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news for year 2008

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19.12.2008: Changing tram allocations

VBG Cobra in beautiful white snow at Balsberg Following the timetable switch of 14th Decmber, which besides the opening of the second phase of Glattalbahn, features some significant changes in service headways, the present status of tram route allocations appears to be as follows:

Route 2: Mirage double sets
Route 3: mixed Tram 2000 + 24xx sets and Cobra
Route 4: mixed Tram 2000 + 24xx sets and Cobra
Route 5: Tram 2000 + 24xx sets
Route 6: Sänfte
Route 7: Tram 2000 double sets
Route 8: mixed Mirage and Tram 2000
Route 9: mixed Tram 2000 + 24xx sets and Cobra
Route 10: Cobra
Route 11: mixed Tram 2000 double sets and Cobra
Route 13: mixed Mirage double sets and Cobra
Route 14: mixed Tram 2000 double sets and Cobra
Route 15: Tram 2000
Peak-only relief working Hauptbahnhof – Sportplatz Hardturm: Sänfte

Sänfte trams Irchel As the Sänfte (Tram 2000 low-floor rebuilds) units displaced from route 10 are only partly being redeployed on the new relief working, this change is leading to an overall reduction in the number of such trams required in traffic. Rumoured plans to use Sänfte + 24xx sets as replacement for Mirage double sets have (according to these rumours) not yet been realised as the sets would be too long for certain stops. A solution is being sought.

17.12.2008: Glattalbahn: Phase Two opens

VBG Glattalbahn Bahnhof Balsberg The opening of Glattalbahn's phase two (to the airport) took place on Saturday (13th December). A special shuttle service was operated between the airport and Auzelg, with full operation of route 10 not commencing until the following day.

Snow provided a fitting setting for the white trams, while not discouraging visitors – with most trams being well filled and events along the route being well patronised. In service were all Glattal-liveried units (3062-5) and VBZ liveried 3060. This was possibly 3065's first day in public service.

I have uploaded a series of photographs of the event here. Unfortunately, in contrast to the press presentation of October, the trams were not specially decorated for the event.

17.12.2008: Tram maps

For those interested in tram maps, both current and historic, I have come across a most interesting site: The Zürich page is here (with links to other Swiss systems).

12.12.2008: Cargo Tram and E-Tram in 2009

Cargotram Letzigrund The timetable for Cargo Tram and E-Tram are available from the ERZ website. The nine previous destinations will continue to be served in 2009 (although the Tiefenbrunnen service will only run from July onwards due to ongoing works). However, Strassenverkehrsamt is added as a tenth destination as a replacement for Laubegg (which was discontinued in March 2007). As there is no siding here, this new service will, despite what the name suggests, not be tram-worked.

For more background on Cargo Tram and E-tram, visit this website's cargotram page.

12.12.2008: Alicante update

Alicante tram Albufereta I'm not planning to expand this newslog to cover international tram news in a general sense, but seeing I have covered Alicante in a August 2008 T&UT article and a section in my photo gallery, it wouldn't be out of place to offer infrequent updates on major developments (seeing this is one of my favourite systems). So here goes:

Since the writing of my article, electric operation was extended from Creueta to Benidorm on 2nd June, and the cross-city tunnel between Mercado and Luceros opens today (12th December 2008).

Tranvia Portal

A map helping trace these changes can be found here as pdf or here as (low resolution) gif.

11.12.2008: Glattalbahn countdown

Bahnhof Balsberg The commencement of regular operation on the second phase of Stadtbahn Glattal is now only three days away. A visit to the line earlier this week did not reveal any test running, but workmen were busy cleaning the stops and adding finishing touches.

Full operation of the extension from Glattpark to the Airport will commence in the early morning of Sunday, 14th December. The new line will be operated as an extension of route 10, the operating responsibility of which is being transferred to VBG. For this purpose, the trams of route 10 heading for the airport will leave their present itinerary at Sternen Oerlikon, and share tracks with route 14 as far as Bahnhof Oerlikon Ost. Here they will turn right onto the new connecting line to Leutschenbach, from where they will share tracks with route 11 to the commencement of the new line at Glattpark. At peak times all services will run through to the airport, offering a 7.5 minute headway. Off peak, every second tram from Hauptbahnhof will continue to turn at Bahnhof Oerlikon, leaving a 15 minute headway for the airport line. It is interesting that the VBG Cobras now on route 10 display "Zürich Hauptbahnhof" instead of "Hauptbahnhof". Maybe they will soon cross municipal boundaries, but they are still far from reaching any other town that would have a "Hauptbahnhof".

