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news for year 2004

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21.12.2004: Glattal progress

Construction of the first phase of Stadtbahn Glattal is making visible progress. Pedestrian underpasses are being cut into the railway embankment at Hallenstadion (the widening of the roadway will consume the existing pavements). The girders were delivered by rail and moved into position by heavy cranes. The work is requiring some late evening closures of the Oerlikon to Wallisellen railway.

A second round of tree felling on Thurgauerstrasse has begun. In total 70 trees will be felled but these will be replaced by 130 new ones. Thurgauerstrasse is being reduced from four to two traffic lanes for the duration of construction and police are advising drivers to use public transport.

The buildings opposite Ambassador Hotel (these are standing on the alignment of the new tram) are currently being demolished. Construction of the Ambassador to Auzelg section will begin in earnest in January

There have been some clashes of opinion over the moving of services and how the costs should be shared. VBG believe the utilities should provide a larger part of the costs than these are willing to pay. The roadway is public property and utilities can use it free of charge on the understanding that they share risk and responsibility for changes - VBG interprets such changes to include the laying of tram tracks, but the utilities maintain the tramway is not part of the public roadway and that road building legislation does not apply. The matter is being dealt with by the courts. Legal action is not delaying construction because work is initially financed from the Stadtbahn Glattal fund and costs subsequently distributed.


See also 24.08.04 and 30.06.04.

20.12.2004: Sänfte eleven

Seen today on route 10: 2114 with new low floor centre section. Interestingly the overhaul date is January 05 (Rev 2.0 1.05).

Rebuilt to date are : 2100/2/4/7-9/13-4/6-8.

17.12.2004: Forchbahn

The last of the new Be4/6 cars is being delivered today (presumably 73). Withdrawn BDe4/4 and Bt4's still on the Forchbahn are 12/3/104/5/8. 108 is at Esslingen and has acquired some graffiti, the others are at Forch.


16.12.2004: Dolderbahn returns

Dolderbahn, the short rack railway climbing up to the Dolder Hotel and sports complex has reopened. The line was closed in August for refurbishment which included the replacement of all track. The two turnouts have been replaced by a sliding type as seen on some mountain railways.

14.12.2004: Cobra deliveries delayed

Following the Combino crisis, there has been a full investigation of the Cobra design to ensure the same errors were not made here (both designs are based on Alcan's Alugrip system). Following this, Bombardier have revealed that some problems may occur in the second half of the lives of these trams (which are expected to last 35 years). The design is to be strengthened accordingly.

6 Cobras (3001-6) were delivered in 2001, with the start of series delivery (3007-74) now expected in late 2005.

For info on the Combino crisis see: 13.03.2004 and 30.06.2004. All cities that bought them have since seen most if not all Combinos return to traffic. Their safety is assured by an interim repair package and regular checks. A more permanent repair program will begin next year.

Website comment: Readers are remined that the original Cobra design saw wrapped polmer thread being used for the body segments, and that this was dropped by ADtranz in 1998 because it was, apparently, not sufficiently strong. Let us hope that Bombardier gets it right this time!

13.12.2004: Stadtbahn Zug opens

The new rail timetable introduced on 12th December has brought about numerous changes, cutting journey times on many corridors and improving service frequencies. It also features the opening of the new light rail system in the Canton of Zug. The system, which cost 67 million CHF to implement is operated using Stadler-built FLIRT railcars sharing main-line tracks. Service and stop frequencies have been increased significantly as compared to the previous local train services.

Stadtbahn Zug

13.12.2004: Basel: Trolleybus route 33 closes

11th December marked the final day of operation of trolleybuses on this route in Basel, leaving the 31 as the only operational trolleybus route in the city.

Pro Trolleybus

13.12.2004: Cargotram services expand

The 2005 Cargotram schedule has been published. Besides continuing to pick up cumbersome waste items from the previous eight locations, the service will now also serve Irchel. ERZ A summary of the Cargotram success story is: April 2003: after an absence of ... (more)

07.12.2004: Tram museum fund tops half a million

500 000 CHF have been raised since the launch of the tram museum appeal earlier this year.


see also 01.04.2004.

29.11.2004: More low floor

Sänfte number ten is 2108. A further new Forchbahn car has also been delivered (probably 71).


18.11.2004: Sänfte number nine

2102 is the latest Tram 2000 low-floor rebuild.

15.11.2004: Special trams at Christmas

Tram Museum Zürich's end of year tour will be held on 28th November. The stars of this year's tour will be the three surviving Ce4/4 Elefant cars. The tour starts at 10:00 at Gessnerallee and costs 20 CHF. No ... (more)

12.11.2004: One year of news!

