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14.12.2005: Website update: Zürich, a city and its trams

historic view of BahnhofplatzThis website has got a Christmas treat for you!

Zürich, a city and its trams, an article by the author of this website has been made available online today. It was first published in Tramways and Urban Transit in April and May of this year. The article presents an overview of the Zürich tram system, presenting past, present and future of the network, rolling stock and other developments.

The online version of the article has 29 illustrations, all but one of which have not featured on this webiste before. Click here and enjoy!

See also:
Zürich in T&UT — part two (26.04.2005)
Read about Zürich in T&UT (07.04.2005)
articles list

12.12.2005: Timetable switch

Yesterday's timetable switch brings only minor changes to tram operations. The most notable being that route 10 is now worked exclusively by Sänftes (Low floor Tram 2000s). The additional vehicle capacity is permitting peak headways to be stretched from 5 to 6 minutes. According to VBZ, this still results in net route capacity improvements (*).


See also: Sänfte deliveries complete (02.12.2005)

* presumably measured in comparison to the solo Tram 2000s that worked this route from 1994 until the recent transfer of P16s from route 6 — themselves since displaced by ongoing Sänfte deliveries. Now the only route to see P16s in regular action is route 5.

02.12.2005: Sänfte deliveries complete

Seen yesterday evening at HB on route 10: 2120 with a low-floor centre section.

This concludes the Tram-2000 low-floor rebuilding programme. The scheme, designed to improve accesibility while at the same time increasing capacity involved adding centre sections to the Tram-2000 cars of the third batch (2099-121, delivered in 1991-2). A prototype centre-section was built by VBZ's own workshops using a high proportion of Tram 2000 parts from stock. This was fitted to 2113 and has been in service in this form since 25.10.2001. Experience with this led to the decison to order 22 identical units. The body sections were built by WinPro in the former SLM works in Winterthur and the bogies by Alstom in the former SIG works in Neuhausen. The first such rebuild (2118) entered service on 06.05.2004, with eleven being in service by the end of 2004 and the remaining twelve following in the course of this year.

In order of entry into service (with links to news items — yes, this website reported them all), the Sänftes are:

(year 2001):
(year 2004):
2118, 2116, 2117, 2109, 2100, 2104, 2107, 2102, 2108, 2114.
(year 2005):
2111, 2110, 2103, 2101, 2105, 2121, 2112, 2119, 2099, 2106, 2115, 2120.

Sänfte means sedan chair, presumably on account of the way the low floor section is carried between the two high floor sections.

02.12.2005: New S-Bahn train presented

The first of the new generation of S-Bahn units is being presented at Zürich HB today. Siemens is suppling 35 of these four-car double deck trains.

20 Minuten

01.12.2005: 30% more passengers on night lines

Passenger numbers on ZVV's night lines are up by 30% compared to 2004. The resulting improved cashflow is permitting services to be expanded further from the coming timetable change (11th December).

20 Minuten

See also: ZVV night services are profitable and popular! (11.03.2005)

30.11.2005: E-tram: Cargotram goes electronic

Cargotram Zürich From 23rd January, Zürich's popular Cargo-Tram will be supplemented by E-tram. E-tram will collect unwanted electrical and electronic appliances from the same nine pick-up points as Cargotram but on different days. Both Cargo-Tram and E-tram serve every point once a month.

Tagi and ERZ

Cargo-Tram was introduced in April 2003 to collect bulky domestic waste items from the neighbourhoods of Zürich. By creatively converting surplus tram vehicles, the innovation could be realised at low cost and in a short time. The tram stops for four hours on sidings at terminii, depot approaches and other tracks that do not see intensive use — during which time local residents leave their rubbish. The only track that had to be purpose-built was the siding into the Werdhölzli recycling centre. The service has proved very popular and the initial four destinations have been expanded to nine. Many other cities have shown interest in this project and may seek to emulate it.

See also:
2003 article describing Cargotram
newslog cargo index

29.11.2005: Zürich trolleybus numbering

The website, Obus 269, of Jürgen Lehmann explains that Zürich's new Hess / Kiepe trolleybuses will be numbered 144-59 (for the single articulated variety) and 160-76 (for the double-articulated). The numbering thus follows on from the second batch of ... (more)

28.11.2005: Cargotram for Amsterdam?