VBG Glattalbahn Cobra 3063 Initially, a mix of VBG and VBZ-liveried trams will work the service. Of the VBG-liveried trams, only 3062-4 have so far been sighted in service. 3065 is also in Zürich and may enter service in time for the opening.

On the day before proper commencement of service (Saturday 13th December), public demonstartion runs will be provided between the airport and Auzelg between 12:00 and 20:00. Information stands and/or special attractions will be provided at the stops of Lindbergh-Platz, Bahnhof Glattbrugg, Bahnhof Balsberg and Flughafen. More information on this can be found on the VBG website.

11.12.2008: Trolleybus update

This newslog has previously reported how Winterthur's Solaris Trollino trolleybus 173 visited Zürich for the Trolleymotion conference. Now Zürich's Swisstrolley3 151 has paid a return visit for demonstration and evaluation purposes in connection with Winterthur's trolleybus tendering process. While on ... (more)

11.12.2008: Einsatzwagen

In March, this newslog reported that Mirage 1675 had been fitted with matrix displays and was deployed on Einsatzwagen duties (basically a standby tram to fill in service gaps at short notice). It has recently been displaced from this ... (more)

10.12.2008: S-Bahn Mirage farewell

Zürich's S-Bahn Mirage trains (no connection to the trams with the same nickname), or RABDe 12/12 as they were officially called, or RABDe 510 as they later became have been officially withdrawn in a ceremony yesterday, having been displaced ... (more)

10.12.2008: 40,000 visitors

Cobra tram 3033 at Escher Wyss Platz The visitor count on this newslog has just passed 40,000 — that is 10,000 visitors since April.

04.12.2008: Basel: Weil tram construction to begin in January

basel tram 8 Construction of Basel's cross-border tram extension to Weil will be launched with an official ceremony this Saturday (6th). On 15th January, work will begin in earnest. The 104 million Frank extension will open in late 2012.

Basler Zeitung

30.11.2008: Referendum says no to zoo tram, but yes to route 1

International news is probably more focussed on the impact of today's referendum on Swiss drug legislation. However, in the other news, cantonal voters rejected VCS's initiative to extend the tram to the zoo entrance. Only 27.2% of votes cast ... (more)

20.11.2008: Trolleymotion in Zürich

Yesterday was the last day of a two-day trolleybus conference, Trolleymotion. The event ended with demonstration runs with two trolleybuses that had been brought to Zürich especially for the event. These were Solaris Trollino number 173 from Winterthur and ... (more)

18.11.2008: Trolleybuses for Ruse reports that seven ex-Basel Neoplan trolleybuses (924/6-7/9-31/3) are now in the Bulgarian city of Ruse. They were sold to Ruse via a dealer in Sibiu (Romania). Ruse's bus operator is now working together with Egged Corporation of Israel, ... (more)

17.11.2008: Five years of news

This newslog has now been online for five years. In the last year the newslog page alone scored 14274 visits (38935 over the last five years). Thank you to all regular and not so regular visitors who contributed to ... (more)

14.11.2008: Rolling stock changes

The third VBG-liveried Cobra, number 3064, is now being tested in Zürich. The following Mirage trams were reported stabled in Wollishofen depot on 5th Nobvember, presumably withdrawn: 1606-7/9/11/6/8/24/44 and Kühe: 1711-2/23-4. Also Cobra prototype 3001. 1644 has since been reported ... (more)

11.11.2008: Uetliberg tram farewell tour

This website's latest photo update features impressions of the farewell tour of Uetlibergbahn Ce2/2 2 + C41. For those wishing to watch or ride this tram one last time, it will be working on 6th and 7th December, departing ... (more)

05.11.2008: News roundup

Ticket machines: ZVV has presented the first of its new ticket machines. These have a touch-screen interface and will gradually replace the push-button machines of the early 1990s. Besides selling tickets, these provide timetable information, and appear to be ... (more)

30.10.2008: Second Glattal Cobra

A second VBG Cobra is now running in Zürich. 3063 was observed on a test run yesterday.

