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29.12.2007: In a tunnel deep under Zürich

EWZ railwayAs the Christmas days rarely offer much in the way of newsworthiness for the tram enthusiast, I am dipping into my archives and presenting a short series of pictures of what is probably Zürich's most rarely seen and most little photographed railway. This is because the railway is entirely underground and normally inaccesible to the public. This narrow gauge light railway is for the maintenance of the district heating tubes running through a narrow tunnel from the power plant at Hagenholz to the central ETH/university/hospital complex. A branch also serves the Irchel university site. The railway us owned and operated by the city's energy provider, EWZ. It has two battery-powered locomotives.

These photographs were not taken in the tunnel proper, which is not normally accesible to visitors, but in the basement of the power plant and the initial cut-and-cover section extending from it. The photos were taken on a visit two years ago.

I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas time and wish you all the best for the New Year!

20.12.2007: Milano's Peter Witts keep on rolling

Milano Peter Witt tram For fans of old tramcars, Milano ranks high among the cities meriting a visit. There are not many major cities in which bogie cars approaching their 80th anniversary are still in regular service in large numbers. Time and time again, news or rumours have been circulated that replacement of the Peter Witt cars was imminent — not least in the view of the continuous introduction of modern low-floor trams. Milano, however, also being a capital of not just fashion but also culture and style, can see beyond the provinciality of many other cities, and has no problem recognising the benefits of retaining such iconic trams in its fleet. The latest great news from this city is that many of these cars are not only being retained in service but are that their value is being fully recognised: In view of this, many are now being turned out in historic liveries. What better Christmas present could Milano have offered tram enthusiasts?

Eurotrams Yahoogroup

20.12.2007: Canton rejects Zoo tram extension

The cantonal government has rejected the proposals to extend tram 6 to the Zoo main entrance. It is claimed the 300m extension would cost 27 million (rather than 14) and that this is in no relation to the benefits.


17.12.2007: More football liveries

Two new football liveries were presented last week. These are the Mirage set 1687+1712 sponsored by Coca-Cola and trolleybus 63, sponsored by Volkswagen.

Special liveries in Zürich






Euro-08, Volkswagen

December 2007

1668 + 1709

Euro-08, Credit Suisse

September 2007

1687 + 1712

Euro-08, Coca-Cola

December 2007


VBZ 125th anniversary

October 2007

2087 + 2428

Euro-2008, Carlsberg

November 2007



January 2006

In all, six special liveries were announced for Euro-2008, so we are still awaiting two more.

17.12.2007: Stuttgart farewell pictorial

A series of pictures of the last weekend of metre gauge tram operation in Stuttgart has been uploaded, starting here.

05.12.2007: 14 further Cobras ordered

cobra tramVBZ has exercised its option for 14 further Cobra trams from Bombardier. This will take the total number to 88.

20 Minuten

It has been suggested on the forum that the number is still insufficient to replace all Mirage trams in addition to covering the new lines (Tram Zürich West and Glattalbahn).

05.12.2007: Stadtbahn Limmattal

The cantonal government has placed the proposed Stadtbahn Limmattal on the list of projects for which it is applying for federal funds.

20 Minuten

04.12.2007: Swisstrolley deliveries complete

The 18th and final Swisstrolley trolleybus, number 161, arrived at the VBZ main workshops in Altsetten today. 16 Swisstrolleys and 17 LighTrams were ordered by VBZ in July 2005 as a replacement for Mercedes/ABB GTZ 1-11/13-36. The first Swisstrolley (144) ... (more)

03.12.2007: Geneva expands

On 8th December, Genève is opening its extension from Cornavin to Les Avanchets. This is the first phase of a line that will ultimately serve CERN.

See also: Genève: Lancy tram opening (17.05.2006)

03.12.2007: Stuttgart — end of the metre gauge

Stuttgart tramAlso this coming weekend will be the closure of Stuttgart's last metre-gauge tram line (and also of the tram mseum at Zuffenhausen). See this website's earlier posting for more information.