The popularity of the cargo tram is growing! The city of Amsterdam is looking into the possibility of using trams to deliver goods within the city. A study by the consortium City Cargo Nederland supports the viability of the ... (more)

28.11.2005: Narrow gauge by Bombardier?

An article in the December issue of Schweizer Eisenbahn Revue suggests that Bombardier is no longer content with abandoning the Swiss narrow gauge market to its competitor, Stadler, and will seek to return in this sector.

24.11.2005: Basel: Adios Combino (for a while)

The definite modification programme for Basel's Combino type trams has begun. Yesterday evening, the first of these left Basel for Siemens' Krefeld works where all European trams of this type will be treated. The modifications include strengthening of the ... (more)

24.11.2005: Industry lethargic on Basel tram order

BVB and BLT have expressed disappointment over the lack of interest in tendering for the next tram generation. Only two companies, Bombardier and Stadler, have returned offers. This is especially remarkable as 55 trams is a large order by ... (more)

17.11.2005: Last days for London's Routemaster

(This announcement may be slightly off-topic, but no apology is offerered other than that the Routemaster is one of the most high-profile and significant bus designs of history) The days of Routemasters on regular heavy-duty bus services are coming to ... (more)

15.11.2005: Fondue tram

Zürich's popular fondue restaurant tram is back! It runs on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 26th October to 25th February departing Bellevue at 17:45 and 20:30. In December and January it will additionally run on Mondays.


See also events calendar.

14.11.2005: Two years of news

On 12th November this newslog completed its second year. I would like to thank all those who have visited regularly and who have contributed to the (slowly) growing visitor numbers(*). The number of websites linking to this page has also ... (more)

10.11.2005: Antananarivo tram in need of money

The project to operate a tram service in Antananarivo (Madagascar) is in urgent need of money. Four ex-Forchbahn units are already in Madagascar, but the remaining material needed to repair and operate the line is still in Antwerp (including ... (more)

08.11.2005: Zürich leads in public transport usage

A recently published study reveals that 62 percent of commuters into the city of Zürich use public transport. This figure is higher than in any other Swiss city (Bern: 56%, Basel: 54%). In the broader Zürich area, the figure ... (more)

08.11.2005: Glattal progress

A visit to the Stadtbahn Glattal building site last week revealed that a continuous stretch of track is now in position between Hallenstadion and the Hagenholzstr. junction (Airgate). The track is not yet connected at Hallenstadion. In the coming ... (more)

01.11.2005: TMZ end of year tour on Forchbahn

TMZ's end of year photo tour will take place on 27th November. The tour will use historic Forchbahn unit 4 and trailer 11. These will depart Stadelhofen at 09:30 and head for Burgwies depot. The work on the transformation ... (more)

31.10.2005: 2115 is Sänfte number 22

Seen today on route 10: 2115 with new low floor section (overhaul R2 10.05) and the ubiquitous roof boards "Ich bin die 22. Sänfte – Achtung keine Stufe – Umsteigen lohnt sich".

See also:
2106 is Sänfte number 21 (28.09.2005)

25.10.2005: Chocolate tram

To celebrate the centenary of the Honold confenctionery, a "chocolate tram" started running yesterday. Hot chocolate and cake are served on the tram for 100 cents. The tram, one of the historic Elefants, runs on the city loop (Bellevue ... (more)

24.10.2005: Double-articulated trolleybus update

An article in VBZ's staff magazine, Regenbogen, presents interesting background information on the acquisition of double articulated trolleybuses (Megatrolleybus) by Zürich. Trolleybus route 31 is already loaded to capacity for much of the day. New urban regeneration projects will bring ... (more)

12.10.2005: Tram returns to Locarno (but only for a day)

Visitors to the town of Locarno may be familiar with the disused tram tracks crossing the Piazza Grande. However, they hardly expect a real tram to actually turn up! To add to the period atmosphere of a historic style market ... (more)

06.10.2005: Forchbahn in Madagascar – and other news

The current edition of Prellbock magazine (5/05) has an article on the progress of the ex-Forchbahn units in Madagascar. The new service on which these sets will be used is called TUT (Train Urbain de Tana). The alignment, which ... (more)

29.09.2005: Aerial cable car Stettbach – Zoo delayed

Delays in the approval process and problems with financing mean the opening of the planned aerial cable car link from Stettbach to Zoo must be postponed from 2009 to 2015 (or beyond).