27.10.2008: Lausanne's metro opens

Lausanne's rubber-tyred metro (M2) commenced regular operation this morning. The line from Ouchy to Epalinges is said to be Switzerland's first "proper" metro. Between Ouchy and Flon it re-uses the alignment of the Ficelle cog railway, which was closed ... (more)

22.10.2008: Glattal Cobra in service

VBG Cobra 3062 at Milchbuck Only a day after its official rollout, VBG's first Cobra saw service on VBZ's route 10 yesterday. Photos of this and more can be found in this website's latest photo series.

22.10.2008: Autumn photo tours

Tram Museum Zürich is organising two photo tours this autumn. A farewell tour for Uetlibergbahn Ce2/2 2 + C41 will be operated on 9th November. It departs SZU platform at Hauptbahnhof (platform 1 or 2) 13:46 and return circa ... (more)

20.10.2008: Glattal Cobra rolls

VBG Glattal Cobra 3062 Glattalbahn's first Cobra, 3062, was presented to the press this morning. Quite by accident, I managed to capture the decorated tram the same afternoon.
VBG Glattal Cobra 3062
VBG Glattal Cobra 3062
VBG Glattal Cobra 3062
VBG Glattal Cobra 3062

15.10.2008: News roundup

According to Tram magazine (issue 95/08.-10.2008), Mirage 1614 was withdrawn following an accident in April. To handle the extra traffic during the EURO 2008 championships, the following units were temporarily reinstated between 6th and 17th June: 1606/12/5/9-20/2/711/23-4. Additionally withdrawn ... (more)

09.10.2008: Glattal phase 2 testing begins

Glattalbahn's first Cobra is to be presented to the press at Glattpark on Monday 13th October. Test running on the airport line will begin on the same day (a week earlier than previously announced). On 13th December, a day ... (more)

03.10.2008: First Glattal Cobra arrives

The first Glattal-liveried Cobra, 3062, was delivered to the VBZ Altstetten works yesterday. Driver training on the airport line is set to begin on 21st October.

02.10.2008: Goodbye Uetliberg tram

The SZU (Uetlibergbahn) heriatge "tram" set Ce2/2 2 + C 41 saw its last use yesterday. SZU no longer wishes to provide heritage services in future due to intensification of the regular timetable and shortage of stabling facilities.Four new ... (more)

02.10.2008: Glattal progress

A visit to the second phase of Glattalbahn yesterday revealed overhead to be practically complete along all visible sections of the line. The link between Bhf. Oerlikon Ost and Leustchenbach is also complete as far as track is concerned ... (more)

30.09.2008: Stock disposals

The process of loading a fresh batch of trams for Vinnitsa was begun in Altstetten works today.

The following GTZ trolleybuses have been scrapped: 7 (25th), 8 (today), 9 (date unknown).

19.09.2008: Website update — Photos

Seaton tramway The latest website update features photos of my recent visit to Seaton and Brussels.

While on the subject of Brussels, I can recommend this site:

19.09.2008: Glattal Cobra in October

Glattal Cobra VBGIt is reported on that the rollout of 3062, the first Cobra in Glattal livery, will not take place until 20th October.

17.09.2008: Schaffhausen's trolleybus saved!

Schaffhausen's city council has decided in favour of its trolleybus. A second study by INFRAS (the first had recommended abandonment) has shown that despite the risen price of oil, full dieselisation would still cut costs. A mixed trolley/diesel/bio-gas fleet ... (more)

17.09.2008: News update

I have just returned from a family break in England (including a visit to the Seaton tramway and a call at Brussels on the way). Pictures of this will follow [->here]. In the meantime, I hope I haven't missed ... (more)

02.09.2008: Basel: First tango arrives

BLT tango basel transport The first of BLT's Tango prototypes (or at least its rear half) arrived at BLT's Oberwil depot today.

Tramforum Basel, BLT

BLT tango basel

02.09.2008: Winterthur: Tendering for new trolleybuses begins

On 15th August, Winterthur invited tenders for 21 articulated trolleybuses. The deadline for tenders is 10th October and the succesful bidder must supply either a first vehicle or otherwise loan an equivalent demonstration vehicle in seven to ten months ... (more)

27.08.2008: New advertising tram

With the Euro 2008 over, all-over advertising trams are once again a rarity in Zürich. The latest is 2005, advertising the musical Ewigi-Liebi. 2005 was until recently the 125th anniversary tram.

