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20.12.2006: Trams for Vorarlberg

An independent study by the construction businessman, Hubert Rhomberg, has come out in favour of the bringing back trams to the Vorarlberg region. The idea was first suggested by the local Green Party but not investigated further. Rhomberg's plans see a ring line Bregenz - Lauterach - Schwarzach - Dornbirn - Lustenau - Höchst - Fußach - Hard - Bregenz. The project could be realised in phases.

There was a tram connecting Dornbirn and Lustenau from 1902 to 1938.

Vorarlberg is the Austrian province directly bordering Switzerland at Sankt Gallen.

Strassenbahn Rheintal

See also Stadtbahn Liechtenstein (30.08.2005)

11.12.2006: Glattalbahn opens

Glattalbahn opening Glattalbahn (Stadtbahn Glattal) is now open. My girlfriend and I braved the early morning cold of Sunday 10th December to catch the first tram from town to Auzelg (and we were not alone). With the official opening ceremony having taken place last week (and a major public event planned for the early summer), there was nothing ceremonious about 2044+2029's first run.

Pictures of the opening and the Stadtbahn at work can be found here.

11.12.2006: Karpfen: the final curtain

Kirche Fluntern Karpfen Friday, 8th December, was probably the last day for regular passenger workings of the P16 or Karpfen type (Be4/4 1416-1430 and B4 771-786). At around 16:30, route 5 was worked as follows: 1423+780, 2051+2425, 1424+779, 1428+783, 2049+2417, 2057+2402. So ended 47 years of loyal service.

Pictures of their final hours followed by various other impressions can be found here.

Search news archive for P16

07.12.2006: News roundup

P16 tram at BuerkliplatzWith the timetable switch approaching — bringing both the opening of the first phase of Glattalbahn and the disappearance of the P16 type from Zürich, I have uploaded a series of photographs taken over the last few days. Some of these scenes will very soon be history, others are just impressions of a tram network going about its daily (and nightly) business.

Tomorrow (Friday 8th) is the last day that any P16 trams are likely to be running. The timetable switch is on Sunday, but weekend operation of this type has practically ceased. Besides their duties on route 5, one set is a spare for route 10. This has seen service several times in recent days.

In the meantime, the enthusiast press has some interesting news...

Zurich BellevueThe latest edition of Tram magazine (No. 88/12.2006-02.2007) is now available. Concerning rolling stock, this reports that P16 type trams 1426+786/1427+782 and 1430+785 were withdrawn on 24th October and parked at Altstetten workshops. Their duties on route 5 have been taken over by Tram 2000 + Pony formations.

The following Mirage type trams are reported as withdrawn: 1705/26 (June), 1711 (July) and 1661/1703 (August). Accident damaged 1670/97 are likely to be scrapped, with the other withdrawn units of this type likely to head to Vinnitsa (most of the stored units are cabless units, which will not be of much use on their own — this is in accordance with VBZ policy to withdraw these first and retain the more flexibly deployable cab-equipped units, but this might be in conflict with the interests of Vinnitsa, so watch this space for news). 1668 and 1674 received minor overhauls in August.

Cobra tram KantonsschuleOn the subject of Cobra type trams, it is reported that 3010/1 were delivered in July and 3012/3 in August (deliveries have since reached 3018 — seen in the workshops at Altstetten on 2nd December). More surprisingly, it is reported that 3006 is now withdrawn. It is currently being dismantled in the main workshops. The bodyshell to be used for a Tram Züri West information stand. It had previously been reported that, following the identification of structural weaknesses, the six prototypes (3001-6) would be modified in 2007/8 to conform to the production units. It is not clear whether 3006 will replace 768 as infotram, or a different purpose is intended.

ZW AltstettenThe magazine also reports on the uncertain future of Kurbeli 1408. Besides the works cars, and 1392 (which is preserved in original condition) this is the only unit of this type to remain in Zürich. Aktion Pro Sächsitram has expressed interest in restoring it to its latter service condition, but is unable to raise the 400,000 Franks this would require. With stabling space in Zürich becoming scarcer, a solution must be found if this vehicle is to be saved. Storage outside the city is being considered, but a suitable location has yet to be identified.

Otherwise, the highlights of the magazine include an article on the renaissance of Geneva's tram system and a speculative article predicting a trolley-bus revival.