Tagi and 20 Minuten

See also:
Aerial cable car Zoo - Stettbach (08.10.2004)

29.09.2005: Basel's public transport strategy

The canton of Basel-Stadt has published a white paper on its public transport strategy for the coming years. The report includes a commitment towards the following goals: Tram extensions: — route 3 from Burgfelden Grenze to St. Louis Gare. This extension ... (more)

29.09.2005: Stadtbahn Glattal in Wallisellen

Previous plans for Stadtbahn Glattal saw 97% of track on reserved right of way. Besides intersections, the only mixed running was in Schwarzackerstr in Wallisellen (phase 3). Following objections, it has been decided the Stadtbahn will not use this ... (more)

28.09.2005: 2106 is Sänfte number 21

The 21st Tram 2000 low floor rebuild, 2106, is now in service on route 6. Rebuilt to date are 2099-114/6-9/21, leaving only 2115 and 2120 to be modified.


See also:
2099 is Sänfte number 20 (01.09.2005)
Sänfte nineteen (04.08.2005)
2112 is Sänfte number 18 (02.07.2005)

20.09.2005: "In town without my car" and my mail by tram

Zürich is again participating in the Europe-wide event "In town without my car". On Sunday 25th September, much of the city centre will be car-free and various events offered. Museum trams will be operated by both APS and TMZ ... (more)

20.09.2005: Cargo tram in Den Haag?

The list of cities operating, or taking interest in goods trams has been joined by The Hague. The Dutch Rail Magazine (September 2005, quoting source: reports that a concept is being evaluated to supply city centre shops. Such ... (more)

20.09.2005: Basel: Wiesenplatz depot to be rebuilt

Follwing evaluations of various alternative sites for a new depot, the city of Basel has decided to retain Wiesenplatz depot, which was badly damaged by fire last year. The depot will be totally redesigned to meet the requirements of ... (more)

15.09.2005: Steam tram for Saas Fee?

The mountain resort of Saas Fee is considering introducing a steam tram. The village may be car-free, but is nevertheless facing traffic problems on account of the large number of electric vehicles on its streets. A service with electric ... (more)

09.09.2005: Burgwies museum: work begins

Following the granting of permission by the council and the expiry of the objection period, construction work at Burgwies began on 23rd August. This former tram depot is to be rebuilt as a tram museum and a Migros supermarket. A ... (more)

08.09.2005: News from Stadtbahn Glattal

A news release from VBG explains the tram stop shelter at Hallenstadion (see 30.08.2005) is the prototype of the design that will be used across the entire Glattalbahn system. It has been installed for evaluation and presentation purposes and ... (more)

01.09.2005: 2099 is Sänfte number 20

The twentieth Tram 2000 low floor rebuild has entered service on route 6.


See also:
Sänfte nineteen (04.08.2005)
2112 is Sänfte number 18 (02.07.2005)

01.09.2005: Museum trams on Museum Night

This year, Zürich's annual Museum Night is on 3rd September. Almost 40 museums are participating and opening their doors to the public for the night. The Tram Museum is taking part and will be operating museum trams on the ... (more)

30.08.2005: Glattal construction progress

Rapid visible progress is being made on the construction of Stadtbahn Glattal. A visit to the Hallenstadion area yesterday revealed that rails have been installed alongside this building. The connecting points to the city tram system have also been ... (more)

30.08.2005: Stadtbahn Liechtenstein

Groups opposed to new road building projects in Liechtenstein are, as an alternative, promoting a Stadtbahn. Liechtenstein's booming economy and high salaries are attracting more and more commuters from neighbouring regions in Austria and Switzerland. The Stadtbahn concept originally ... (more)