03.12.2007: Rolling stock update

Cobra deliveries have reached 3045. Meanwhile, 3012 has been transferred to route 5, making this the fifth route on which the type is deployed (after 4, 9, 11 and 14). The current status of the GTZ trolleybus fleet is that ... (more)

30.11.2007: Carlsberg tram

The latest of the football special livery trams (presumably 2087 + 2428) is being launched today by the trainer of the Swiss football team, Köbi Kuhn and other dignitaries. The tram is sponsored by Carlsberg.

29.11.2007: Cobra deliveries reach 3043

Seen on route 14 yesterday: Cobra 3043.

28.11.2007: Sankt Gallen orders Hess trolleybuses

Sankt Gallen TrolleybusFollowing the approval of 35.4 million Franks in Sunday's referendum, VBSG has placed an order with Hess for 17 SwissTrolley and 7 LighTram vehicles of the type used in Zürich.

26.11.2007: Tram accident

On the evening of 22nd November, a head-on collision between two trams occurred at Schwamendingerplatz. Seven people were injured. The accident occurred at the track crossing where trams switch from left-hand to right-hand running (the former applies in the ... (more)

25.11.2007: Referenda: positive results

Today's cantonal referendum on Tram Zürich West was approved by 196,229 votes to 161,995 (69.8%). This majority is even clearer than that of July's city referendum (69.3%). The St. Gallen referendum on the renewal of the trolleybus fleet was acepted ... (more)

23.11.2007: Albino trolleybus

The third of the LighTram trolleybuses is now in service on route 31. On account of its all-white livery (presumably in preparation for a football livery), 63 has been nicknamed Albino by enthusiasts. A photo can be found here ... (more)

22.11.2007: Bombardier invests in Zürich

Bombardier has announced that it is relocating its traction converter testing and manufacturing facilities from Turgi (near Baden in the canton of Aargau) to Zürich Oerlikon. The reason for the move is that the premises Bombardier are currently renting ... (more)

16.11.2007: Wallisellen ready for Glattalbahn

Officially, work on the third phase of Glattalbahn isn't starting until next year. The railway station at Wallisellen is, however, already rapidly being transformed. Seizing the opportunity that the Glattalbahn offers, Wallisellen decided to upgrade the site to an ... (more)

15.11.2007: Tram for Lugano?

A group of nine Lugano councillors spanning five political parties have called for trams to return to this town in the southern part of Switzerland. A North-South line is proposed from Cornadero to the Scairolo plain. Lugano had trams until 1959.


12.11.2007: Readable destinations

roof boardZürich's town council has passed a motion asking VBZ to fit destination indicators to both sides of the Cobra trams. However, a motion to retain the traditional roof boards was rejected.

BahnCH Yahoohgroup

12.11.2007: Rolling stock news

Mirage (Blinde Kuh) 1693 and Trolleybus O405 GTZ 14 were transported to a scrapyard at Waltenschwil on 9th November. The second LighTram (double articulated trolleybus), number 62 entered service on 7th November. 63 was delivered on the 8th. It ... (more)

12.11.2007: Four years of news

This newslog has now been up and running for four years. During the last year, the newslog page alone scored 12966 hits (attempts to download) and 12286 visits accouting for 1020 megabytes of downloads (compared to 8422, 7348 and ... (more)

07.11.2007: News roundup

The 25th November is fast approaching — this is the date of the cantonal referendum on Tram Zürich West, or more precisely the cantonal contribution of 90 million Franks (half of which could be directly recovered through a federal ... (more)

07.11.2007: Bern orders Combinos

Bern CombinoBernmobil has ordered 21 Siemens Combino trams for 100 million Franks. The will be delivered between August 2009 and December 2010. The unsuccessful competitors were Bombardier (Flexity Outlook), Stadler (Tango) and Raility (Leoliner).


05.11.2007: Further Cobra trams ordered?