07.12.2006: Halberstadt

Leoliner Away from Zürich, and on a more personal note: A tramway article by myself is to be published in the upcoming (January 2007) edition of Tramways & Urban Transit, the distribution of which should begin in the next couple of days. The subject is the tramway of the small German town of Halberstadt, where I spent some days in September and October.

For further Halberstadt pictures, check this website's Halberstadt picture gallery. Previously published tramway aticles by myself can be found on the articles page. The current article will (as usual) not be immediately added, so as not to compete with the magazine. For more information on Tramways & Urban Transit, check the LRTA website.

04.12.2006: Glattalbahn opening — and green light for third phase

Last Friday (1st December) saw the official opening ceremony of Stadtbahn Glattal (passenger services will commence coming Sunday, 10th December). The ceremony was presided by transport minister and current Swiss president, Moritz Leuenberger.

On this occasion, it was also announced that the Canton of Zürich is giving the green light to the third phase, the 246 million Frank construction of which is to start in 2008 for a 2010 opening.


See also:
Stadtbahn Glattal: green light for second phase (14.03.2005)
Stadtbahn Glattal: first tracks laid (22.06.2005)
Search news archive for Glattal, third phase.

29.11.2006: Bern says yes to tram extension

Sunday's referendum (26th November) saw 70.3% of voters in the Swiss capital city approve Tram Bern West. This is almost 10 percentage points more than approved the previous project. Tram Bern West The project to build a tram line to Bümplitz ... (more)

28.11.2006: Cobra deliveries continuing apace

Seen yesterday on route 9: Cobra 3017.

27.11.2006: Amsterdam's cargotram comes a step closer

The league of cargotram cities looks set to grow as Amsterdam's cargotram comes another step closer to reality — the city council has given CityCargo the green light for trial operations. These will begin by January with large scale ... (more)

23.11.2006: Double-articulated trolleybus in Luzern

Luzern is the fourth Swiss system to opt for double-articulated trolleybuses, but the third to take delivery — having leapfrogged Zürich (Luzern's order was placed in March, Zürich's in July last year and confirmed in March for delivery starting ... (more)

23.11.2006: Investing in Zürich West

An article in today's Tages Anzeiger newspaper discusses three defining projects which are to be realised in the Zürich West area for a total of 400 million franks in the coming years. Besides the tram extension from Escher-Wyss-Platz to ... (more)

23.11.2006: From Zürich to Vinnitsa

An article in today's 20 Minuten newspaper confirms that 23 Zürich trams are heading for Vinnitsa. The agreement will be signed shortly.

See also Zürich trams for Ukraine? (20.09.2006)

17.11.2006: Stadtbahn Limmattal

The Stadtbahn Limmattal concept was debated yesteday at a regional planning conference. The current status is that the first phase, Farbhof - Schlieren, will be realised within the horizon of the next 10 to 15 years. Dietikon - Spreitenbach ... (more)

13.11.2006: Karpfen farewell tour

This year's TMZ end of year tour is jointly organised with APS and is planned as a farewell tour to the Karpfen or P16 type (Be4/4 1416-1430 and B4 771-786). This type, whose last haunt is now weekday workings ... (more)

13.11.2006: Three years of news

As this newslog enters the fourth year of its existence, I would like to thank all readers and supporters who have helped build its popularity. When I started this newslog, I imagined I would add about an contribution a ... (more)

09.11.2006: A cunning fox in Bern

This may be a bit off topic, but I couldn't resist sharing it here. Thomas Fuchs is a member of Bern's cantonal parliament (Grosse Rat) and is prominent in the opposition to the Tram Bern West project. A mini ... (more)

07.11.2006: ZVV night services

The success story of ZVV's night lines continues unabated. With the timetable switch of 10th December, additional night S-Bahn services will be introduced. Patronage is up by 76% since 2002, with an average of 7900 riders per night. For ... (more)

06.11.2006: Cobra on route 11

It is reported on Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz, that Cobra 3009 has its debut on route 11 today, making this route the third to see Cobras in regular traffic. Its introduction is part of the run-up to the Glattalbahn opening in ... (more)

