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11.12.2009: Zürich's new tram order delayed

tram 2000 bucheggplatz The oldest Tram 2000s, delivered in 1976, will be 40 years old in 2016. Around that time, VBZ would like to replace the first batch (2001-45 and 2301-15) by 35 to 40 new trams (which will be longer and hence not be required to work in multiple, hence the overall reduction in numbers). Although not mentioned specifically, I am assuming the circa 15 Mirage trams likely to last until then are also covered in this replacement.

tango and tram 2000 bahnhof enge It is unlikely that the new trams will be required to be 100% low floor. The recent succesful trial of a Tango tram in Zürich showed that the public does not see high-floor areas as a disadvantage.

Planning had foreseen that the tendering process for these new trams would start this year. The newspaper, Tages Anzeiger, has been revealed that this will now definitely not be the case, but that this will be a goal for 2010. VBZ would like sufficient time to trail pre-series trams before placing a definite order.

Tages Anzeiger

10.12.2009: Basel: 15 Tango trams ordered

tango tram Following an extensive test and evaluation phase with four prototype Tango trams (which also made guest appearances on BVB and in Zürich), BLT has signed an order for 15 further units with Stadler, for delivery in 2011 and 2012.

07.12.2009: Sänfte + Pony pairs?

This newslog has in the past reported on the possibility that Sänfte + Pony pairs might be deployed. The Sänftes are Tram 2000 numbers 2099-2121 which were extended by adding low-floor centre sections in the years 2001-05. The Ponys (2401-35) are short non-articulated Tram 2000 units with two bogies. The idea of pairing Sänftes and Ponies has been around for some time, but such a formation would be slightly too long for many stops. One solution that is being evaluated is that of shortening the front and rear couplings of such a pair.

It is reported on that Sänfte 2120 has now been fitted with such a front coupling, modified from the rear coupling of a withdrawn cabless Mirage (1691-1726).

07.12.2009: Cobra 3079

Cobra deliveries have now reached 3079. This is probably the last to be delivered in VBG livery (Glattalbahn), with the remaining 3080-88 to follow in VBZ livery.

20.11.2009: Bern: new Combinos arriving

The first three of Bern's new Combinos (651-3) are now in Bern and being tested.

19.11.2009: Limmattalbahn to extend to Baden?

Glattalbahn Limmattalbahn Baden This webiste has in the past reported on the Limmattalbahn project to build a tram line from Zürich Altstetten to Killwangen Bahnhof. This is now making good progress with an opening for 2019 envisaged. For a more distant horizon, an extension to Baden via Wettingen is also on the wish list. This option has now taken an important step forwards with the cantonal parliament of Aargau agreeing to invstigate four routing variants in the Wettingen/Baden area. The line would have to cross the Limmat river twice and find its way through the Baden/Wettingen conurbation to terminate in central Baden. The securing of a corridor will effect future development projects. The article in Aargauer Zeitung has a sympathetic impression of a Glattal Cobra crossing the Hochbrücke Limmat bridge in Baden (a view I considered worth sharing here despite white Cobras having already featured markedly in recent news items).

It is also being suggested that at its Zürich end, the line should not terminate at Bahnhof Altstetten as previously suggested, but continue into central Zürich (and maybe even to Tiefenbrunnen!). This would reqire it to use existing or planned tram tracks and so pre-empt any decison on the system to be adopted for Limmattalbahn (guided bus solutions have been suggested in the past as alternative to a tram).

10.11.2009: Glattal Cobras on route 11

Until recently, with only Cobras 3062-3074 being available in Glattal livery, route 10 was often short of suitably liveried trams and VBZ liveried ones had to help out. With 3075 and 3076 having joined the fleet, the reverse is ... (more)

09.11.2009: Blackpool pictures

Blackpool evening, tram and dog I have just returned from a visit to Blackpool. I hope to report on this more fully later, but for now here is a selection of photographs.

09.11.2009: Further Mirages on their way to Vinnitsa

The latest Mirage trams to leave Zürich for Vinnitsa are 1606, 1609, 1611, 1613, 1618, 1623, 1630, 1631, 1633, 1636, 1616, 1624, 1632 und 1628. They were sighted on a train in Wien on 25th October.