27.08.2008: Website update — Photos

Tram Depot Hard by Limmat The latest photos on this website are a series of scenes from Freiburg, Zürich (including Glattalbahn), and Basel.

20.08.2008: Tram Zürich West – work begins (at last)

Escher Wyss Platz Construction of Tram Zürich West is to be launched at a ceremony at Escher-Wyss-Platz on 9th September at 9:09.


Tram Zürich West

20.08.2008: Website update — Photos

Jena Ost tram This website's latest photo update presents a series of photos, mostly taken this April in Jena and Naumburg.

18.08.2008: Mirage in Vinnitsa

At least one Mirage+B4 set is running in Vinnitsa. The cars are numbered 261 and 262. 261's trailer connections would suggest it is one of 1601-5.
(thanks to M. Baumann for finding this)

15.08.2008: New network map

new route map Zürich's network map is undergoing a graphic redesign (above right). The lines are thinner and pastel colours facilitate following some bus routes across interchanges. The new map will be introduced with this December's timetable.


old route map

15.08.2008: Website update — Photos

Winterthur trolleybusYesterday's photo series features Winterthur trolleybuses and railway scenes from Altstetten. Earlier series feauture Cobras and track replacement work at Bucheggplatz.

14.08.2008: Last chance to eat Gipfeli on Gipfeliexpress

A bit off-topic maybe, but undoubtedly one of the factors that makes the Swiss transport (and especiall rail) system so attractive to the enthusiast is its vast variety of local specialities. These are not all restricted to mountainous and ... (more)

12.08.2008: Tango for Basel

BLT Tango tram Basel The first of Basel's four prototype tango trams is to be delivered to BLT's Oberwil depot on 5th September and will enter service in December.

Tramforum Basel

07.08.2008: Trolleybus update

With deliveries of the new trolleybuses complete, time is running out for the remaining Merdedes/ABB O405 GTZ of the batch 2-36. At the end of June, nine were still in service: 9-11/8-9/23/5/8/36. Additionally there were four driver trainers 4123/6/8-9 ... (more)

05.08.2008: The last Mirage Kuh

According to reports on, the only Mirage without a driving cab (Kuh) left in service is 1725 which is coupled to 1662 on route 2.

31.07.2008: Rolling stock update

Only a couple of days after I added photos of the all white mirage 1689, and a couple more after it lost its advertising livery, it would appear that the tram is withdrawn and stored in Wollishofen. Possibly it ... (more)

29.07.2008: Website update — photos

mirage 1675 on tram route 11 I have added two short series of photos (yesterday and today) with various (mostly) Zürich scenes.

28.07.2008: News roundup

According to reports on, Cobras up to 3059 are now in service. The highest number I have encountered is 3058 (on route 14). Many of the Euro 2008 liveries have not outlived the games by much. The last game ... (more)

23.07.2008: Trolleybus deliveries complete

Today's 20 Minuten newspaper reports the delivery of the last of the 17 Lightram double-articulated trolleybuses. Reports on suggest it was already delivered on the 11th, and that 61-76 are all in service. The newest bus in 77. See also: Swisstrolley ... (more)

22.07.2008: Alicante trams

Alicante, Puerta del Mar tram The August 2008 edition of Tramway and Urban Transit (T&UT) includes an article by myself on Alicante's trams.

This website's Alicante resources: photos | map | newslog entries

previous magazine articles

16.07.2008: Website update: Historical postcards added

old postcard I have added a short series of old postcards to this website. To view these (with my annotations and comparative views), click here.

11.07.2008: Website update: Gyrobus article

Yverdon Gyrobus on test A short article on the Gyrobus, a flywheel-powered bus from the 1950s, has been added to this website. Read the Gyrobus article here.