22.08.2005: Rolling stock roundup

Just arrived back from a trip to Brussels, Gent and the Isle of Man so apologies if I've missed any important news! The trip was wonderful, as were the trams and the weather. On this Belgian site:, there are ... (more)

05.08.2005: Works tram event on 21st August

On Sunday 21st August, various works trams will be on display at Wartau. Others will be running between Hauptbahnhof and Wartau (so photographers, don't miss the opportunity!). The presence of Cargotram is also announced. The museum will be open ... (more)

04.08.2005: Sänfte nineteen

Spotted today at Bhf. Oerlikon on route 10: 2119 as 19th low-floor tram 2000 rebuild (overhaul date is R2.0 8.05).

See also:
2112 is Sänfte number 18 (02.07.2005)

02.08.2005: Thomas Portmann passes away

It is with great regret that we have learnt of the passing away of VBZ director Thomas Portmann (49) yesterday.


02.08.2005: More Forchbahn units leave Switzerland

On 21st July, the Belgian ship "Love Story" left Basel loaded with eleven Swiss narrow gauge vehicles for Madagascar: Trogenerbahn BDe 4/4 6, two ex Furka-Oberalp Z4 postal vans, Forchbahn BDe 4/4 11-14, Bt 4 102/5 and two further ... (more)

28.07.2005: Progress on Tram Zürich West

63 objections have been registered concerning Tram Zürich West (the proposed new tram line from Escher-Wyss-Platz to Bhf. Altstetten). 39 of these are connected to land acquisition, the others to car parking, environmental and connected issues (running under the ... (more)

28.07.2005: Video surveillance by tram?

Following positive experiences with video surveillance cameras on night buses, VBZ is considering the introduction of such a system to six tram and eight urban bus routes. It is not known which routes are concerned.

20 Minuten

28.07.2005: Winterthur trolleybus tour

With the arrival of the Winterthur's new Solaris Trollinos (delivery to be completed by the end of this year), Saurer 122-131 (introduced 1982-3) will be withdrawn. Trolleybusverein Schweiz is organising a tour with a member of this class on ... (more)

21.07.2005: 33 new trolleybuses

Good news for the trolleybus! On 15th July, VBZ announced that it is acquiring 33 new trolleybuses. Of these, 16 will be single articulated and 17 double articulated. The new trolleybuses will replace the first generation of Mercedes Benz / ... (more)

15.07.2005: Tram accident!

At 09:21 yesterday, an Oerlikon-bound tram on route 11 ran into the back of a stationary route 14 tram at Kronenstrasse stop. 24 people were injured, three of whom had to be taken to hospital. This is one of ... (more)

11.07.2005: Forchbahn models available

Models of the different Forchbahn BDe 4/4 variants and B4 trailers (including ex OEG and Lausanne vehicles) are now available from Malu Tram. The models are presented on this page and can be purchased from VHF.

02.07.2005: 2112 is Sänfte number 18

Seen today on route 10: 2112 with new low floor centre section. Rebuilt to date are 2100-5/7-14/6-8/21, leaving only 2099/106/15/9-20 to be modified. See also 08.06.2005, 13.05.2005 and 12.04.2005.

30.06.2005: New trams for Basel

BVB and BLT are jointly inviting tenders for 55 new trams. These will be 45m long, 2.3m wide, at least 60% low floor and able to transport 270 passengers. Tenders must be entered by 30th September. To prevent a ... (more)

22.06.2005: Stadtbahn Glattal: first tracks laid

The first track of Stadtbahn Glattal (Glattalbahn) was laid last night. In a posession lasting from 21.15 to 06.30, a turnout that will connect the new line to the existing system was installed at Messe/Hallenstadion. Further work will be ... (more)

22.06.2005: Zürich tram in San Francisco pictures

Pictures of the inauguration of "Zürich 737" (ex-Bruxelles 7037) available on this site: San Francisco Zürich Initiative.

SFZH Initiative.

See also 14.06.05, 03.06.2005 and 23.05.2005.