Martin Baumann (citing Bahnnews Austria)

27.10.2009: Cobra 3075

VBG Cobra 3075 at Milchbuck The first of the 14 additional Cobras confirmed as option in December 2007, number 3075, is now in service and carrying VBG's livery.

27.10.2009: New photos added

VBG Cobra in autumn scene at Sternen Oerlikon I have updated this webiste by adding recent photos from Zürich, taken on 2nd October and some autumnal scenes taken today.

27.10.2009: Facelift for tunnel stops

Tram stop Tierspital The three underground tram stops of the Schwamendingen subway, are to be given a 13.2 million Frank facelift to make them brighter and friendlier by 2012.

21.10.2009: Four further Mirage leave Zürich

Mirage tram Four Mirage trams (1630, 1623, 1633 and 162?) were seen on railway wagons yesterday evening, covered in graffiti and probably bound for Vinnitsa.

(the number of the fourth tram could not be read)

21.10.2009: The world's oldest active articulated trolleybus

Possibly the world's oldest active trolleybus is ex-VBZ 105, which is still in regular service in Valparaiso, Chile. As this year marks its 50th birthday, I have added a short article on the FBW GTr 51 type in Zürich ... (more)

14.10.2009: Lugano's tram takes a step forwards

The canton of Ticino has provided 2 million Franks for the planning process of Lugano's tram. These plans will be submitted to the federal government by the end of 2011. Construction could start in 2015. The first line will ... (more)

13.10.2009: News roundup

According to Tram magazine (issue 99/08.-10.2009), the Cobra tram involved in the broken-suspension incident of June was 3051 (the date is reported as 23rd June). Seven Cobras were temporarily withdrawn as a consequence. The next Mirages likely to be withdrawn ... (more)

30.09.2009: BDWM: BDe4/4 scrapped

BDWM's (Bremgarten Dietikon) BDe4/4 number 11 dating to 1932 has been scrapped. The vehicle spent its last years as BDWM's party car (at one time sponsored by MacDonald's, hence its red colour). It featured a plexiglass floor plate to ... (more)

30.09.2009: Limmattalbahn: Cash for planning released

The board of ZVV (Zürcher Verkehrsverbund, the cantonal transport coordination authority) has released 6.9 million Franks for planning works on Limmattalbahn, the proposed tram link from Zürich Altstetten to Killwangen. This money covers 75% of the budget. The remaining ... (more)

25.09.2009: Kalkbreite depot

While on the topic of depot rebuilding, another approaching project is that at Kalkbreite. The first depot on this site was a horse tram depot dating to 1882. This was replaced by a larger depot for electric cars in ... (more)

25.09.2009: Oerlikon depot

An article in today's Tages Anzeiger newspaper looks ta the plans to extend Oerlikon depot. This extension will be required to house the Glattalbahn trams. The first depot on this site was built in 1889 by the private company ZOS ... (more)

22.09.2009: Swiss Standard trams in T&UT

An article by myself on the Swiss Standard tram is published in the current (October 2009) issue of Tramways & Urban Transit. The article carries the title "Swiss Standards: 70 years of a classic". Admitedly, this article is short (and ... (more)

21.09.2009: VBZ tests energy storage

The section of tram line between Zürichbergstrasse and Zoo is to be used to test an energy storage system. Modern tram types (I believe from the third Tram 2000 generation onwards, ie 2099-2121, 2421-2435 and all Cobras) feed energy ... (more)

10.09.2009: Engineering tram (Ingenieurtram)

Zürich's latest special livery tram has taken to the streets today. The tram (Cobra 3056) is dedicated to engineering and especially to encouraging young people to take interest in the engineering profession. The tram will run in this guise ... (more)

09.09.2009: Website update

Freiburg tram 56 I have added three new photo series to this website: tram depot open day in Freiburg (25th July), Rigi Bahn (23rd August) and assorted recent transport views.
Rigi steam /Rigi Dampf