This newslog has now been online for one year. Thank you to all visitors who have contributed to the site's popularity, and also to those who have contacted with me with corrections or comments. Here's to another good year ... (more)

11.11.2004: Tram route 18's concession granted

Yesterday (10th November), the federal cabinet granted VBZ the concession to build and operate the tram route from Escher Wyss Platz to Bhf. Altstetten. Construction could begin in 2006 for completion in 2008. See also: 08.06.2004. More information on route ... (more)

11.11.2004: Z-Abo simplifies commuting

Whereas the zonal structure makes ticketing within the ZVV area straightforward, commuting from neighbouring cantons remains more complex - until now: From 12.12.04, Z-Abo, a system of monthly and annual passes will merge the zonal fares structures of these ... (more)

09.11.2004: Basel trolleybus referendum

Pro Trolleybus, the organisation campaigning to save Basel's trolleybuses has officially presented its initiative to the authorities. This is supported by 6666 signatures (4000 are required). A referendum must now be held over the future of the trolleybus system.

Pro Trolleybus

See also 16.09.2004.

08.11.2004: I'm back!

I'm just back from two weeks of vacation, and can't guarantee that I haven't missed any important happenings. The biggest change that I can see is that the building work on Bahnhofplatz has finally come to an end and ... (more)

18.10.2004: Forchbahn BDe4/4 farewell

The end of BDe4/4 and Bt4 operation on Forchbahn was marked in style by a VHF tour yesterday (17th October). On the first leg, the formation consisting of 105 + 13 + 104 + 12 brought visitors from Stadelhofen ... (more)

12.10.2004: 07 is number 8!

The eighth Sänfte (2107) was seen on a test run today.


08.10.2004: Aerial cable car Zoo

An aerial cable car is proposed to relieve the growing congestion around Zoo. Connecting to the S-Bahn at Stettbach, this could provide significant time-saving for passengers from the East. Cabins will hold 8 persons and be fully disabled accessible. ... (more)

07.10.2004: Sänfte number seven

The latest Tram 2000 low floor rebuild is 2104. 2100/4/9/13/6/8 are currently on on route 6 and 2117 on route 3.


04.10.2004: Forchbahn 70 is here

Now they're coming fast! The latest Forchbahn car was delivered on Friday (1st October). I am told this is number 70 and, just for the record, that it was shunted into the VBZ works by SBB Em3/3 18806 at ... (more)

04.10.2004: Forchbahn BDe4/4 farewell on 17th October

VHF are organizing a farewell event for the remaining Forchbahn BDe4/4's on 17th October. This includes a four car train from Forch (dep 09:30) to Stadelhofen, returning to Forch (dep 10:05), a vehicle line-up at Forch (about 11:00), guided ... (more)

30.09.2004: Miscellaneous news

The first of the new Stadler units for Trogenerbahn was delivered yesterday (29th September). These are based on the new Forchbahn design but have three sections and two cabs. See also 18.08.2004. A VBZ leaflet on the proposed tram route ... (more)

27.09.2004: Limmatquai without cars Ferrari grass

Yesterday (26th September) Zürich participated in the European festival of car-free cities. Zürich has particpated every year since 2000, but this year's activities marked a more permanent change - the banning of motor traffic from the central section of ... (more)

17.09.2004: and then there were six ...

Seen on route 6: 2100 with low floor centre section.

17.09.2004: Siemens loans Combinos to Freiburg

On 15th September, new Combino 281 was delivered to Freiburg im Breisgau. Four further vehicles will follow shortly. They are from a batch of nine which was put on hold due to concerns over the design. However, with the ... (more)

16.09.2004: Basel's trolleybus referendum initiative succesful!

Pro Trolleybus's initiative to halt trolleybus abandonment in Basel has cleared its first hurdle. The 4000 valid signatures required to enforce a referendum have been collected in less than two months, with further signatures still coming in. The initiative ... (more)

09.09.2004: Further Forchbahn cars leave Zürich

Forchbahn Bt 102 & 106 have left the VBZ workshop on standard gauge low loaders at 12:30 today - probably bound for Madagascar. See also 13.07.2004.