In January, this website reported that the deadline for confirming the option of further Cobra trams was the end of October. This deadline has now passed without any official news of an order having reached my knowledge. It is, ... (more)

30.10.2007: Rolling stock update

Cobra deliveries have reached 3040. The coming December timetable switch will see route 4 becoming the first all-Cobra route. The type's higher capacity will permit the stretching of service intervals from 6 to 7.5 minutes, spelling the end for ... (more)

26.10.2007: New tram layout for Stadelhofen

To address various inadequacies, the square at Bahnhof Stadelhofen is being redesigned. As far as trams are concerned, Forchbahn's turning circle will be replaced by a larger double-track oval, with Forchbahn using the inner track and trams the outer track. ... (more)

25.10.2007: VBG finds its colours

In a press release issued today, VBG presents its new corporate identity. The trams and buses under VBG management will be painted white with a blue band. To match the Glattalbahn brand, VBG's bus system is being rebranded Glattalbus. ... (more)

25.10.2007: Trolleybus overhead line

Earlier this month, an overhead line connection was installed at Klusplatz permitting trolleybuses to transfer between routes 34 and 33. Presumably this makes the service connection to Hegibachplatz superfluous.

Bahnforum Schweiz

10.10.2007: Fondue tram returning

Zürich's popular fondue tram will be back from 3rd November to 27th February on Wednesdays and Saturdays and additionally on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays in December. VBZ See also: Engadine restaurant tram (10.09.2007) A gourmet's guide to tram cities (23.05.2007) Indian cuisine ... (more)

10.10.2007: Birthday tram

To mark the 125th anniversary of trams in Zürich, VBZ has decorated one tram as a rolling birthday card. Several thousand people have signed their names on adhesive sheets which have now been fixed to tram number 2005 (not ... (more)

09.10.2007: Through the lens of history

Berninabahn Alp Gruem I have the pleasure of presenting a set of manufacturer's photographs of trams and related transport modes from between 1919 and 1949. View this gallery here.

01.10.2007: Mulhouse trams around the world

The Buenos Aires demonstration line featuring two Mulhouse trams was inaugurated by president Kirchner on 14th July. The service is branded Tranvía del Este. Meanwhile, Alstom's marketing department continues to make good use of the attractive yellow cars, with ... (more)

28.09.2007: Second cross-city rail tunnel

Construction of the second cross city rail link was officially launched on 20th September. The new tunnel from Oerlikon to Hauptbahnhof will carry both S-Bahn and long-distance trains. Boring of the tunnel will begin 2008 for a 2013 opening. Major ... (more)

26.09.2007: Trolleybus 160, a lesson from a Mirage and football

The latest new trolleybus to enter service, following on from Lightram 61, is not another Lightram but Swisstrolley 160. This is the first of two additional vehicles ordered in February and being delivered seamlessly as a continuation of batch ... (more)

24.09.2007: Stadtbahn Glattal progress

A visit to Stadtbahn Glattal today revealed significant progress. The diversion of Thurgauerstr alongside Glattpark is now complete so that work is now progressing on the alignment of the Stadtbahn proper. The subway entrance at Lindbergh is also rapidly ... (more)

24.09.2007: Route 14 gets its first Cobra

Cobra 3036 is now in service on route 14, making this the fourth route with Cobras (after 4, 9 and 11).

Bahnforum Schweiz

21.09.2007: Bern: Tram Museum and other news

Bern's new tram museum is officially opening tomorrow (22nd September). The museum is located in Weissenbühl depot. A museum tram will operate from Hauptbahnhof starting at 10:30. (This website reported on the museum's opening last year, however this was only ... (more)

20.09.2007: Basel: Weil extension comes a step nearer

The transport ministry of Baden-Württemberg (in whose juristriction Weil am Rhein lies) has, after a prolonged period of ambiguity, finally said it will contribute to the Basel — Weil cross-border tram project. Furthermore, if the extension of route 3 ... (more)

17.09.2007: Burgwies article in T&UT

Tram MuseumThe October edition of Tramways & Urban Transit (T&UT) features a two-page article by myself on the opening of Zürich's new tram museum at Burgwies.

Relevant links:LRTA (publisher of T&UT), TMZ.

14.09.2007: Showdown for Stuttgart's metre gauge

Stuttgart, which must once have counted among the world's premier metre gauge tram systems, has over the last decades undergone a major reconstruction programme, with the old metre gauge tram lines being phased out in favour of a standard ... (more)

14.09.2007: Cobra deliveries

Cobra tram at BellevueDelivery of Cobra trams is continuing apace. I saw 3035 on route 11 yesterday. According to Bahnforum Schweiz, 3037 is also in service on this route.