31.10.2006: Restaurant tram's return

VBZ has presented it's refitted restaurant tram. The recent overhaul was taken as an opportunity to re-style its interior and improve passenger comfort (for example by fitting larger tables), while at the same time taking care to preserve the ... (more)

30.10.2006: Ground-breaking for Glattalbahn's second phase

The official ground-breaking ceremony for phase two of Stadtbahn Glattal was held last Friday (27th October). The ceremony was performed by VBG chairman Otto Halter on the Glattpark site in Opfikon. Phase two of Stadtbahn Glattal will be 5.2 ... (more)

24.10.2006: 47 days to Stadtbahn Glattal

Last Monday (16th October), trial running on phase one of Glattalbahn commenced. An official press demonstration run took place yesterday (23rd). Unfortunately, I have until now been unable to capture any such moments on film (or SD card). However, ... (more)

11.10.2006: Tram Museum Wartau dernière

With Tram Museum Zürich set to re-open at its new Burgwies abode next year, the days of the small museum depot at Wartau are numbered. The last operating day for the museum tram from Hauptbahnhof to Wartau will be ... (more)

10.10.2006: Fondue tram

With the fondue season approaching, VBZ's fondue restaurant tram is coming back. It will run on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1st November to 28th February departing Bellevue at 17:45 and 20:15. In December and January it will additionally run ... (more)

09.10.2006: 1430 + 785 chosen for preservation

It is metioned on BahnCH (citing Blickpunkt Strassenbahn as source) that P16 (or Karpfen) 1430 and 785 are to be retained as museum set.

05.10.2006: Basel — Weil: cross-border tram project threatened

Regular readers of this newslog will be aware that Basel is planning three cross-border tram links. Routes 3 and 11 will extend to St. Louis (France) and route 8 to Weil (Germany). A federal contribution of 39.5 million Franks ... (more)

04.10.2006: Cobra 3014

Cobra deliveries have reached 3014.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

30.09.2006: Tram Museum Zürich gets a million from lottery

Tram Museum Zürich Burwies The cantonal government has applied for one million Franks of lottery money for the realisation of the new tram museum at Burgwies.

See also news archive and photo gallery for Burgwies.

27.09.2006: Major projects clear another hurdle

Yesterday, national parliament approved 20.8 billion Franks for infrastructure projects, of which 728.5 million are for two public transport projects in Zürich. 400 million are being spent on the Durchmesserlinie or second cross city rail tunnel which will connect ... (more)

27.09.2006: Countdown to Stadtbahn Glattal — 74 days

The overhead line of the first phase of Stadtbahn Glattal was energised this Monday (25th September). Test running will start on 16th October and passenger services will commence with the timetable switch of 10th December. VBG Seen on route 11 this ... (more)

26.09.2006: News roundup (slightly belated)

The lead article of the current edition of Tram magazine (Nr. 87/ 09.-11.2006) celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Mirage type tram (Be4/6 1601-1726). In the news section of the same magazine, the scrapping of 1702 and 1708 is ... (more)

25.09.2006: Bern trolleybus: FBW era ends

FBW trolleybus Bern Bern's FBW trolleybuses will run for the last time tomorrow (26th September). The last remaining vehicles, 56 and 58, will work on routes 12 and 13.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

24.09.2006: Cobra debut on route 11 and Stadtbahn Glattal

According to a report on BahnCH, Cobra trams will debut on route 11 next month. A Cobra will also commence test running on phase 1 of Stadtbahn Glattal.

20.09.2006: Zürich trams for Ukraine?

According to an article in Tages Anzeiger, the Ukrainian town of Vinnitsa is interested in obtaining second-hand Zürich trams. If agreement an is reached, Zürich will donate 12 or 13 P16 cars and a similar number of Mirages to ... (more)

20.09.2006: Bern's tram museum opens this Sunday!

A dream has finally come true! Tramverein Bern will open its museum to the public this Sunday (24th Septmber). Festivities will be from 11:00 to 16:00 and museum trams and buses (including the steam tram) will be in action. ... (more)

15.09.2006: Last months for Be4/4 1416-1430

The P16 type bogie cars (Be4/4 1416-1430 and B4 771-786), also known as Karpfen or Pullmannwagen will be withdrawn from service with the timetable switch of this December. One set will be retained for the heritage fleet, with overhaul ... (more)

04.09.2006: New trolleybus in service

Trolleybus 144 has now entered service — sighted on route 34 on Saturday (2nd September). See also 21.07.2006 Also new on this website is a short series of pictures documenting the current state of Burgwies tram depot. Zürich's tram museum is ... (more)

22.08.2006: 10,000 visitors

This page has just received its 10,000th visitor (almost 5000 visits since 14th November). Thank you to all the regulars and not-so-regulars who keep this page popular.