03.07.2008: News roundup

Reports on indicate that the unrefurbished Cobra prototypes (3001-5) are out of service and stored in Wollishofen depot. 3005 has since been dismantled. They will be rebuilt similarly to 3006 to bring them up to the standard of ... (more)

01.07.2008: New trains ordered for Zürich S-Bahn

Stadler is to supply 50 double-deck trains for Zürich's S-Bahn for 1024 million franks. The order includes an option for 100 more. 121 double-deck coaches with low-floor entrance are also being ordered from Siemens and Bombardier for 360 million. ... (more)

01.07.2008: Vinnitsa Karpfen update

Last year, a number Karpfen (or P16) type trams left Zürich; for Vinnitsa (Ukraine). Their current runing numbers would appear to be the following: Vinnitsa number: Zürich number 229: 1418 (not confirmed) 230: 781 231: 1419 232: 782 233: 1427 234: 777 235: 1425 236: 774 or 783 237: ... (more)

30.06.2008: Basel farewell

Basel trolleybus farewell Just a reminder that trolleybus operation in Basel ends today. Christopher Leach's Busworld Photography blog has some notable pictures of Basel in the past.

Goodbye Basel trolleybus: 31.7.1941-30.6.2008

26.06.2008: Schaffhausen trolleybus threatened

A group has been formed to campaign for the retention of Schaffhausen's trolleybus. The group does not yet appear to have established a campaign website, but an announcement appears on the web of Basel's Pro Trolleybus. The Schaffhausen service ... (more)

26.06.2008: Stadtbahn Glattal update

I have updated this website with a short series of photographs documenting progress on phase 2 of Glattalbahn. The final touches are currently being added to the track, and work is commencing on the overhead line. Of interest is a ... (more)

24.06.2008: Basel trolleybus farewell

Coming Monday (30th June 2008) will be the last day of trolleybus operation in Basel. BVB are marking the occasion by decorating two trolleybuses with flowers. These will be the last to run in service, entering Rank depot for ... (more)

20.06.2008: Freiburg article

Freiburg tramThe current (July dated) edition of Tramways & Urban Transit features a fact file on Freiburg by Michael Taplin and myself (to be honest, my own contribution was minimal).


20.06.2008: Trams and football

Football fans and tramsThe UEFA cup is far from over yet, but the last of Zürich's three matches was played on Tuesday night (Italy beat France 2:0). I have added a short series of photos (and a film) to this website.

19.06.2008: Photo update: Alicante

Alicante tramI have added some photos of our recent Alicante trip. On the 2nd June we experienced the switchover from diesel to electric operation between Creueta and Benidiorm. A map can be downloaded here.

13.06.2008: Bern: Changes on track

The opening of Tram Bern West in 2010 will see Bern's tram system re-organised as follows (through tram lines): Brunnen/Betlehem to Saali (present route 3) , Bumpliz to Ostring (present route 5). Today's route G will be extended to ... (more)

09.06.2008: More football liveries

The sixth football livery has now been applied to Mirage 1689. Following the withdrawal of the sponsor, the livery is now a general purpose one. The same livery has also been applied to trolleybus GTZ 23.

29.05.2008: Trams and football: update

In Switzerland, the shops and the national news is full of it, and in the international news you can't really miss it either: The European Football Cup is being hosted in Switzerland and Austria this Summer. Zürich is getting ... (more)

27.05.2008: Referendum for zoo tram extension

The cantonal parliament has rejected the planned tram extension to the zoo by 72 to 55 votes. A referendum will however be held. Besides the costs (claimed to be 27 million), the main reason for the opposition is the ... (more)

23.05.2008: Trolleybuses leave Biel

Biel is currently replacing 11 Volvo trolleybuses (nos 62-72) of 1985-89 by 10 Hess Swisstrolleys (51-60). Pictures of withdrawn Volvos being loaded onto railway wagons for their journey to Romania can be found on .

See also this website's trolleybus pages.

20.05.2008: USA report

Philadelphia trolley I have uploaded a report on my recent USA trip, and an accompanying series of photographs.

Neither is exclusively dedicated to trams, but feature a high prevalence of tram pictures and observations.

16.05.2008: Luzern orders new trolleybuses

16 Hess Swisstrolley3 trolleybuses have been ordered by Luzern as replacement for vehicles dating to 1989.

13.05.2008: I'm back

I have just returned from a combined business trip and vacation in the USA, visiting Houston, Philadelphia and Dallas. A report on this will be added to this website later, as will any important Zürich news items I may have missed.