12.09.2007: Lightram enters service

zurich lightram 61The first of Zürich's double-articulated trolleybuses ran in service on route 31 yesterday. Contrary to earlier plans, the lightrams are being numbered from 61 onwards.

(click here for more pictures)

11.09.2007: Bern wants longer Combinos

Bernmobil is seeking to extend circa 8 Combinos (series 751-765) by two segments, taking them to a length of about 42 metres. They will be deployed on route 9 from mid 2008.

10.09.2007: Coimbra trolleybus model

For all friends of the classic Swiss trolleybus, here is a special offer from the Portugese city of Coimbra: Friends, as You must know, in last 16 of August Coimbra's trolleybus system, the first one to ... (more)

10.09.2007: Engadine restaurant tram

The next public appearance of the restaurant tram will present culinary highlights from the Engadine region of Switzerland from 12th September to 27th October. Tours will take two hours, departing from Bellevue Wednesdays to Saturdays at 18:00 and ... (more)

10.09.2007: Trolleybus news update

Jürgen Lehmann's trolleybus website, Obus 269 features a regular newsletter with news from across Europe and makes very recommendable reading. However, to provide a brief summary on Swiss items, and for those who don't read German, I am ... (more)

21.08.2007: Tram birthday card

The number of special livery trams in Zürich has fallen off somewhat lately. Until recently, the only remaining such tram was the Gesundheitstram (2091). This is now set to change: 1683 is currently running on route 8 ... (more)

16.08.2007: Double-articulated trolleybus

double articulated trolleybusZürich's first Lightram3 double-articulated trolleybus was presented to the press today. It will enter service in September. The public are being invited to suggest a name for it.


15.08.2007: Cargotram serves Burgwies

A further destination has been added for Zürich's goods tram! From 13th and 27th July respectively, Burgwies is served by Cargo-Tram and E-Tram. Once a month, from 15:00 to 19:00, these respective services stand on the track ... (more)

14.08.2007: Winterthur trolleybus demonstrated in Gent

On 7th August, Winterthur's Solaris Trollino trolleybus number 180 was demonstrated in Gent (Belgium). A week earlier a Genova trolleybus was tested. Hopefully this is a good omen for the threatened system.

08.08.2007: Winterthur tests double-articulated trolleybus

Luzern's Hess Lightram double-articulated trolleybus 232 was tested (without passengers) in Winterthur on 5th and 6th July. The trials should help clarify the necessary infrastructure modifications required to introduce such vehicles. A decison on the future of the ... (more)

06.08.2007: News roundup

When is a tram new? Citing Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz, this website reported in May that a new Cobra tram numbered 3006 had entered service to replace the tram of the same number that was scrapped in December. This ... (more)

20.07.2007: Zürich trolleybus update

With deliveries of new Swisstrolleys making good progress, they are now increasingly appearing on route 32. The highest new trolleybus number I have sighted so far is 157. Four different Roumanian operators are reported to be ... (more)

18.07.2007: Züri-Fäscht

A belated report on last week's Züri-Fäscht (6-8 July): This is a major event taking place every three years. During a period of three days, the lakeside area is closed to traffic, with numerous attractions, small and large, ... (more)

02.07.2007: Reprieve for Schaffhausen's trolleybus

Schaffhausen's council has decided to postpone the decison on the future of its trolleybus to 2010. The decision was due this year for a possible 2008 closure. The time gained will be used to consider the scenarios: gas ... (more)

28.06.2007: Bremgarten-Dietikon orders new trains

BDWM (Bremgarten-Dietikon) has placed an order for 14 new trains. These three section units will be supplied by Stadler for 80 million Franks, with the first unit being delivered in 2009. The design is based on that ... (more)

27.06.2007: Another referendum on Tram Zürich West

Last week's yes to the city's contribution of 59 million to Tram Zürich West isn't the last word on this matter. Opponents have succeeded in securing a cantonal referendum on the canton's contribution of 90 million for 25th ... (more)

27.06.2007: First track laid on second phase of Glattalbahn

The first lengths of rail of the second phase of Stadtbahn Glattal were installed near Bäuler yesterday.