21.06.2005: Cargotram: Werdhölzli siding

A recent visit to Werdhölzli tram terminus confirms that a cargotram siding has been built and is now operational. The siding attaches to the turning loop by means of a trailing turnout — the tram reverses in from the ... (more)

14.06.2005: Zürich/Bruxelles streetcar in San Francisco update

The Zurich tram which will run on San Francisco's Market Street Railway is ex-Brussels PCC 7037. This vehicle was built by La Brugeoise in 1952 and acquired by San Francisco (Muni) in 2004. It is being repainted in blue ... (more)

08.06.2005: 2121 is Sänfte number 17

Seen yesterday on route 10 at HB. See also 13.05.2005 and 12.04.2005.

06.06.2005: 111:0 for Tram Museum

On 1st June, the city council gave its final approval for the creation of a tram museum in Burgwies depot - by 111 votes to zero.

Tram Museum Zürich

See also 13.03.2005 and 01.04.2004

03.06.2005: Zürich tram in San Francisco update

The mystery surrounding the Zürich streetcar in San Francisco is solved. An ex-Brussels tram has been repainted in VBZ colours and will operate on San Fransisco's heritage F line (Castro — Fisherman’s Wharf). A display inside the tram will ... (more)

27.05.2005: S–Bahn Zürich: 15 years

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the inauguration of the S-Bahn in Zürich. Average daily passenger figures have risen from 159,288 at the time of the opening to 311,000 today.

20 minuten

25.05.2005: Caliente tram

In connection with this year's Caliente festival, Zürich's restaurant tram (1802) is running in public service from 25th May to 18th June. The restaurant is open Wednesdays to Saturdays during this period from 11:30 to 12:30, 13:00 to 14:00, ... (more)

25.05.2005: Güterbim — Vienna tests its cargo tram

Following the lead of Dresden and Zürich, Wien may soon be moving goods by tram. In contrast to these earlier examples, this service will not be focussed on a single product but must attract a broader range of cargoes. ... (more)

24.05.2005: A bearable Summer in Zürich

Since Sunday (22nd May), hundreds of teddy-bears add life and colour to the streets of Zürich. Numerous artists were involved in decorating and painting these figures — each one is individual. They will remain on the streets until 18th ... (more)

23.05.2005: Zürich tram in San Francisco?

San Francisco's Market Street Railway is a tourist attraction, operating a collection of heritage streetcars from across the world in regular service. The idea of adding a Zürich tram to this fleet is not new — especially in view ... (more)

23.05.2005: Zürich tram events diary 2005

Date Event Organiser 25 May to 18 June 2005 Caliente restaurant tram (see 25.05) Caliente 29 May 2005 APS museum tram operation HB - Zoo APS TMZ museum tram operation HB - Wartau (Teddy bear day) TMZ 5 June 2005 APS museum tram operation HB - Zoo APS 12 June 2005 APS museum tram ... (more)

13.05.2005: 2105 is Sänfte number 16

2105 is now in service on route 10 with a low floor centre-section.


See also 12.04.2005.
Possibly this tram was already in service on 7th May: I saw a Sänfte whose number contained a five, but couldn't confirm.

10.05.2005: Fighting for Basel's trolleybus

On 12th December last, Basel's trolleybus route 33 went over to diesel bus operation, leaving the 31 as last operating trolleybus route. Pro Trolleybus, the organisation fighting against BVB's abandonment plans, was quick to point out a legal hitch: ... (more)

04.05.2005: Cargotram vehicles

The May edition of Schweizer Eisenbahn Revue (SER) reports on the new Cargotram trailer. This bogie vehicle is fitted with a crusher to be able to handle more refuse (it has frequently occured that Cargotram was unable to carry ... (more)

26.04.2005: Zürich in T&UT — part two

The May edition of Tramways and Urban Transit (No 809, pp180-184) features the second (and final part) of the Zürich article by the author of this website. The contribution entitled "Zürich: The Cobra rules, all above ground", traces the ... (more)