28.04.2008: Museum trams in action

On Sunday 27th April, all three operational trams of the Schnellläufer type will appear in public service bringing passengers to the museum. The event marks the 80th anniversary of the type. All three will depart Burgwies at 10:40 to ... (more)

23.04.2008: Basel trolleybus: the end is nigh

trolleybus claraplatzThe first of Basel's new gas-powered buses (not powered by compost gas) is arriving end of this month. Trolleybus operation in Basel will cease by the end of June.

Tramforum Basel

23.04.2008: Winterthur trolleybus petition update

winti trolleybus The petition for returning trolleybuses to Wintherthur's route 4 has been presented to the city council with 810 signatures. trolley

18.04.2008: Information displays for stops

VBZ is to install more than 150 digital information displays at 57 of its stops over the next 12 months.

20 Minuten

See also Passenger information displays (05.02.2007)

16.04.2008: News update

According to the NZZ newsppaer of 11th April, construction of Tram Zürich West is set to begin on 9th September. A correspondent has emailed me pointing out a tram accident I missed. On the early morning of April 4th, 2014 ... (more)

16.04.2008: Basel – St. Louis back on agenda

Basel tramIn Basel, things are looking up again for the cross-border line to St. Louis, with the Communauté de Communes des Trois Frontières having launched a study for the extension of route 3 via Bourgfelden to Saint-Louis station for opening in 2014.

Strassenbahnen Yahoogroup

15.04.2008: Happy birthday Cargotram!

Zurch Cargotram LetzigrundThe date has gone largely unnoticed, but today is the 5th anniversary of Cargotram's debut.

See also this website's cargotram index page.

14.04.2008: 30,000 visitors

The visitor count on this newslog has passed the 30,000 mark! Thank you to all visitors who keep it popular!

See also 20,000 visitors (29.05.2007)

11.04.2008: Mirages leaving Zürich

An impressive series of pictures documenting Mirage trams leaving Zürich by rail for Vinnitsa can be found on this page of

03.04.2008: Website update

This website has been updated with various new items. My article on the new tram museum at Burgwies, published in Tramways & Urban Transit (T&UT) in October 2007 is now available online (see also announcement of 17.09.2007). Also, in response to ... (more)

02.04.2008: More trams leave for Vinnitsa

Six B4 trailers (including the Karpfen trailer 786) left Zürich for Vinnitsa (Ukraine) by rail on 28th March. On 1st April these were followed by Mirage 1602/3 and 1718 (contradicting earlier indications that no cabless units were being sent).


27.03.2008: LighTram Hybrid in Zürich

Hess's Lightram hybrid demonstrator (basically a diesel-electric version of the double-articulated trolleybus that uses supercaps to store regenerated braking energy) is in Zürich today and tomorrow and running in public service on route 31 (registered ZH 741073). 20minuten More on this ... (more)

19.03.2008: Petition for more trolleybuses in Winterthur

Following January's decison to retain trolleybuses in Winterthur, a petition has been launched to return trolleybuses to the long-dieselised and partially dismantled route 4. Information and forms can be downloaded from trolley. As far as I can make ... (more)

18.03.2008: Timetable changes

Last year, 290 million passenger journeys were made with VBZ in the city (12.4 million, or 4.5% more than in 2006). The most significant growth was on the following tram routes: Route 5 (+ 27.2% to 6.6 million), this route ... (more)

14.03.2008: Low floor future

Current VBZ plans see the following rolling stock deployment for 2011 (by which time Cobra deliveries should be complete): Cobra on routes 2-4 and 9-14 Sänfte on route 6 Sänfte+Pony on route 7 Tram 2000 on routes 2-5, 7-9, 11 and 13-15 Routes 6, ... (more)

04.03.2008: Basel – Weil approved

Weil's council approved the cross-border tram extension from Basel on Friday with a surprising majority of 22 votes to 10. Construction should begin later this year. Weil's contribution to the project is 5 million Franks. Baden Württemberg is paying ... (more)

04.03.2008: Matrix on mirage

Seen yesterday as Einsatztram, Mirage 1675 fitted with matrix displays fitted to side windows. The end displays were still of the conventional type. The Einsatztram is a spare tram that normally waits with a driver in the Gessnerallee loop near ... (more)

25.02.2008: No new trolleybus lines for Zürich

trolleybus overhead repairs The city executive council has rejected a motion by two members of the Social-democrat party (SP) for the electrification of bus routes 67, 69 and 80. The rejection was justified on cost grounds.