09.09.2004: Hardturm stadium and tram 18

Hardturm stadium will now definitely not host Euro 2008 soccer matches. What effect this will have on planned tram route 18 has not been stated in this context, but the change probably reduces the urgency of the 2008 deadline. ... (more)

07.09.2004: Forchbahn 62 returns

Forchbahn Be4/6 62 was delivered to the VBZ workshop in Altstetten by rail at 12.30 today. This vehicle was involved in an accident on 19th February - before it had even entered service - and had to be sent ... (more)

07.09.2004: Corrections to Basel news

A correspondent has pointed out some errors in news items concerning Basel on this page: 18.08.04: The fire service were called at 17:40, but it is claimed the fire had been detected earlier and damage could have been contained by ... (more)

01.09.2004: Operation of Bern trams in Basel has ended

A visit to Basel yesterday revealed that operation of ex-Bern trams has ceased. The wheel tyres are worn down to the safety limit. Three cars are stored at Eglisee and a fourth at Wiesenplatz.

See also news items for 19.08.04, 07.05.04, 06.05.04, 13.03.04.

24.08.2004: Dolderbahn closing for refurbishment

Dolderbahn, the cog railway from Römerhof to Grand Hotel Dolder will be closed for a total refurbishment between 30th August and 10th December. Replacement buses will operate during this period. Besides a total overhaul of track and signalling, the ... (more)

24.08.2004: Stadtbahn Glattal progress

The felling of trees on the alignment of the planned tram line along Thurgauerstrasse has begun. New trees will replace those removed. Wood from the felled plane trees will be used by the city to make benches.

20 Minuten

19.08.2004: Basel fire update

Further to yesterday's news on the fire that ravaged Wiesenplatz depot, it has been confirmed that the vehicles destroyed were 602 (Haifisch party tram), 708 (2-axle trailer), 1046 (Badwännli open top trailer) and 351 (Be 8/8, ex Bern 711). ... (more)

18.08.2004: Depot fire in Basel

At about 17:45 today a fire broke out in Wiesenplatz depot in Basel. The extent of the damage has not yet been finally confirmed, but it seems there were no injuries. The surrounding houses were evacuated. Many museum cars were ... (more)

18.08.2004: Forchbahn

Delivery of new units has now reached number 67. 62 has not yet returned from its accident repair (see 19.02.2004). There will now be a short break in deliveries as Stadler works on two similar (albeit three section) units ... (more)

18.08.2004: Low-floor on route 6, P16 on route 10 ...

Since the beginning of this week (16.08), 2113 has been joined on route 6 by the low floor 2000s previously deployed on route 10. In return, some P16 bogie cars have transferred to route 10 - where the type ... (more)

11.08.2004: Cargotram concept speads to Vienna

Follwing the lead of Dresden and Zürich, Wien is planning to join the league of tram systems transporting goods. Wiener Linien wish to have a cargo tram prototype available in 2005. Regular traffic could be carried before 2010. The ... (more)

09.08.2004: Stadtbahn Glattal in 2007

Trivia found on the internet today: The official opening of Stadtbahn Glattal is now set for 2007. End of trivia! At one time the date was late 2005 - but continuous quiet and minor shifts of the project start ... (more)

03.08.2004: 2109 is Sänfte number five!

Seen yesterday on route 10: 2109 with newly fitted low floor centre section.

03.08.2004: Basel Combinos are returning

12 Combinos are now back in service in Basel. All 28 should be in use by the end of the year. Starting in 2005, they will be sent to Siemens in Prague (formerly CKD Tatra) for modifications. (see also ... (more)

13.07.2004: Forchbahn to Antananarivo

Today's press made public the deal to transfer withdrawn Forchbahn units to Madagascar for use on suburban services in the capital, Antananarivo. The city's major, Patrick Ramiaramanana, officially accepted the gift on a visit to Zürich. For regular readers of ... (more)

05.07.2004: (very) Special trams at Züri-Fäscht

From 2nd to 4th July, Zürich celebrated Züri-Fäscht, a major festival recurring approximately every 3 years. The lakeside area was closed to traffic. Food, drink and entertainment venues attracted the crowds. This also led to the diversion of many ... (more)

01.07.2004: Forchbahn to Madagascar (and BVB)

Yesterday, Forchbahn Be4/4 16 and Bt 101 left Zürich by rail for Basel. From here they will be taken to Antwerp by barge for shipment to Madagascar. It is intended to use them on suburban services in Antanarivo for ... (more)

01.07.2004: 2117 is Sänfte number four!

2117 entered service on route 10 with a new low floor section yesterday (?). Low floor Tram 2000s in service are now 2113/6-8. 2113 is on route 6 and the others on route 10.


30.06.2004: Stadtbahn Glattal is coming!

