantastic Writings of George MacDonald, Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Richard Sturch: read abstract, reviews
Root and Branch - Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien: see contents, read abstracts, reviews
News from the Shire and Beyond - Studies on Tolkien: see contents, read abstracts
See also publications planned
Inside Language
Inside Language:
Ross Smith. (read abstract)
pages , Walking Tree Publishers 2007, Cormarë No 12, ISBN 978-3-905703-06-1
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Roots and Branches
Roots and Branches:
Tom Shippey. (read abstract)
417 pages , Walking Tree Publishers 2007, Cormarë No 11, ISBN 978-3-905703-05-4
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Tolkien and Modernity 2
Frank Weinreich & Thomas Honegger
. (read abstract)
Tolkien on Love
Concepts of ‘Love’ in
The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings
Patrick Brueckner
. (read abstract)
The Lord of the Rings and ‘Late Style’:
Tolkien, Adorno and Said
Margaret Hiley
. (read abstract)
An Introduction to the Dynamics of the Intertraditional Dialogue in The Lord of the Rings:
Aragorn’s Heroic Evolution
Martin Simonson
. (read abstract)
Slow-Kindled Courage.
A Study of Heroes in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
Anna Slack
. (read abstract)
Hidden Paths of Time:
March 13th and the Riddles of Shelob’s Lair
Judith Klinger
. (read abstract)
The Passing of the Elves and the Arrival of Modernity:
Tolkien’s ‘Mythical Method’
Thomas Honegger
. (read abstract)
The Shaping of ‘Reality’ in Tolkien’s Works:
An Aspect of Tolkien and Modernity
Heidi Krueger (translated by Heidi Steimel)
. (read abstract)
t.b.d. pages , Walking Tree Publishers 2006, Cormarë No 10, Editor: Thomas Honegger and Frank Weinreich, ISBN 978-3-905703-03-0
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Tolkien and Modernity 1
Frank Weinreich & Thomas Honegger
. (read abstract)
Tolkien: A Man of his Time?
Anna Vaninskaya
. (read abstract)
Against Stereotype:
Éowyn and Lúthien as 20th-Century Women
Maria Raffaella Benvenuto
. (read abstract)
Politically Incorrect:
Tolkien, Women, and Feminism
Laura Michel
. (read abstract)
J.R.R. Tolkien:
A Simplicity Between
the ‘Truly Earthy’ and the ‘Absolutely Modern’
Bertrand Alliot
. (read abstract)
The Maker’s Will … Fulfilled?
Jessica Burke & Anthony Burdge
. (read abstract)
Brief Considerations on Determinism
in Reality and Fiction
Frank Weinreich
. (read abstract)
“Man does as he is when he may do as he wishes”
The Perennial Modernity of Free Will
Jason Fisher
. (read abstract)
Freedom and Providence as Anti-Modern Elements?
Thomas Fornet-Ponse
. (read abstract)
Democracy in Middle-earth:
J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
from a Socio-Political Perspective
Alexander van de Bergh
. (read abstract)
t.b.d. pages , Walking Tree Publishers 2006, Cormarë No 9, Editor: Thomas Honegger and Frank Weinreich, ISBN 978-3-905703-02-3
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Reconsidering Tolkien
Reconsidering the Linguistics of Middle-earth:
Invented Languages and Other Linguistic Features in J.R.R. Tolkien's
The Lord of the Rings
Marion Gymnich
. (read abstract)
Tolkien as Philo-Logist
Eduardo Segura and Guillermo Peris
. (read abstract)
Tolkien Through the Eyes of a Mediaevalist
Thomas Honegger
. (read abstract)
Thoughts on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and History
Paul E. Kerry
. (read abstract)
The Knife, the Sting and the Tooth:
Manifestations of Shadow in The Lord of the Rings
Natasa Tucev
. (read abstract)
Mythic Space in Tolkien's Work
(The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and The
Jean-Christophe Dufau
. (read abstract)
Language, Lore and Learning in The Lord of the Rings
Dirk Vanderbeke
. (read abstract)
The Lord of the Rings in the Wake of the Great War:
War, Poetry, Modernism, and Ironic Myth
Martin Simonson
. (read abstract)
'A Man, lean, dark, tall':
Aragorn Seen Through Different Media
Connie Veugen
. (read abstract)
209 pages , Walking Tree Publishers 2005, Cormarë No 8, Editor: Thomas Honegger, ISBN 3-905703-00-9
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Recovery and Transcendence for the Contemporary Mythmaker: The Spiritual Dimension in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
Recovery and Transcendence for the Contemporary Mythmaker: The Spiritual Dimension in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien:
Christopher Garbowski. (read abstract)
pages , Walking Tree Publishers 2004, Cormarë No 7, ISBN 3-9521424-8-4
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Translating Tolkien: Text and Film
The Westron Turned into Modern English: The Translator and Tolkien’s Web of Languages. Thomas Honegger (read abstract)
“The New One Wants to Assimilate the Alien.” Different Interpretations of a Source Text as a
Reason for Controversy: The ‘Old’ and the ‘New’
German Translation of The Lord of the Rings. Rainer Nagel (read abstract)
The Israeli Translation Controversy - What About and Where To? Danny Orbach (with contributions by Yuval Kfir and Yuval Welis)(read abstract)
Estne Tolkien Latine Reddendus? A Light-Hearted Look at Some of the Challenges.