26.04.2005: Sänfte in m.u. operation

According to BahnCH, Be 4/8 2111 and Be 4/6 2029 were seen at Laubiweg yesterday on a test run as a coupled pair. This would be the first report of low-floor Tram 2000s being run in this manner. A Be ... (more)

19.04.2005: A peek inside the WINPRO works

Yesterday, Aktion Pro Sächsitram visited the WINPRO works in Winterthur (formerly SLM). A report with photographs is published on their website. Views of Sänfte (low-floor sections for Tram-2000) under construction must be a highlight for tram fans. WINPRO's main ... (more)

12.04.2005: 15th Sänfte

It is reported on BahnCH that the 15th Sänfte (number 2101) is now in traffic. Rebuilt to date are 2100-4/7-11/3-4/6-8, leaving 2099/105-6/12/5/9-21 to be modified.

See also: 09.03.2005.

12.04.2005: Safer Mirages

Following an incident on 29th December when Mirage tram 1696 lost a ceiling-mounted spring leading to the injury of a passenger, all trams of this type have been inspected. No similar damage has been identified on any other unit, ... (more)

07.04.2005: Read about Zürich in T&UT

The current edition of Tramways and Urban Transit (No 808, April 2005, pp130-134) features the first part of an article on Zürich and its trams by the author of this website. The article is entitled "Zürich: Top city — ... (more)

06.04.2005: Future depot and tram route changes

The city has purchased a plot of land on Aargauerstrasse directly adjoining SBB's Herdern stabling area and on the route of the planned Escher-Wyss-Platz to Bhf. Altstetten extension. It will initially be used as a yard for the road ... (more)

23.03.2005: Basel: Combino latest

It is now more than a year since Siemens ordered the worldwide immediate withdrawal of all Combinos with more than 120'000km on the clock — following the discovery of cracks threatening the vehicles' structural integrity in case of an ... (more)

21.03.2005: News roundup, slightly off-topic

On 14th March, the cantonal parliament agreed to subsidise ZVV (Zürcher Verkehrsverbund - the body responsible for all public transport in the canton) with 650.5 million Franks for 2005 (320.5) and 2006 (330). The 2004 deficit was 303.5 million. ... (more)

14.03.2005: Stadtbahn Glattal: green light for second phase

Good news for the North! The cantonal government has given the green light for phase two of Stadtbahn Glattal. Construction will start in the Summer of 2006, following on seamlessly from phase one, and be complete in late 2008. ... (more)

13.03.2005: Burgwies Tram Museum

On 9th February, the city executive council approved the project to create a tram museum in Burgwies depot. Pending approval by the full council, work will begin in early Summer for an opening in 2007 - coinciding with the ... (more)

13.03.2005: Museum trams in Spring

On 28th March, the annual Osterhasenfahrt (Easter bunny tour) will converge on Burgwies depot. Museum trams leave Usteristr. at 09:45, 10:15, 11:15 and 12:15 for this depot. Forchbahn BDe 4/4 10 leaves Esslingen at 10:00 (Egg: 10:05, Forch 10:13) ... (more)

11.03.2005: ZVV night services are profitable and popular!

The night services offered by ZVV continue to grow in popularity. In 2002, the night lines (some still privately operated) carried on average 1500 people on a Saturday night. In 2003, when ZVV re-organised the services and added night ... (more)

09.03.2005: Sänfe 14

Seen yesterday on route 6 at Bhf. Enge (and travelled on): brand new low-floor centre section on 2103 — complete with roofboard "Ich bin die 14te Sänfte". With 11 units rebuilt in eight months in 2004, delivery appears to ... (more)

01.03.2005: Read about Zürich in T&UT!