25.02.2008: No free trams for Geneva

This weekend, a referendum in Geneva rejected with 67.2 % against the proposal to make public transport free in Genève. Various left-wing parties had raised the proposal of abolishing all public transport fares in Geneva, arguing that this would ... (more)

20.02.2008: Basel – Weil: An extremely generous tram offer

Achieving progress on Basel's cross-border tram project for an extension to Weil in Germany is proving a bumpy ride. Basel's neighbour wants the tram in principle but doesn't like the idea of paying for it. At least this is ... (more)

20.02.2008: More Basel news: Wiesenplatz depot

BVB's Wiesenplatz depot is to be rebuilt for 45 million Franks. This is the depot that was ravaged by fire in 2004. The project will change the depot from a stub to a through-running layout, saving an estimated half ... (more)

15.02.2008: Stadtbahn Limmattal

Stadtbahn Limmattal / LimmattalbahnThe proposed Stadtbahn Limmattal tram/LRV corridor between Zürich Altstetten and Killwangen is taking another step forwards with the cantonal authorities now taking the necessary steps to safeguard the alignment.

Kanton Online

(click on map to enlarge)

11.02.2008: Are Cobras too silent?

Following many complaints that Cobras are noisy (at least for the passenger), it now seems they are also too silent (at least for pedestrains and car drivers). According to an article in the Friday edition of the free newspaper, ... (more)

07.02.2008: Glattal progress

This website has not reported on progress on the construction of phase 2 of Stadtbahn Glattal since September. With the opening now less than ten months away, the last elements are beginning to fall into place. Track is now ... (more)

05.02.2008: Cobra University

3027 has become the first Cobra to receive an all-over advertising livery — for the University's 175th anniversary

04.02.2008: Rolling stock status

Mirage tramWith Cobras increasingly displacing Tram 2000 sets from route 14, the latter type are now being redeployed on route 13. This leaves route 2 as the only route to be all-Mirage worked.

Cobra deliveries have reached 3049.

04.02.2008: Lausanne plans tram

A tram has been proposed for Lausanne. The line would connect Bussigny — Renens — Flon and could be open in 2015.

Bahnforum Schweiz

29.01.2008: Do you speak tram?

You may have heard about people learning languages on the tram, but it is much rare to see them take their teacher with them! From today to 1st April, VBZ's Partytram (1330) will be rolling through the streets every ... (more)

25.01.2008: Winterthur to retain trolleybus

The town of Winterthur has decided to retain its trolleybus system and to spend 24 million Franks for the replacement of 21 trolleybuses. The decison was based on a study by the INFRAS institute, which showed that abandonemnt could ... (more)

23.01.2008: News roundup

According to, Cobra deliveries have reached 3047. 3003 is being prepared to be returned to Bombardier by rail. This would make it the second of the prototypes (after 3006) to be rebuilt to series specifications. Trolleybus deliveries have ... (more)

21.01.2008: Mirage update

A correspondent informs me, that the news of the demise of Mirage + B4 sets on route 4 was premature. At least 1679+789 and 1680+790 have seen service in January. It is reporetd on that Mirage 1689 is now ... (more)

16.01.2008: Fifth football livery

The latest football livery has been applied to 2051+2425. The tram advertises Swiss (the airline) and has several airline seats fitted. It is not clear, however, whether passengers will be required to use seatbelts.

Bahnforum Schweiz

14.01.2008: WSB/AAR news

The last goods traffic on WSB's Oberentfelden to Shöftland line will cease at the end of this year, with the last customer, a Shöftland flour mill, switching to road haulage following a change in ownership. The exchange sidings at ... (more)

10.01.2008: Tram accident

This morning at about 5:50 a tram collided with a lorry at Radiostudio. The tram driver was severly wounded and had to be cut out of his cab, an operation taking one and a half hours. The tram (number ... (more)

03.01.2008: 2007 news

A Merry Christmas and a happy new to all readers! All 2007 news items (132 in total) have been moved to: 2007 was an eventful year. For VBZ, it marked the 125th anniversary of trams in Zürich (although the tram aspect ... (more)

<news for 2009 | news for 2007>