21.08.2009: A secure future for Schaffhausen's trolleybus

The future of Schaffhausen's trolleybus looks brighter. With 19 votes to 12, the town council agreed to invest 10.5 million Franks in 7 new trolleybuses, a new overhead repair vehicle and a new electricity substation for Neuhausen. Schaffhausen's mini network ... (more)

11.08.2009: Winterthur trolleybus visits Bologna

Winterthur's Solaris Trollinos are back on the demonstration tour, with 177 recently visiting Bologna (besides Zlin's Skoda 25Tr 408 and Milano's Van Hool/Vossloh Kiepe 709). Bologna is seeking to buy 11 articulated trolleybuses. Trolleymotion Previous demonstrations with Winterthur Trollinos include Gent ... (more)

07.08.2009: Cobras 3003 and 3002

Cobra tram on Bahnhofquai To follow up on the recent report of the return of rebuilt (or rebodied?) prototype Cobras 3005 and 3004; they have now been joined by 3003 and 3002.

04.08.2009: Mirage update

Complementing yesterday's update on ex-VBZ trams in Vinnitsa, the following withdrawn Mirage have had their VBZ insignia removed (according to, suggesting they may be heading for Vinnitsa: 1606/9/11/3/6/8/ 23/4/8/31/2/3/6 (and furthermore 1630 with accident damage). If this is ... (more)

03.08.2009: Vinnitsa numbering update

Further to previous reports on the numbering of ex Zürich trams in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa (see July 2008 and March 2009), Martin Baumann, a correspondent, has sent me the following definite list (citing as source Blickpunkt Strassenbahn): Vinnitsa ... (more)

29.07.2009: First Tram 2000 scrapped

2060 accident radiostudio It is sad indeed to see the first Tram 2000 scrapped. 2060, which was damaged in an accident in January 2008 and has been out of use since, met this fate last week.

24.07.2009: Stadelhofen rebuilding

A major remodelling project is in hand at Stadelhofen, which is requiring the entire area to be closed off from 11th July to 16th August (the project was described on this newslog here). During this period routes 2 and 4 ... (more)

24.07.2009: Amsterdam pictures

Amsterdam tram Ijburg Recent Amsterdam pictures have been added to this website. Some document the IJburg line, which connects a string of recently developed islands, and others show more classical aspects of the city's tram system. View here.

23.07.2009: RBS sets meter-gauge speed record

Bern's regional rail operator, RBS, has claimed the Swiss speed record for meter gauge. The record of 133.5km/h was acheived during testing of Stadler's new NeXT (Niederflur Express Triebzug). In total six of these units are being delivered to ... (more)

14.07.2009: Swisstrolley in Winterthur

Winterthur Swisstrolley impression A Zürich Swisstrolley is being tested in Winterthur for three days commencing today. Winterthur ordered 21 of these trolleybuses in February. Delivery will commence next year.

Stadt Winterthur

10.07.2009: 50,000 visitors

Cobra tram at night in Oerlikon The visitor count on this newslog has just passed 50,000 — that is 10,000 visitors in seven months (since 10th December). Thank you to all visitors who keep this site popular.

10.07.2009: This newslog is now syndicated

Moving along with the times, I have added an RSS news feed to this webiste. This means you can (for example) get news on updates of this site delivered straight to an RSS reader on your computer desktop. The link ... (more)

08.07.2009: News roundup (Oerlikon and Mirages)

Plans are taking shape to redesign the area around Bahnhof Oerlikon. According to the city of Zürich, Oerlikon is now the 6th busiest station in Switzerland, handling 110,000 passengers a day (behind Zürich HB: 300,000, Bern: 145,000, Zürich Stadelhofen: ... (more)

01.07.2009: Cobra suspension update

Inspections of the Cobra fleet following last week's broken-suspension incident has led to the withdrawal of six further Cobras.

01.07.2009: Cobra 3074, then 3005 ...

With the arrival of 3074, the numerical delivery of the initial Cobra order is complete. The initial contract signed between VBZ and the supplier consortium in December 1996 had specified an initial 17 trams of which six were to be ... (more)

30.06.2009: Tramways Monthly

screenshot of tramways monthly website In March, this website reported the appearance of a new e-magazine, Tramways Monthly. The magazine has since launched a new website:, and reached issue number five. The website also features a forum to discuss all things tram-related.