The official ground breaking ceremony for the Hallenstadion to Auzelg tram line will be on 14th September. Some preparatory site-work will begin in July. This will involve the strengthening and stabilising of marshy ground alongside Katzenbach. Work will involve ... (more)

30.06.2004: Combino update

Yesteday in Bern, Siemens presented their latest Combino repair concept: Besides welded bodyshells (instead of the screw-based Alugrip system), the new/rebuilt Combinos will have a different articulation design allowing greater freedom of movement between the individual sections. The most ... (more)

29.06.2004: Rolling stock reshuffle

Currently it is planned to use the next low floor Tram 2000s to be delivered on route 10. Once sufficient cars are in service these will be transferred to route 6 with P16 sets being returned to route 10 in exchange.

VBZ staff

16.06.2004: Limmatquai for trams and pedestrians

The pedestrianisation of Limmatquai will take effect from 25/26th September of this year. This project had already been decided in a referendum in 1999, but execution was blocked by objections, primarily from the automobile lobby and their proxies. For ... (more)

16.06.2004: Can Basel's trolleybus survive?

BVB are pressing ahead with their plans to withdraw trolleybuses. Although financial problems have cast doubt on the intent to do so this year - leading to the cancellation of the sale of these vehicles to TPG (Geneva), BVB ... (more)

11.06.2004: Third low floor Tram 2000 in service

Seen today at Bucheggplatz heading for Oerlikon: 2116 with low floor centre section (or Sänfte). Like 2118, this tram is allocated to route 10 (judging be the route boards). The transparencies, however, displayed route 11 (presumably a depot working).

11.06.2004: Hardturm crisis: What will it mean for route 18?

The chances of the new Hardturm stadium being realised in time for the Euro 2008 soccer cup are dwindling. The stadium (which will have an integrated shopping mall) is being co-financed by Credit Suisse. As part of their conditions, ... (more)

08.06.2004: Tram Züri West: Route 18 is coming!

The realisation of route 18 has taken another step forwards: VBZ have applied to the transport ministry for a concession to build and operate this new tram line which will be built between Escher-Wyss-Platz and Bhf. Altstetten, serving Hardturm ... (more)

03.06.2004: off topic announcement

Today I successfully conducted the defence of my doctorate thesis at ETH Zürich. It is a great relief to have finished at last!

27.05.2004: Maltese food on the tram

Zürich's celebrity Chuchichäschtli restaurant tram with its open-topped 'garden' trailer will feature in public service in the coming weeks. In connection with the annual Caliente Latin music festival, Maltese cuisine will be served on board this tram. Operating times are ... (more)

17.05.2004: Storm clouds over Tram Bern West

In yesterday's referendum in the canton of Bern, the cantonal contribution to the Tram Bern West project was rejected by a very narrow majority of 50.4 percent. The city and federal contributions to this project had already been assured. In ... (more)

13.05.2004: Forchbahn update

New Stadler Forchbahn units now in service are 61/3-5 with 66 expected imminently. Accident damaged 62 is also expected back soon (see 19.02.2004). The first Bt to be withdrawn is 107 which has been moved to a scrapyard in ... (more)

13.05.2004: More trouble in Basel

It has been revealed that the Basel Combinos have been suffering far greater wear and tear on their wheelsets than previously admitted. In order to reduce vibrations, BVB have reprofiled their wheelsets every 70'000km instead of 100'000 to 120'000km ... (more)

12.05.2004: FIFA tram

Yesterday a new theme tram was presented: 2086 + 2418 celebrate the internation football association, FIFA, and mark the association's links to the city of Zürich. FIFA is celebrating its centenary this year: It was founded in Paris on ... (more)

07.05.2004: Update on Bern trams in Basel

The 5 trams to be loaned from Bern to Basel are not to be Standard Trams as previosly suggested on this page, but Be 8/8 cars from 1973. A first car will be sent to Basel on the night ... (more)

06.05.2004: First WinPro low floor 2000 in service

The first Tram 2000 with a low floor centre section from WinPro has entered service today (number 2118). Further deliveries will follow at a rate of one a month until all 22 are in service. The Zürich arms have been ... (more)

06.05.2004: Bern to help Basel?

Basel are negotiating the loan of 5 Standard Trams from Bern. These vehicles, which were previously earmarked for Iasi, should help relieve the tram shortage caused by the sudden Combino withdrawals. The shortage has already led to many interesting ... (more)

03.05.2004: ZVV to enlarge?

According to a report in NZZ, there are plans to replace ZVV (the Zürich area integrated transport system) by a new system covering a considerably large area. Today, ZVV is basically confined to the canton of Zürich wheras the ... (more)

21.04.2004: New Forchbahn units enter service

New Stadler-built FB units 61, 63 and 64 are now in service.

16.04.2004: Cargo tram is a success!