Bahnforum Schweiz

21.06.2007: New trams for Bern

Following Sunday's approval of Tram Bern West, Bernmobil is seeking tenders for 20 new trams. These must work the new lines but also replace the remaining Be8/8. The new trams must have a capacity of 240 passengers and ... (more)

17.06.2007: Mixed results

The results of today's referenda are mixed, with tram projects in both Bern and Zürich being approved, but Basel's trolleybus facing abandonment. In brief, the authorities got what they wanted in all three cases. The Tram Zürich ... (more)

17.06.2007: Embarassment for trolleybus opponents

Even before the final result of today's referenda are announced (which are sadly not looking good for Basel's trolleybus), latest revelations are giving a new slant on the story. It is revealed that the proposed biogas plant will ... (more)

16.06.2007: Decision time

All the best for this weekend's referenda on three important decisions!

Trolleybus Basel
Tram Bern West
Tram Zürich West


14.06.2007: Photo tour on Bremgarten Dietikon Bahn

Aktion Pro Sächsitram is organising a photo tour on the Bremgarten Dietikon Bahn (BDWM) on 1st July. The tour will feature rides with and opportunities to photograph at various points along the line the BDe8/8 articulated units, both ... (more)

13.06.2007: Trolleybus deliveries reach 156

Seen yesterday on route 31: trolleybus 156.

11.06.2007: WSB fleet renewals

On 3rd April, WSB (AAR) announced that it had selected Stadler to deliver 10 new driving trailers (ABt 51-60) for 14 million Franks to enter service in 2009 (plus an option for two more). These cars will be ... (more)

08.06.2007: Kurbeli 1408 leaves Zürich

Standard Tram (Kurbeli) 1408 left Zürich by lorry for storage in a safe location on 30th May. The move was organised by Aktion Pro Sächsitram, whose long-term objective is the restoration of this tram to working order. ... (more)

06.06.2007: Hope for Valparaíso

The state of the iconic trolleybus system of Valparaíso (Chile) has recently given much cause for concern. The privately operated system, which features many former Swiss trolleybuses, is increasingly facing financial difficulties due to minibus competition. The operator ... (more)

30.05.2007: Karpfen enter service in Vinnitsa

karpfen tramThe official launch of the ex-Zürich Karpfen trams in Vinnitsa (Ukraine) is planned for 6th June.

Bahnforum Schweiz

30.05.2007: Tram Museum opening

Some impressions of the opening of the Tram Museum (26th May) can be found on this page of Adrian Senn's website.

29.05.2007: 20,000 visitors

According to the page counter, this newslog page has been viewed 20,000 times (10,000 since August). Thank you to all visitors — and please spread the world to anybody else who may be interested.

24.05.2007: Grand opening of tram museum

Horse tram Talacker Zuerich Just a reminder that Zürich's new tram museum is opening this Saturday (26th). This is set to be one of the largest tram events of recent years and not likely to be repeated soon.

23.05.2007: A gourmet's guide to tram cities

As part of the 125th anniversary celebrations of Zürich trams, restaurant tram 1802 will be presenting specialities from tram cities around the world. From 1st June to 31st August, the tram will be operating from Wednesdays to Saturdays, ... (more)

23.05.2007: Roof boards to vanish

The coloured boards on the rooves of Tram 2000s indicating the route number and principal destinations are soon to be replaced by window-mounted electronic displays (similar to those used on Cobras). The Mirages will retain their boards until ... (more)

21.05.2007: Tram museum re-launches website

In the run-down to the grand opening of the tram museum (now only 5 days away!), its website has undergone a professional re-design:

The highly informative pre-April 2004 website is archived on

21.05.2007: Tram Zürich West — the campaign hottens

With the referendum over Tram Zürich West planned for 17th June, the political campaign is warming up. Besides the usual anti-tram voices from the populist all-automobile end of the spectrum, there is opposition from the other end ... (more)

16.05.2007: Countdown to tram museum

The approaching opening of the tram museum (26th May) is being advertised intensively. One of the more original elements of the campaign are the shopping bags fitted to the front of Tram 2000's of route 11. People in ... (more)

16.05.2007: Protrolleybus

Protrolleybus, the organisation campaigning for the retention of Basel's trolleybus, launched its campaign and a new website yesterday. In an effective demonstration, the press conference started at a bus stop alongside an accelerating diesel bus — putting paid ... (more)