An article on Zürich's trams — by the author of this website — is set to appear in the upcoming (April 2005) edition of Tramways & Urban Transit. The preview column of the present edition announces "Run it with flowers", ... (more)

25.02.2005: A good year for VBZ

Last year, VBZ moved their all time best figure of 289 million passengers - up 7 million on 2003. The growth is principally due to more commuters using the S-Bahn, and then continuing their journey by VBZ. Tram 14 ... (more)

25.02.2005: News roundup

The latest edition of Tram magazine (81/03-05.2005) reports (among many many other things) that a new Cargotram trailer has been added to the fleet. This is converted from a former passenger trailer (This website assumes that no. 1990 is ... (more)

18.02.2005: Changes planned in Oerlikon

In 2006, SBB will replace the railway bridges crossing Schaffhauserstrasse at Bhf. Oerlikon (these cross the tracks of tram 14). Zürich would like to use this opportunity to widen the underpass from 17 metres to 40 to be able ... (more)

18.02.2005: New trolleybus in Winterthur

According to a report on the Trolleybus Yahoogroup, the first Solaris trolleybus for Winterthur (171) will leave Ostrava for WV on 23rd February.

16.02.2005: Winterthur's new trolleybus is coming!

The first of Winterthur's ten new Solaris trolleybuses is currently being tested in the Czech city of Ostrava. (dated 12th February) and sourced from the Polish site For a picture see

See also 19.03.2004.

15.02.2005: Track layout at Bhf. Enge to expand

A major tram track renewal and remodelling programme is starting at Bahnhof Enge. The work will stretch over almost two years. It includes the laying of a connecting spur allowing direct workings between Wollishofen and Albisgüetli. Besides being useful ... (more)

15.02.2005: News roundup

The 1/05 edition of the quarterly Prellbock magazine has several items on Züich. There is a report on the renovation and reopening of Dolderbahn and also on the withdrawal of Forchbahn BDe4/4 and Bt4 cars, their farewell tour and ... (more)

09.02.2005: New Sänfte!

Seen this morning at Bhf. Oerlikon on the 10: 2110 with new low floor centre section and roof board proudly proclaiming 'Ich bin die 13te Sänfte'.

Sänfte trams now in service are 2100/2/4/7-11/13-4/6-8. Remaining to be rebuilt are 2099/101/3/5-6/12/5/9-21.

03.02.2005: Forchbahn in Valais?

According to reports on BahnCH, a Forchbahn Bt (driving trailer) left Zürich by railway low-loader yesterday; hauled in style by an Ae6/6. It appears the new owner is BVB (Bex). Originally BVB wanted to acquire three such units. Subsequent reports ... (more)

21.01.2005: Forchbahn makes progress in Madagascar

The first four Forchbahn vehicles have arrived in Madagascar. Negotiations are under way with MAN Diesel over the provison of diesel generators. source: Background: As regular readers of this page will know, a suburban passenger service is to be introduced ... (more)

20.01.2005: Tram Museum web archive back online

Found today on the web: The old TMZ searchable web archive has returned! It can now be found on


See also 01.04.2004.

13.01.2005: First tram reaches Zürich West!

An information booth opens today to inform residents about the projected 3km tram route from Escher Wyss Platz to Bahnhof Altstetten (sometimes also referred to as Tram 18). The stand is located outside Schiffbau, not far from where the ... (more)

13.01.2005: First tram reaches Mulhouse!

Not really Zürich at all, but a tram and in Zürich's broader region! The first of Mulhouse's new yellow trams has arrived and will be presented to the public on 15th and 16th January from 10:00 to 17:00 at ... (more)

13.01.2005: Two further Forchbahn cars leave Zürich

According to observations on BahnCH, another two Forchbahn cars have left Zürich by rail. They are headed for Basel and ultimately Madagascar. It seems that the acquistion of trailers by BVB (Bex) is not going ahead.


See also: 17.12.2004, 18.10.2004 and 13.07.2004.

07.01.2005: Mirage loses spring

There has been some discussion on the BahnCH Yahoogroup and on TramForumBasel concerning an incident on 29th December when a spring broke loose from the roof of a Mirage tram on route 7 and caused parts of the ceiling ... (more)

03.01.2005: Halfway there!

Seen today on route 10: 2111 with low floor centre section (Sänfte). Being the 12th rebuild to enter service (or the 11th WinPro-built Sänfte), this marks the halfway point of the rebuild programme (all 23 units of the 2099-2121 batch ... (more)

02.01.2005: 2004 news

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all readers!

All 2004 news items (85 in total) have been moved to:

<news for 2006 | news for 2004>