18.08.2006: Stadtbahn Glattal second phase

Construction of the second phase of Stadtbahn Glattal will begin in September. This 5.3km line will cost 270 million Franks, of which 200 million are for the project proper between Glattpark and the airport. 18 million are for the ... (more)

18.08.2006: A new chance for the zoo tram?

VCS has started collecting signatures with a view towards bringing about a referendum for a tram extension to the zoo. The current Zoo terminus is a short walk from the zoo entrance. Recent expansion of the zoo has increased ... (more)

18.08.2006: ZVV finds its voice

From the end of this year, ZVV wishes to introduce automatic stop announcements on all routes. An actress has been hired to speak all 2500 stop names onto recordings. A single voice could strengthen the ZVV's corporate identity and ... (more)

18.08.2006: Tram Bern West on the right track

The city council of Bern has approved its 26 million contribution towards this 141 million project. The project must be approved by referendum on 26th November. The line could open in 2010. Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz The original project for a tram to ... (more)

14.08.2006: Cobra news

Cobra deliveries have reached 3011. From 27th August, route 4 will be worked exclusively by Cobras on Sundays.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

31.07.2006: Basel trolleybus — 65 years

On this day 65 years ago, Basel's trolleybus system opened. Today the system has passed out of official favour and is, indeed, struggling to survive. It comes as little surprise, that the anniversary is passing with little official attention. ... (more)

24.07.2006: Website update

The latest addition to this website is a series of Aktion Pro Sächsitram photos.

21.07.2006: First new trolleybus is here

Almost exactly a year after the order was placed, the first of 16 new articulated trolleybus of type Swisstrolley3 was presented in Zürich yesterday. This vehicle will enter service in September and be tested on all routes. The remaining ... (more)

19.07.2006: Tram expansion strategy unveiled

Yesterday, the new strategy document for the future expansion of Zürich's tram network was presented. It includes some deviations from previous plans and introduces some exciting new concepts, including tangential routes (connecting neighbourhoods without serving the central area). The ... (more)

18.07.2006: Video surveillance

Today's 20 Minuten reports that video surveillance on ZVV night lines has increased percieved security for passengers and drivers and reduced vandalism. 18 night buses have been equipped since January 2005. The program is being extended to the remaining ... (more)

16.07.2006: Update

Updates to this website have been few and far between over recent weeks. This was partly for personal reasons and partly because there simply hasn't been that much to report over the Summer recess. Cobra deliveries remain at 3009, ... (more)

07.07.2006: New trolleybus arriving soon

The first of VBZ's new trolleybuses (Swisstrolley3) will be presented VBZ-internally (and possibly also to the media) on 20th July.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

See also 33 new trolleybuses (21.07.2005) and this website's trolleybus page.

05.07.2006: Glattal progress

A visit to the construction site of phase 1 of Glattalbahn today revealed that significant progress has been made since my previous visit (25th April). Track laying is no basically complete as far as the Ambassador junction and has ... (more)

21.06.2006: Progress towards Tram Bern West

The second attempt at building Tram Bern West has now reached the public enquiry phase. The new project is 20 million franks cheaper than the original (rejected in May 2004) and also eliminates various other points of contention. This ... (more)

16.06.2006: Glattal latest

The latest update of the VBG website presents the status of work on Glattalbahn. The schedule has been set back slightly by the exceptionally fierce winter. The target is now that test running will begin in early October for ... (more)

14.06.2006: News roundup

The curent edition of Tram magazine (86/06-08.2006) has an interesting article on Albisgütlibahn (AGB), the private company that built and operated the tram line from the Sihltalbahn railway crossing to Albisgütli. The line was opened in 1907 and taken ... (more)

01.06.2006: Another Cobra delivered

Seen in the early hours of this morning (circa 00:30) at Bucheggplatz, a Cobra tram (3009?) on a lorry. Quite an impressive sight — what a pity I didn't have a camera! It is reported on Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz that 3008 ... (more)

30.05.2006: New S-Bahn in service

The first of the Siemens double-deck S-Bahn trains (class RABe514) entered service on S14 yesterday.


