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10.12.2010: Glattal region eyes tram expansion

glattalbahn opening flowers Two news items today look at future tram expansion in the Glattal area.

The first of these projects is the extension of Glattalbahn beyond the airport through Kloten and Bassersdorf. This is part of the project formerly known as Ringbahn Hardwald. The 'ring' is likely to be realised in phases on account of the differing needs and stages of development of the places being served. The extension from the airport to Bassersdorf looks set to be higher in priority. The canton and communities have announcd that they have agreed on the future alignment and this is now being reserved. With available funds being required by more pressing tram projects such as Limmattalbahn and Tram Hardbrücke, construction of this section is not likely to commence soon, and an opening before 2020 is unlikely. However, a clear demarcation of future land use is necessary to allow land development projects to go ahead.

glattalbahn viaduct balsberg in snow The other project that has hit the news is a proposed tram extension from Schwamendingen (presumably branching off or diverting route 9 at Altried) and continuing via Zentrum Glatt to Dietlikon's industrial area. This area has many large shops (including IKEA) and serious congestion is frequent. The local bus services get caught up in this and so fail to provide a viable alternative. Dietlikon has in the past rejected proposals to create a bus lane but is now surprisingly supportive of this tram project (which is not new, but has not been mentioned for a long time).

Of course the biggest Glattal tram event right now is the opening of Glattalbahn tomorrow.

10.12.2010: Eberswalde trolleybus in Zürich

Further to yesterday's report on the Eberswalde trolleybus visiting Zürich, the website www.obus-ew-de has some pictures of number 051 being loaded onto a low loader (1st December) for the trip and arrived in Zürich (3rd December) in a rather more dirty-looking state. The bus is likely to remain in Switzerland for 2 weeks. According to, night-time testing on the VBZ system has commenced.

09.12.2010: Trolleybus trials

In connection with the planned acquisition of new trolleybuses, different manufacturers are demonstrating their products in Zürich. However, in contrast to the tram trials of this and last year, the trials are not taking place publically. Apparently this is due to stricter Gatt/WTO rules having come into effect. This requirement is especially strange as surely public opinion is important in the definition of tomorrow's transport. VBZ are in fact not even revealing which manufacturers are particpating, but a Tages Anzeiger article of 8th December reveals a Solaris Trollino 18 of Barnimer Busgesellschaft (Eberswalde, Germany) was (or is) here. The newspaper asks why this bus had to be taken 800km on a low loader when similar buses are running in nearby Winterthur, and answers this by explaining that these are now five years old and technology has moved on.

zurich trolleybus visitors All tenders must reach VBZ by 26th January 2011. The winner will supply 12 double-articulated and 21 single-articulated trolleybuses, with the latter being delivered by the end of 2013 and the former a year earlier. Concerning the question of how these 33 buses are to replace the 43 Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ units, it appears that the order will come with an option for 40 further single articulated and 10 double articulated units, whose acquisition can only be confirmed as the future development of the trolleybus network is clarified. This again depends on the approval and timelines of tram projects such as Rosengartentram (replacing trolleybus 72) and Tram Route 1 (replacing trolleybus 31) and also possible future electrification of bus routes. VBZ are working on an update of their Vision 2025, which will also cover trolleybus development.

To this website's trolleybus pages.

The photo above is not of the present trial but shows a Winterthur Solaris and a Barquisimeto Electroliner visiting Zürich for the Trolleymotion conference in 2008.

07.12.2010: Partytime as new tram mileage opens this weekend

This weekend will see the completion of two major tram projects.

In Zürich, Glattalbahn will be completed with the opening of its third phase. The first phase from Oerlikon to Auzelg opened in December 2006, and the second phase from Glattpark to the airport in December 2008. This third and (for now) final phase extends beyond Auzelg via Wallsellen and Dübendorf to re-join the tram network at Bahnhof Stettbach. In a more distant future, it is intended to extend the system further by closing the gap between Dübendorf and the airport via Dietlikon, Bassersdorf and Kloten (Ringbahn Hardwald).

Saturday 11th December will see the official opening with the public being able to take free rides and numerous events organised in the vicinity of the stops. More information on this can be found on the website Regular operation will commence on Sunday 12th. Besides additional track mileage, Zürich is also gaining a new tram route. Route 12 will serve the new corridor and then continue beyond Auzelg to the airport. It will be worked by VBG-liveried Cobra trams.

Tram Bern West Meanwhile, Sunday will also mark the opening of Tram Bern West. This is not only the first major tram extension to have been built in Bern for many years, but with it Bern is gaining not one but two additional tram lines. The new extension forms two branches, with route 8 terminating at Brünnen and route 7 at Bümplitz. It is fitting for the Christmas season that the Brünnen branch also serves a place called Bethlehem. Similarly to Glattalbahn, the opening will be accompanied by numerous other activities along the route and even a concert. More information can be found on the website

Also in Bern, RBS Route G to Worb is being integrated into the city tram network.

I don't know whether it is coincidence, or maybe planning for the benefit of invited guests and enthusiasts that despite both projects coming into full service on the same day (coinciding of course with the national timetable changeover), that the main Glattal festivities are on the previous day so making it easy for enthusiasts to attend both events and enjoy a very trammish weekend. This makes it all the more unfortunate that Tram Museum Zürich have also chosen the same Sunday for their end of year photo-tour, using Pedaler type tram 1530. Building on the theme of the previous day's Glattal opening, the tram will be decorated for route 12 and will revisit the haunts of the previous route 12 (Sportplatz Hardturm – Laubegg) which was discontinued in the 1960s. The tour will continue to Auzelg to meet the new route 12, but as it is not equipped with the necessary safety/signalling systems, it will not run on the new section. More information on

07.12.2010: Ballet Mirage is back (for a day)

Christmas time is approaching and with it all the rush on the shops. Many shops are open on Sundays 5th and 19th December, and it is a tradition that museum trams operate in the city centre on these days (circular route via Bahnhofstrasse and Limmatquai) to help move the masses and provide a nostalgic touch. This year they are being supported by the special liveried ballet mirage 1676, which last ran at the end of October. 19th December may well be the last turn for this tram.