16.05.2007: Cobra 3006

The latest new Cobra carries the number 3006, replacing the 3006 that was scrapped last year.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

07.05.2007: Trolleybus news update

Jürgen Lehmann's trolleybus website, Obus 269 features a regular newsletter with news from across Europe. The latest edition (Nr 86, April 2007) includes news on the following: Bern: with various trolleybus routes temporarily or permanently diesel-bus ... (more)

02.05.2007: Programme for Burgwies opening

Regular readers of this page will be aware that the new tram museum in the former Burgwies tram depot is opening on 26th May. For anybody interested in the preservation of historical Zürich trams, this is a dream ... (more)

27.04.2007: News roundup

Reports on Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz indicate that Swisstrolley trolleybuses 151 and 152 entered service in April. The new vehicles are mostly used on route 31. Cobra deliveries have reached 3028. Tram magazine (issue 89/03-05.2007) reports that Mirage-type ... (more)

26.04.2007: Another great year for VBZ

VBZ has published its passenger statistics for 2006. These show passenger journeys are continuing to rise, now reaching 296.7 million (2.3 million more than 2005 *). Of these, 186.8 million (+1.5 million) were by tram, 51.7 million ... (more)

26.04.2007: Celebrating 125 years

Tram 2000 at Oerlikon Marking the year of the 125th anniversary of public transport in Zürich, coloured labels, Seit 125 Jahren, in the shape of the VBZ "sausage" logo have appeared on most vehicles over the last days.

19.04.2007: Stadtbahn Glattal phase two construction update

It has been some time since this website last reported on construction progress on the second phase of Stadtbahn Glattal. This 5.2km tram extension from Glattpark to the airport will open in late 2008. Work ... (more)

19.04.2007: 125 years of public transport in Zürich

2007 marks the 125th anniversary of public transport in Zürich — the first (privately operated) horse trams commenced operations in 1882. VBZ are planning to mark the date in style. In addition to the opening of the Burgwies ... (more)

17.04.2007: Cobra 3028

Cobra deliveries have reached 3028. Pictures of the latest addition being unloaded last Friday (13th) can be seen on this page of

13.04.2007: Amsterdam: cargo trams tested

Apolgy: Amsterdam may be a bit off-topic for this website, but as cargo trams are a subject that fascinate me and that I have reported on extensively before, I will for the time being, continue to use this ... (more)

05.04.2007: Halberstadt article

Halberstadt tramAs a little Easter treat, I have placed the Halberstadt article (published in January's Tramways and Urban Transit) online.

02.04.2007: Zürich trolleybus update

0405 GTZ trolleybus The delivery of Swisstrolleys has reached at least number 150. They are mostly deployed on route 31. Driver-training trolleybus 4122 (ex 1) is withdrawn and partially dismantled.

BahnCH Yahoogroup, Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

trolleybus fleetlist

22.03.2007: Route 5's Sihlcity extension opens

tram 2000 at Bhf. Enge Route's 5 extension from Bhf. Enge to Laubegg commences operating today. The line serves the Sihlcity shopping centre (also opening today).

20.03.2007: Karpfen in Vinnitsa

A series of pictures of ex-Zürich Karpfen being unloaded in Vinnitsa appears on this forum (click here). The contribution is dated 11th March. See also Karpfen trams leave Zürich (09.02.2007) It is interesting to note that ... (more)

19.03.2007: Indian cuisine on the tram

Zürich's popular restaurant tram (1802) is back with a spicy new flavour. This time the food is Indian — in connection with a guided tour of the Zoo to see the Indian lions. Tours operate from 31st ... (more)

16.03.2007: Photo tour with Kurbeli on 22nd April

This year, TMZ's Spring photo tour will take place on 22nd April, departing Gessnerallee (adjoining Hauptbahnhof) at 13:00 and ending at the same location at about 17:30. Besides photo calls, the tour using Kurbeli (Swiss Standard Tram) ... (more)

15.03.2007: Ringbahn Hardwald

The website of Eurailpress (7th March) states that the cantonal transport department is seeking a partner to produce a study on the Ringbahn Hardwald project, evaluate potential traffic and identify alignment variants. Ringbahn Hardwald is a long-term ... (more)

14.03.2007: Driver training trolleybus

Seen this morning at Bucheggplatz: a trolleybus numbered 4122 on a driver training run. The bus was easily recogniseable as O405 GTZ number 1, the oldest of its type (dating from 1986) and the only with three doors ... (more)

13.03.2007: Basel: Refurbished Combino in service

Basel Combino The first of Basel's refurbished Combino trams returns to service on route 6 today (exactly 3 years after the type's first withdrawal).