See also :
25 S-Bahn trains ordered (09.03.2006)
New S-Bahn train presented (02.12.2005)

24.05.2006: Cargo trams in other cities update

A year has passed since this website last reported on Vienna's Güterbim. Its website reports that the demonstrator is proving its worth ferrying supplies between the main workshops and the depots and also shifting wheelsets and running gear between ... (more)

18.05.2006: No Caliente restaurant tram this year

Accoding to the Caliente website, the Caliente restaurant tram that normally accompanies the festival will not be running this year as it will be in overhaul. Obviously the fact has not been well communicated as other sources continue to ... (more)

17.05.2006: Mulhouse: grand opening

Mulhouse's new tramway commenced operation in a blaze of publicity and events last Satuday (13th). The official part will follow on coming Saturday (20th) when the French president, Jacques Chirac, will ceremoniously inaugurate the new tramway at Place de ... (more)

17.05.2006: Genève: Lancy tram opening

Mulhouse is not the only city to celebrate a tram opening on the 20th. Geneva's latest extension, the 1.5km line from Lancy-Pont-Rouge To Palettes is also opening!

12.05.2006: Cobra 3008

It is reported on Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz, that Cobra 3008 arrived by lorry on Wednesday (10th May).

08.05.2006: Basel: Tram order awarded to Stadler

A joint BVB/BLT tram order has been awarded to Stadler. The 45m long, 10-axle Tango trams able to hold 276 people (of which 94 seated) are bogie vehicles based on those recently supplied to Forchbahn and Trogenerbahn. The order is ... (more)

05.05.2006: More livery variations

Seen yesterday on route 14, 2307 in a modified look. The vertical band at the articulation is narrowed to the middle section, similarly to the Sänftes.

27.04.2006: Freiburg: Vauban line opening

This Saturday (29th April) will see the opening of a new tram line in Freiburg (Breisgau). The 2.5km line serves Vauban, a neighbourhood that is currently being developed on a former French military base (hence its name). A tram cavalcade ... (more)

25.04.2006: Glattal progress

A visit to Glattalbahn (Stadtbahn Glattal) last Thursday (20th April) showed the rapid progress that has been made during recent months. Track is now in position between Hallenstadion and Airgate (Leutschenbach). Beyond this, railway-style sleepers have been layed along ... (more)

25.04.2006: Sänfte 2113

2113, the first Sänfte was always easy to recognise by the absence of the small logo from the front end. Since its recent release from overhaul (REV 1.2 4.06) this is no longer the case. See also: Sänfte deliveries complete (02.12.2005) First ... (more)

12.04.2006: 274 million passengers

VBZ's latest passenger statistics suggest some 15 million fewer passengers travelled by VBZ than in 2004. VBZ assures us, however, that there is no need for panic. The lower figure is due to a new counting method. In the ... (more)

10.04.2006: News roundup, slightly off-topic

The latest edition of Prellbock magazine (2/06) features the second part of an article on Zürich's Dolder Tram. This one-car line served the Grand Hotel Dolder from 1899 to 1930. Lausanne's Ficelle (see also 18.01.2006) features with two articles, ... (more)

05.04.2006: Production Cobra in service

The first production Cobra (3007) entered service on route 9 yesterday.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

See also:
Cobra arriving on Thursday (14.03.2006)
Cobra approaching (03.01.2006)

05.04.2006: Basel and Bern: Combino repairs delayed

The first of Basel's Combinos to have left for repairs by Siemens in Krefeld will take longer to return than envisaged. The tram (310) left Basel on 23rd November and should have been back in Basel in the Spring. ... (more)

03.04.2006: Easter Bunny Tour

The annual Easter Bunny Tour (Osterhasenfahrt) will take place on Easter Monday (17th April). Historic trams and buses and a historic Forchbahn will converge on Burgwies depot. Trams depart Usteristr. and Bahnhofstrasse between 10:00 and 16:00 with Forchbahn BDe4/4 ... (more)

03.04.2006: Tram comics

From 31st march to 27th April, comics involving public transport from the Zürich by Mike series by Mike van Audenhove will be displayed in VBZ trams and buses. The event marks the 10th anniversary of the appearence of the ... (more)

03.04.2006: Success of night services unabated

ZVV's night lines transported 730,000 passengers in 2005, about a third more than last year and 58% more than in 2003. ZVV operates 6 night S-Bahn and 36 night-bus routes for which it receives no operating subsidy.