It is now one year since cargo tram was launched. Since then, 380 tonnes of refuse have been collected. The largest volume came from Seebach and the smallest from Tiefenbrunnen. The number of terminals was increased from four to ... (more)

08.04.2004: Trees and wires and old and new trams

Trees and wires: Recently gardeners were at work cutting back undergrowth and pruning trees around Burgwies depot. One tree fell onto the overhead causing damage which propagated itself to the street outside. To prevent one piece of wire that ... (more)

02.04.2004: Swansong of the Standard Tram?

The demise of the Standard Trams has often been prematurely announced. The latest such report appeared in Tram (Number 77, February 2004) and claims that the four remaining two-door trailers on route 4 have been withdrawn. Stock rendered surplus ... (more)

01.04.2004: Burgwies tram museum appeal launched

TMZ has now officially launched the appeal for Burgwies tram museum. A press conference is being held in Burgwies depot today (the date is unfortunate but the news is serious) . It is hoped 1.5 million Franks can be ... (more)

24.03.2004: Cobra deliveries to be stepped up?

VBZ are seeking to negotiate an increase in the Cobra delivery rate with Bombardier (currently one a month from mid 2005). A vehicle shortage is feared with the opening of route 18 (planned for 2008).


19.03.2004: Solaris trolleybus for Winterthur

WV has confirmed its order for 10 new trolleybuses. These will be supplied by the Polish manufacturer Solaris. The first unit will be delivered towards the end of this year.


18.03.2004: Cobras from Villeneuve

Following the Pratteln closure news (see 17.03.2004), Bombardier have announced that Cobra production will be switched to the former Vevey works at Villenueve. The Cobra contract specifies that these trams must be built in Switzerland. In the 1990ies, Vevey was ... (more)

17.03.2004: Bombardier troubles

Bombardier have announced that they are reducing their worldwide workforce by 6600 and closing 7 European works. These include Pratteln (584 jobs). Bombardier jusify the decision by over-capacity, and interestingly, that SBB have given large orders to Bombardier's competitors ... (more)

13.03.2004: Combino troubles

It may not affect Zürich directly, but it is nevertheless big news in the tram world. In an attempt to get to the bottom of Combino's troubles, Siemens shipped Freiburg 272 to Prague for structural tests. These tests proceeded ... (more)

11.03.2004: Trams for Winterthur

Winterthur, the second city of the canton of Zürich, may well be on it's way to reintroducing trams. A study into the potential of trams recommends construction of a 5.4km line from Bhf. Töss via Sulzer Areal, Hauptbahnhof, the ... (more)

03.03.2004: Announcing T&UT Zürich article

The author of this website has (at long last) submitted an article on Zürich's trams for publication in Tramways and Urban Transit, the magazine of the LRTA.

26.02.2004: VBZ to order new trolleybuses

VBZ seeks to acquire 35 to 40 new trolleybuses, and expects to pay around 1.2 million Franks per vehicle - double the cost of diesel buses. Ride quality, performace on hills and ecological arguments, however, moved VBZ to retain ... (more)

19.02.2004: Brand new Forchbahn 62 damaged

Yesterday the first 2 of the 13 new Forchbahn vehicles were inspected by ministry officials and passed for service. But they will now not enter service as soon as expected. The same afternoon the units were running in town ... (more)

17.02.2004: New driver seats

Following complaints from drivers, new driver seats will be fitted to much of the Tram 2000 fleet. The new electrically adjustable seats are similar to those of the Cobras. The Tram 2000 seats released will in turn replace those ... (more)

16.02.2004: Limmatquai

Plans to pedestrianise Limmatquai have faced fierce opposition despite approval in a referendum. The last objection has now been withdrawn and the pedestrianisation could take effect this autumn. The change affects the section between Rudolf Brun Brücke and Helmhaus, ... (more)

07.02.2004: Good news for public transport

The referenda of this weekend brought two good news items. The national AVANTI referendum was rejected by a large majority. This would have built many new roads including the second Gotthard tunnel. The city referendum on the new transport ... (more)

15.01.2004: Tram Züri West on the right track

The city council has made 4.7 million Franks available for the planning of tram route 18. Plans must be complete by the end of 2004 if the line is to open in time for the European football cup in 2008.

20 min

15.01.2004: Link to Stadtbahn Glattal takes step forwards

Yesterday, the federal government granted their 36 million Frank support for Bern's Tram West project. Money was also made available for a 450m extension in Zürich connecting Thurgauerstrasse to Schaffhauserstrasse. This line will provide a second connection between the ... (more)

13.01.2004: Rebuilding of Tram 2000

2099 - 2021 will receive the same cab modifications as have already been applied to 2102 and 2113. This basically consists of an additional window between the cab and the passenger compartment. The modification will improve passenger safety and ... (more)

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