Richard Sturch (read abstract)
Dutch Samizdat: The Mensink – van Warmelo Translation of The Lord of the Rings . Mark T. Hooker (read abstract)
The Treatment of Proper Names in the German Edition(s) of The Lord of the Rings as an
Example of Norms in Translation Practice. Rainer Nagel (read abstract)
Tolkien in Swedish Translation: from Hompen to Ringarnas herre. Anders Stentström (read abstract)
Tolkien, Our Judge of Peter Jackson. Vincent Ferré (read abstract)
Humiliated Heroes: Peter Jackson’s Interpretation of The Lord of the Rings. Anthony S. Burdge & Jessica Burke. (read abstract)
The Adaptation of The Lord of the Rings A Critical Comment. Øystein Høgset (read abstract)
The Professor and the Director and Good vs. Evil in Middle-earth. James Dunning< (read abstract)
The Soundtrack Lyrics of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings – A Legitimate ‘Translation’ of Tolkien?
Alexandra Velten (read abstract)
243 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2004, Cormarë Series No. 6, ISBN: 3-9521424-9-2.
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Tolkien Through Russian Eyes. Mark Hooker
? pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2003, Cormarë Series No. 5, ISBN: 3-9521424-7-6.
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Tolkien in Translation
A Question of Style: On Translating The Silmarillion into Norwegian. Nils Ivar Agøy. (read abstract)
Begging your pardon, Con el perdón de usted: Some Socio-Linguistic Features in The Lord of the Rings in English and Spanish. Sandra Bayona. (read abstract)
Traduire Tolkien en français: On the Translation of J.R.R. Tolkien's Works into French and their Reception in France. Vincent Ferré, Daniel Lauzon, David Riggs. (read abstract)
Nine Russian Translations of The Lord of the Rings. Mark T. Hooker. (read abstract)
The Treatment of Names in Esperanto Translations of Tolkien's Works. Arden R. Smith. (read abstract)
A Theoretical Model for Tolkien Translation Criticism. Allan Turner. (read abstract)
152 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2003, Cormarë Series No. 4, ISBN: 3-9521424-6-8.
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Four Christian Fantasists: A Study of the Fantastic Writings of George MacDonald, Charles Williams, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Richard Sturch
132 pages, Walking Tree Publishers 2001, Cormarë Series No. 3, ISBN: 3-9521424-2-3.
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Root and Branch - Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien
The Monster, the Critics, and the Public : Literary Criticism after the Poll. Thomas Honegger.
The Man in the Moon : Structural Depth in Tolkien. Thomas Honegger. (read abstract)
Tolkien and his Critics : A Critique. Patrick Curry. (read abstract)
Re-enchanting Nature : Some Magic Links between Margaret Atwood and J.R.R. Tolkien. Christina Ljungberg Stuecklin. (read abstract)
Love Song of the Dark Lord : Some Musings on the Reception of Tolkien in an Indian Context. Andreas Bigger. (read abstract)
179 pages,12 illustrations, Walking Tree Publishers 1999, Cormarë Series No. 2, ISBN: 3-9521424-1-7.
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News from the Shire and Beyond - Studies on Tolkien
Tolkien Studies : News from the Shire and Beyond Indeed. Peter Buchs and Thomas Honegger.
The Speech of the Individual and of the Community in The Lord of the Rings. Nils-Lennart Johanneson. (read abstract)
From Bag End to Lorien : the Creation of a Literary World.Thomas Honegger. (read abstract)
Middle Earth : The Collectible Card Game - Powerplay in the World of Tolkien. Patrick Näf. (read abstract)
Middle-earth : the Wizards - the Representation of Tolkien's World in Game. Peter Buchs. (read abstract)
?? pages, 2 illustrations and 6 maps, Walking Tree Publishers 1997, Cormarë Series No. 1, ISBN: 3-9521424-0-9.
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visitors since 07.06.00 last updated 23.10.06