20 Minuten

03.04.2006: Double-articulated trolleybus order confirmed

trolleybus Following the trial of a Geneva double-articulated trolleybus in Zürich in February — in which this vehicle fulfilled all expectations (despite occasionally inclinent weather) — and additionally earned much praise from staff and passengers, VBZ has confirmed its order ... (more)

29.03.2006: Basel: trolleybus versus gas bus

As regulars to this website will be aware, Basel intends to abandon its trolleybus system. The system, however, enjoys significant popular support: The commitee Pro Trolleybus was formed to prevent abandonment and collected 7157 signatures in 2004, enough to ... (more)

24.03.2006: Cobras to come by rail

tram Until now, all Cobra deliveries have come by lorry (3001-6 from Pratteln and 3007 from Villeneuve). This is set to change, with rail being used in future. The reason stated being that delivery by road is not reliable in ... (more)

14.03.2006: Cobra arriving on Thursday

The first series Cobra was loaded onto a lorry at 10:00 in Villeneuve today and will be unloaded in Zürich on Thursday at at 9:00.


See also:
Cobra approaching (03.01.2006)
Cobra deliveries delayed (14.12.2004)
"Cobra" from this website's 2005 article "Zürich: A city and its trams"

14.03.2006: How many people fit into a bus?

Concerning VBZ's attempt to enter the Guinness Book of Records (see 27.02.2006), I have received an eMail from Bratislava relating that on 02.10.2003, 358 students and the driver crammed into an Ikarus 280 type articulated bus (length 16.5m) — ... (more)

09.03.2006: Antananarivo tram arrives in port

A report in dated 7th March reports that the 11 vehicles of the second shipment earmarked for use on an urban light-rail service in Antananarivo (Madagascar) had arrived at the port of Toamasina five days previously. They must ... (more)

09.03.2006: Tram Zürich West update

The VBZ website indicates that the referendum over Tram Zürich West is planned for 17th June 2007. A positive outcome would permit construction to begin on 20th August 2007. This tram line is an important step towards Zürich's target ... (more)

09.03.2006: 25 S-Bahn trains ordered

SBB has exercised its option for 25 additional four-car double-deck trains for Zürich's S-Bahn. They will supplement the 35 ordered in February 2003. The new type RABe 514 four-car trains are being supplied by Siemens for 358 million Swiss ... (more)

03.03.2006: Lausanne: Old and new on La Ficelle

Yesterday (2nd March) the last cog locomotive in Lausanne ran under its own power for the last time. Since closure on 22nd January, these locomotves have been employed on track dismanting trains. The last 15m at Ouchy were lifted ... (more)

27.02.2006: 251 people in a trolleybus!

In an attempt to take the world record for the largest number of people on board a trolleybus, 251 people boarded the double-articulated trolleybus (Hess/Kiepe lighTram3 199, aka TPG 783) on Saturday (25th) at Pestalozzi-Denkmal (see also announcement: 11.01.2006). ... (more)

23.02.2006: No trams for Lörrach?

The town council of Lörrach (in southern Germany) has rejected plans for a cross-border tram extension from Basel. Tram Forum Basel Webiste comment: The explanation offered, that a tram would compete with the S-Bahn is questionable. With its longer headways and ... (more)

15.02.2006: Freiburg: new Combinos delivered

Last Friday (10th), Freiburg took delivery of the first of five new Combinos (286-290). VAG Freiburg Website comment: These are part of a batch whose acceptance was halted in March 2004. The first five vehicles have been on loan to Freiburg ... (more)

13.02.2006: E-tram in service

Last Thursday (8th), I visited Letzigrund for a closer look at E-tram. The vehicles used are the same as for Cargotram (Xe 4/4 1922, X2 1984 and X2 1987). The X2s carry different container bodies, presumably more suited for ... (more)