28.06.2009: More Cobra problems

It is reported on (citing Tages Anzeiger as source) that in the night of 24th to 25th June, as a Cobra tram was returning to Irchel depot, the suspension on one of the wheels on the middle section ... (more)

23.06.2009: Progress on Tram Zürich West

In recent decades, the addition of new tram lines to the Zürich system has progressed rather sparingly. Following the stagnation of the 1960s in which the future of the tram system was called into question, growth never managed to ... (more)

16.06.2009: Wetzikon Meilen's last wagon saved

With such projects as Glattalbahn and Limmattalbahn now growing the Zürich tram system beyond its urban confines, it is often forgotten that there was a time that interurban lines extended much further into the surrounding countryside. Forchbahn and Bremgarten ... (more)

11.06.2009: First rails for Tram Zürich West

Tram Zürich West
The first rails of the Escher-Wyss-Platz to Bahnhof Altstetten line have been layed. They are positioned at the future Technopark stop. This 3.2 km link will open in 2011.

Tages Anzeiger

05.06.2009: Glattalbahn to replace shuttle bus?

According to, hotels along the route of Glattalbahn, impressed by the performance of the new tram, have approached VBG to negotiate free use of the service for passengers transferring to and from the airport. Several of these so-called ... (more)

27.05.2009: Zoo cable car

Zürich Zoo's plans for a cable car link to Stettbach are taking a step forwards with the required structures now being highlighted by positioning poles to mark their outlines (as is usual in Swiss planning processes). The cable car ... (more)

25.05.2009: News roundup, new tram lines

According to reports on, planning of the tram line on Rosengartenstrasse is making positive progress, with the company, Ernst Basler + Partner AG, now entrusted with the evaluation of the project. Variants being considered are (1) a tram ... (more)

25.05.2009: Going potty

Off topic: After decorating the city centre with themed bears in 2005, this summer's special theme is giant flower pots. Although the trams themselves do not appear to be participating directly (they did last time) there is certainly plenty ... (more)

19.05.2009: Glattalbahn: Phase three progress

A recent visit to Glattalbahn's phase three revealed rapid progress. Work is already in in hand at Bahnhof Stettbach, which is being totally rebuilt to accomodate the new tram line. The new layout will see the present unpopular structure ... (more)

12.05.2009: Route 8's extension a step closer

VBZ's Vision 2025, published in 2006, included the extension of tram route 8 from its current Hardplatz terminus to form a junction with Tram Zürich West (currently under construction) at Schiffbau. The current status of planning is that this ... (more)

29.04.2009: Tango trial a success

During BLT Tango 154's stay in Zürich, it covered 2777km in 158 hours of operation. It ran in public service on route 7 from 31st March to 17th April, during which time it only suffered one failure (caused by ... (more)

27.04.2009: Bern: First extended Combino

combino tram bern The first of the extended Combinos for Bern has now entered service. 765 is the first of eight Combinos that are being stretched from five to seven sections. The work is being carried out by Siemens in Vienna.

tram bus bern

27.04.2009: Last tango

The Tango demonstrator's last day in passenger service in Zürich may have been on Friday 17th, but this was not it's very last passenger-carrying move in the city. The tram was chartered on the evening of Monday 20th. This ... (more)

27.04.2009: Vinnitsa numbering update

mirage and tatra trams in vinnitsa Further to previous reports (July 2008 and March 2009 update) on the numbering of ex-Zürich trams in Vinnitsa, it is confirmed that 1602 is now 257.

Martin Baumann

24.04.2009: News roundup

The latest edition of Tram magazine (Nr. 97/02.-04.2009) reports on the ending of Mirage operation on route 7 in October, musing that in April 1966, 1601 and 1602 commenced running here and that the route saw this type continuously ... (more)

22.04.2009: Tango leaves Zürich

tango at bahnhof enge Tango demonstrator 154 is leaving Zürich for Basel by road, with the first half leaving yesterday and the second following today. Its three sister units (151-3) are already running in Basel.

16.04.2009: Last chance to tango

tango en zurich According to, the Tango demonstrator's last day in service in Zürich will be tomorrow (Friday 17th April).