20 Minuten

13.03.2007: Oerlikon projects come closer

The city's list of approaching road works reveals construction of the tram line from Bhf. Oerlikon Ost to Leutschenbach is to begin this July. The link is required to permit route 10 to serve Bhf. Oerlikon when ... (more)

07.03.2007: Double deck Talgo clarification

In the news item on the double deck tram poster, I mentioned that Talgo had proposed a double deck train with gangways on both levels, but that the concept had never been tried in practice. A correspondant from ... (more)

06.03.2007: Zürich tram events diary 2007

All information provided as-is. As everywhere else on this website, no guarantee is offered for accuracy or completeness. Visitors intending to make special arrangements for these events are recommended to visit the websites of the organisers (see end ... (more)

05.03.2007: Wear and tear on the Cobras

It seems that the teething troubles of the Cobras are not over. Yesterday's NZZ am Sonntag newspaper reports that these trams are receiving attention to their running gear every 100,000 to 150,000 km (circa 2 years), as ... (more)

01.03.2007: Another step towards Tram Zürich West

Following the approval of the cantonal contribution of 90 million Franks for the Tram Zürich West project on Monday (26th), the city council yesterday (28th) approved its own 59 million contribution by 76 votes to 35. Subtracting the ... (more)

01.03.2007: Bern: Combino refurbishment complete

The last Combino to be refurbished for Bern returned from Krefeld yesterday.

20 Minuten

28.02.2007: 90 million Franks for Tram Zürich West

The cantonal parliament has approved its contribution of 90 million Franks for Tram Zürich West by 98 votes to 48. This tram connecting Escher-Wyss-Platz to Bhf Altstetten should open in 2010 and will cost a total of 150 ... (more)

24.02.2007: Trolleybus 148

Trolleybus deliveries have reached 148.

Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz

22.02.2007: Rolling stock roundup

The following sightings are taken from Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz and Bahnforum Schweiz: Cobra: 3023 is in service. Karpfen: (Heading for Vinnitsa) the following motor units were located at Altstetten works on 30/01: 1416-9/21/3-4/6-9 plus 1420 on ... (more)

21.02.2007: Mulhouse trams visit Buenos Aires

What can it mean when two Mulhouse trams appear on the streets of the Argentine capital? Their appearance may well be marking the first step in the return of trams to this city. With the support ... (more)

20.02.2007: Ride a double deck Mirage to Sihlcity!

A new poster is going up in VBZ's trams and buses showing a very smart looking double deck tram at Paradeplatz — put together from parts of Mirages. This is an advertisment for the excellent public ... (more)

18.02.2007: Cargotram will no longer serve Laubegg

The extension of route 5 to Laubegg, which will take effect on 22nd March, means Cargotram can no longer use the Laubegg turning circle. In order to be able to continue to serve this neighbourhood. ERZ will provide ... (more)

16.02.2007: Zoo tram extension latest

VCS has succesfully collected 7000 signatures for its initiative to push ahead with the tram extension to Zoo. This is 1000 signatures more than required to enforce a referendum. The referendum demands the provision of 14 million Franks ... (more)

15.02.2007: APS saves Standard Tram 1408

The "medium-weight" (Mittelschwer) or Iab/Ib variant of the Swiss Standard Tram, better known in Zürich as Kurbeli (Be4/4 1351-1415) must be one of the most typical and iconic of all Zürich trams. The timeless elegance of ... (more)

15.02.2007: Update on cargo trams in Amsterdam

This website has reported on developments of cargo trams in various cities across Europe. Geographically, this may seem rather off-topic for a Zürich-focussed website. However, I feel this is justified and of interest in view of Zürich's status ... (more)

15.02.2007: R.I.P. Stephen Parascandolo

It is with great regret that I have learnt of the death in a car accident of Stephen Parascandolo. Stephen was active in promoting trams in London, and ran a highly succesful website on Croydon's Tramlink. Stephen, ... (more)