08.02.2006: Albisgütlibahn 2 returns

Yesterday, BVB (Bex - Villars - Bretaye) Be2/2 8 was hauled from its resting place at Bévieux to Bex (by Be2/3 16) where Tram Museum Zürich members loaded it onto a low-loader wagon. It has arrived in Zürich today ... (more)

03.02.2006: Winning against vandalism and fare evasion

Since May 2005, 18 buses have been experimentally equipped with surveillance cameras. As a result, practically no instances of vandalism have occured on these buses. Besides equipping further buses, VBZ will similarly equip its Cobra trams. Vandalism to VBZ ... (more)

31.01.2006: Basel tram acquisition latest

According to an article in Basler Zeitung (baz online: 26th January), the tendering process for 55 new trams for BVB and BLT (see also 24.11.2005) has taken a new twist. According to the article, neither offer fulfills the criteria ... (more)

26.01.2006: Lausanne's Ficelle in the French Alps?

The rolling stock of Lausanne's Ouchy - Flon cog metro (which carried its last passengers on Sunday 22nd — see report of 18.01) will see further use — in the French mountain resort of Villard de Lans (west of ... (more)

20.01.2006: Tram Zürich West in 2010

According to Tages Anzeiger of 16th January, delays in the planning of Tram Zürich West have caused the projected opening date to be changed to December 2010. Two years ago, an inauguration was still envisaged prior to the 2008 European ... (more)

20.01.2006: New special livery: Gesundheitstram

Zürich's latest special livery tram was launched yesterday. The Gesundheitstram (health tram) will inform riders about health issues and will operate on routes 8 and 15 during a two-year period. 2091 is the 32nd special livery tram in Zürich. ... (more)

19.01.2006: Zürich tram events diary 2006

All information provided as-is. As everywhere else on this website, no guarantee is offered for accuracy or completeness. Visitors intending to make special arrangements for these events are recommended to visit the websites of the organisers (see end of ... (more)

18.01.2006: Lausanne: Last days for La Ficelle

Lausanne’s cog-railway metro, also known as La Ficelle (the string) is to see its last day of regular service on coming Saturday (21st). Further special events including free rides will take place on Sunday (22nd). The railway is to ... (more)

12.01.2006: News and press roundup

Yesterday's Tages Anzeiger reports on the Geneva trolleybus being tested in Zürich. Besides many of the facts previously reported by this website, it is written that the vehicle has been undergoing trials in Zürich (without passengers) since last week ... (more)

11.01.2006: Genève megatrolleybus in Zürich update

The Geneva double-articulated trolleybus that will be evaluated in service in Zürich will operate here from 21st January to 3rd March. VBZ intend to purchase 17 such vehicles for 1.52 million Franks each. Additionally, modifications to stops for a ... (more)

11.01.2006: RBS Tram 2000 to get Sänftes?

A report on BahnCH suggests that RBS (Bern) is seeking to rebuild its Tram 2000 type units with low floor sections.

06.01.2006: Winpro is now Stadler Winterthur

Winpro (the company that built the Sänfte low floor sections for Zürich's Tram 2000s) is now called Stadler Winterthur. Winpro's origin lies in SLM (Schweizerische Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik) which was founded by Charles Brown in Winterthur in 1871 and soon ... (more)

03.01.2006: Cobra approaching

The first production Cobra (presumably 3007) was officially presented at Bombardier's Villeneuve works on 22nd December 2005. An article in the January edition of Schweizer Eisenbahn Revue provides further information: The bodyshells are being supplied by Bombardier's Bautzen works ... (more)

03.01.2006: Sänfte: low floor Tram 2000

A VBZ press release dated 30 November 2005 celebrates the entry into service of the 23rd and last Sänfte on that day. The release states that the first (series) rebuild entered service on 6th May 2004 and that ... (more)

03.01.2006: Genève trolleybus in Zürich in February

According to an editorial penned by city executive councillor, Andres Türler, for the VBZ staff magazine, Regenbogen; the Geneva double-articulated trolleybus that is slated to be tested in Zürich will arrive in February. The editorial also has warm words ... (more)

02.01.2006: 2005 news

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all readers!

All 2005 news items (98 in total) have been moved to:

<news for 2007 | news for 2005>