16.04.2009: New Orleans

new orleans streetcar I have uploaded a series of pictures from my recent USA trip, mostly focussed on New Orleans and including some tram scenes.

15.04.2009: Stadtbahn for Winterthur?

Five years ago, Winterthur considered a tram system based on a mix of new lines and shared running on existing railways. The plans were dropped on account of their high costs. Recently, however, the concept has resurfaced. This time ... (more)

15.04.2009: Guided bus and trams for Zug?

Since its opening in 2004, Stadtbahn Zug has been the pride of Zug's transport system. The frequent and fast service upgraded existing rail corridors while adding new stops and capacity. From the beginning it had been planned to also ... (more)

14.04.2009: Original Polybahn car back in Zürich

The Polybahn funicular, linking Central to Polyterrasse has long been an irreplacable part of Zürich's transport scene. Opened in 1889 and originally powered by water tanks and gravity, the funicular was electrified in 1897. The original cars and much ... (more)

09.04.2009: Tango in service

Tango in Zurich The Tango demonstrator (BLT 154) has been succesfully running on route 7 for some days. I have uploaded a series of pictures.

25.03.2009: Tango set for debut

VBZ has announced that the Tango demonstrator will run on route 7 for two weeks commencing 31st March.

24.03.2009: Glattalbahn in T&UT

Glattalbahn opening The April edition of Tramways & Urban Transit features an article by myself on the Glattalbahn.


19.03.2009: Longer trams for Zürich?

Zürich is eagerly awaiting the first appearance in service of the Tango demonstrator which is now being prepared for its debut in the VBZ workshops. The choice of routes the tram can work on is somewhat limited though: The ... (more)

19.03.2009: Cobras 3070 and 3071

Glattal tram According to my observations, Cobra deliveries have reached 3070. reports that 3071 is also now in Zürich. Both are Glattal liveried.

19.03.2009: Trams for Biel

The project to reintroduce trams to the town of Biel has taken an important step forwards, with Bernese cantonal authorities giving their thumbs up. The new tram line will be developed from the present Biel – Täufelen – Ins ... (more)

12.03.2009: Tango in Zürich

BLT Tango for Zurich? The first half of the Tango-tram demonstrator arrived at VBZ's Altstetten workshops yesterday. The tram will be presented to the press on 25th March and run in service between late March and mid April.

09.03.2009: Vinnitsa update

Updating this website's previous report on the numbering of ex-Zürich trams in Vinnitsa, the following identities are confirmed: 229 is ex VBZ 1418 and 236 is ex VBZ 783. 1420 and 774 are being cannibalised for spares. The Mirage ... (more)

04.03.2009: Tramways Monthly

A new online tram magazine has been launched. Tramways Monthly is a (free) e-magazine covering tram and light-rail topics from across the world. The latest edition (number 2) is available for download here (downloads as pdf). For subscription and other ... (more)

04.03.2009: It takes time to tango

Further to yesterday's report that the Tango demonstrator will arrive next week, other sources are suggesting the week after (16th March) with appearances in public service on route 7.

03.03.2009: Tango next week

BLT tango basel Zürich's Tango test is planned for week 11 (the week commencing 9th March).

02.03.2009: Tango tram to be tested in Zürich

According to a report in 20 Minuten, one of the prototype Tango trams from Basel will be demonstrated in Zürich later this month. The Tango is a possible candidate for replacing the Tram 2000 type. It is speculated on, ... (more)

24.02.2009: Winterthur: Swisstrolley update

Further to yesterday's information on Winterthur's trolleybus order, town councillor Matthias Gfeller has provided further information on the decison. Hess' offer was succesful against those of Viseon (the company that absorbed Neoplan), Van Hool und Solaris (supplier of Winterthur's ... (more)

23.02.2009: Winterthur orders Swisstrolleys

Following on from last year's decison to retain its trolleybus system and renew the fleet, Winterthur has ordered 21 Swisstrolley-type trolleybuses from Hess. The order is worth 26 million Franks, with a first vehicle arriving in late Summer, and ... (more)