15.02.2007: Route 5 to Sihlcity

A new shopping centre, Sihlcity is shortly to open on the site of the former Sihl paper factory. It is intended that 60% of visitors come to the centre by public transport. To this effect, the site is ... (more)

15.02.2007: Karpfen update

According to reports on the BahnCH Yahoogroup, the first of the Karpfen type trams destined for Vinnitsa (Ukraine) was loaded onto its railway wagon on 30th January. Possibly, the press report of 13 units being shipped did ... (more)

15.02.2007: Innsbruck trolleybus farewell

Trolleybus operation in Innsbruck is coming to a close. In contrast to what is planned for Basel however, most sections are being replaced by trams — so this changeover is strengthening rather than weakening the position of electrical ... (more)

15.02.2007: Basel trolleybus referendum

The date for Basel's trolleybus referendum is now official: 17th June 2007.

Pro Trolleybus

09.02.2007: Karpfen trams leave Zürich

Today's edition of the free newspaper 20 Minuten, reports that 13 of the Karpfen or P16 type trams were loaded onto railway wagons yesterday, destined for the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa. It may or may not bear ... (more)

08.02.2007: Another setback for Basel's trolleybus

Basel's parliament decided yesterday to reject the Pro Trolleybus initiative in favour of an all gas bus option. This means 26 new gas buses will be acquired instead of the alternative which was considered which is reported as ... (more)

06.02.2007: Train Urbain de Tana back on track?

Readers who have been following the news on these pages over the last two years will be aware of the ex-Forchbahn BDe4/4 and Bt4 vehicles that have been been shipped to Madagascar for the purpose of inaugurating a ... (more)

05.02.2007: Passenger information displays

Three Cobra type trams on route 9 have been equipped with real-time passenger information displays. These monitors, fitted inside the trams, announce the next stop with arrival times as well as real-time information on connections. VBZ ... (more)

05.02.2007: Two further Swisstrolleys ordered

In order to be able to shorten peak headways on route 32 to five minutes, VBZ has exercised its option for two additional Swisstrolley3 type trolleybuses. The total size of this batch is now 18 instead of 16 ... (more)

25.01.2007: Trolleybus 146 is here

The Swisstrolleys are arriving! A correspondent (Alexis) saw trolleybus 146 at Waserstr. stop (route 34) on a test run today.

See also: New trolleybuses arriving soon (11.01.2007)

24.01.2007: Website update — rhapsody in white

series After a long autumn and excessively mild autumn, winter has finally visited Zürich. The town awoke this morning to a blanket of snow. This website has been updated with a series I took on my ... (more)

22.01.2007: Cobra 3020

It is reported on that Cobra 3020 is now in service.

19.01.2007: Route 5 to Sihlcity coming soon?

It is reported on that route 5 may be extended to Sihlcity before 2008! Sihlcity is a new shopping center that is taking shape on the site of the former Sihl paper factory. The area is already ... (more)

11.01.2007: New trolleybuses arriving soon

An article in VBZ's Regenbogen staff magazine reports on the first of Zürich's Swisstrolley3 trolleybuses, which was delivered ahead of the rest of its batch in July and has been running in regular passenger service since September. ... (more)

08.01.2007: More Cobra trams to be ordered?

VBZ and VBG are set to order further Cobra trams. The initial order (for 74 vehicles) included an option for 35 further trams. This option must be exercised by October 2007. The initial order did not take ... (more)

08.01.2007: Basel: Cross-border tram plans in doubt

Plans to extend tram lines from Basel across the border into neighbouring France and Germany are threatened. An independent study by a French organisation concerning the two extensions into Saint Louis (France) has suggested a price tag of ... (more)

08.01.2007: Basel: First Combino returns

The first modified Combino type tram was returned to Basel on 22nd December. Combino 310 was the pilot vehicle for the Basel modifications and left its home city in November 2005. The modification of the other vehicles of ... (more)

08.01.2007: 2006 news

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2007 to all readers! All 2006 news items (101 in total) have been moved to: 2006 was an eventful year. Restricting this overview to strictly Zürich events, the year ... (more)

<news for 2008 | news for 2006>