17.02.2009: Special liveries get rarer

Last year must have been a record year in terms of special liveries, with VBZ using the Euro 2008 championship to break ist usual rule restricting special liveries to three sets — and applying football liveries to five tram ... (more)

17.02.2009: Noisy Cobras

Today's Tages Anzeiger newspaper reports about the continuing problems with noise and vibrations on Cobra trams. These are caused by unequal wear and tear on wheels which leads to wheelflats/polygon formation (with 15 to 19 corners). The noise and ... (more)

12.02.2009: Electronic matrix displays

With the continuing installation of electronic displays in Tram 2000 units, the original backlit route information displays are now becoming rarer. The greater flexibility of the electronic version makes it easier to transfer cars between routes. Meanwhile, matrix destination indicators ... (more)

12.02.2009: Cobra 3068 and 3069

According to, Cobra deliveries have now reached 3069, with 3068 being the highest number in service. Both carry the VBG Glattal livery.

02.02.2009: Ringbahn Hardwald

It has been a long time since this website reported on progress on Ringbahn Hardwald rapid transit project to the nort-east of Zürich. The accompanying map shows the status of planning as published by the Cantonal government last year. ... (more)

30.01.2009: Zürich trams in Vinnitsa

karpfen vinnitsa I have uploaded a series of photographs of trams (and trolleybuses) from Vinnitsa, including some familiar ex-Zürich trams. With kind permission of Håkon Kinck Gaarder. Click for: trams, trolleybus, ex-Zürich, all scenes.

20.01.2009: News roundup

It has been some time now since this website reported on the current status of the dwindling Mirage fleet. withdrawals have accelerated since the end of the EURO 08 football championship. According to the number 96/11.2008-01.2009 edition of Tram ... (more)

20.01.2009: Statistics roundup

In the wake of various statistic misinformation and exaggeration (including in a recent article in Tramways & Urban Transit), I will attempt to clarify to the best of my information the size of the Zürich tram system. Route length: 113.1 ... (more)

19.01.2009: Pedaler tram moves to safety

"Pedaler" is the name given in Zürich to the lighter version of the Swiss Standard Tram. 1501-1552 were delivered between 1941 and 1951, with the last vanishing from service in the late 1980s. Three examples have survived: 1501 was ... (more)

16.01.2009: Stadtbahn Obersee

There has been a resurgence in interest in light rail projects over recent years, with projects having been suggested or being considered in places as diverse as Lausanne, Sankt Gallen, Biel, Winterthur or Lugano. With Stadtbahn Zug and Glattalbahn ... (more)

08.01.2009: Amsterdam's cargo tram in trouble

Amsterdam's cargo tram is possibly facing bankrupcy, as the city is refusing to contribute to the extra tracks that will be needed. The city is officially in favour of the project but on the condition that it works without ... (more)

07.01.2009: Trolleybuses cross the Andes

A bit off-topic, but quite spectacular: Imagine trolleybuses winding their way through spectacular terrain high up in the Andes (well, unfortunately, not under their own power). The explanation: The Argentine city of Mendoza has recently taken delivery of second ... (more)

06.01.2009: Basel: Tango in service

The first of BLT's Tango prototypes is now running in service in Basel. At present it is restricted to early morning turns, permitting it to be released for testing and training during the day.

Tram Forum Basel

06.01.2009: Trolleybus disposals

GTZ trolleybus 19, one of the last of its batch to have remained in service in Zürich, has been seen outside the depot in Winterthur, presumably to be scrapped for spares.

06.01.2009: Photo update

tram in fog The latest photo gallery uploaded onto this website contains a random mix of older and more recent photos, without any special theme.

05.01.2009: Trolleybuses find new homes

A correspondent in Bulgaria reports that most ex-Sankt Gallen trolleybuses have now arrived in Plovdiv where they are replacing BMC and Skoda vehicles on routes 5 and 19 respectively. From reports on, the trolleybuses going to Plovdiv are ... (more)

05.01.2009: 2008 news

A Merry Christmas and a happy new to all readers! All 2008 news items (106 in total) have been moved to: 2008 was another eventful year. Among the greatest highlights was doubtlessly the Euro 2008 football championship. Besides handling the crowds, ... (more)

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