02.12.2010: Going off-topic with more snow

Pretty much off-topic, but maybe of interest following on from yesterday's Zürich snow film. Where even a 4x4 struggles, the bus has no trouble climbing Saltburn Bank (which I believe is located on Teeside, UK). I found this gem on Omnibuses blog.

The Youtube link was changed on 7th December. The original film linked (identical to this one) appears to have been deleted.

01.12.2010: Fresh snow in Zürich

We had plenty of fresh snow in Zürich today. Coming home from work I made the following film at Bucheggplatz, featuring trams and trolleybuses.

01.12.2010: Glattalbahn to Uster?

With the opening of Glattalbahn's phase 3 approaching (11th December), the project is being mentioned in the news almost every day — doubtlessly in part due to VBG's clever marketing strategy. The NZZ newspaper is even running an extensive ... (more)

30.11.2010: Low floor trams in timetable

With deliveries of the Cobra trams now complete, the approaching timetable switch will see timetable information indicate which trams feature low floor. On routes 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 14 at least half of all trams ... (more)

29.11.2010: No to Rosengarten tram

This weekend's referendum saw the project for a tram on Rosengartenstrasse rejected. The initiative, which would have seen the project go ahead and supported this with 31 million Franks was rejected by 65.9%. The counter-proposal, which would have spent ... (more)

22.11.2010: New S-Bahn tunnel breaks through

The new rail tunnel from Oerlikon to Hauptbahnhof (Durchmesserlinie) passed an important milestone today when at 12:21 the tunneling machine broke through. Construction of the tunnel begain in 2007 for a 2014 opening.

19.11.2010: Propeller power on Glattalbahn

The third phase of Glattalbahn (due to open December 12th) is essentially complete and acceptance, testing and training runs are currently in progress. These have included a rescue operation from a simulated crash scene, performed by the Dübendorf fire ... (more)

16.11.2010: Vinnitsa update

I am able to update the previous numbering list of ex Zürich trams in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa. With respect to the previous list, this list is updated with the newly arrived Mirage units numbered 285-314. (Thanks to ... (more)

06.11.2010: Tram on Rosengartenstrasse in referendum

The approaching referendum (28th November) include an item on the proposed tram project on Rosengartenstrasse. This project goes back to VBZ's Vision 2025 (published in 2006), which recommended that by 2020 a tram line should be built from Milchbuck ... (more)

06.11.2010: BDWM Be8/8 in rescue exercise

On the 21st October, rescue services attended to a level crossing incident involving BDWM's Be8/8 number 1, a sister unit and a lorry carrying hazardous material. Number 1 derailed and landed on its side besides the tracks. 300 passengers ... (more)

18.10.2010: VBZ to order new trolleybuses

Following some speculation over the replacement of the remaining GTZ trolleybuses, VBZ is now inviting tenders for 12 double articulated trolleybuses and 21 single-articulated ones. VBZ is praising its own decision as being a sign of its environmental commitment. ... (more)

29.09.2010: More videos

Following on from the various YouTube videos posted here lately, I am adding links to two of my own. The first shows Cargotram reversing out of Burgwies depot.

Thes second shows Forchbahn on the temporary (California) switch at Stadelhofen during last year's remodelling.

28.09.2010: Winterthur trolleybus in 1938

Rare and atmospheric footage from the early days of Winterthur's trolleybus can be seen in this YouTube movie (posted by the Youtube user busfilmer):

Thanks to Trolleybusverein Schweiz (TVS)

28.09.2010: New trains for Uetlibergbahn

SZU has ordered six new trains for its S10 (Uetlibergbahn) service from Stadler Rail for 58 million CHF. The new trains will enter service from 2013. Uetlibergbahn is a light railway from Zürich HB to the scenic Uetliberg peak ... (more)

23.09.2010: Zürich S-Bahn in Berlin

Right now (21-24 September), Berlin is hosting Innotrans, the trade fair for the rail industry. The Swiss manufacturer, Stadler, is represented and exhibiting a FLIRT for Norway, a GTW for an Austrian regional railway, a Variobahn tram for Norway's ... (more)

22.09.2010: BDWM Be 4/8 go to AAR

Not another BDWM news item? Following the disposal of BDe8/8 3 and 9, the third unit to be displaced by Diamant deliveries is not a BDe8/8 but a newer Be4/8. Number 21 was sent to Bombardier in Villeneuve to ... (more)

21.09.2010: Züspa Sächsitram

APS Züspa Sächsitram Hofwiesenstrasse On the coming two weekends (25-26/9 and 2-3/10), Aktion Pro Sächsitram will operate hertage trams between Hauptbahnhof and Messe/Hallenstadion (coinciding with the Züspa fair). See also this timetable on the APS web page.

APS Züspa Sächsitram Bucheggplatz

20.09.2010: BDWM BDe 8/8 farewell tour

bdwm bde8/8 With time running out for BDWM's (Bremgarten Dietikon) BDe8/8 units, Aktion Pro Sächsitram (APS) is organising a farewell tour on Sunday 10th October. More details on the APS website.

14.09.2010: Trolleybus accident

A serious accident occurred at Schöneggplatz on route 31 on Sunday (12th September) when trolleybus 161 crashed into a building, injuring the driver and 16 passengers. The cause of the accident is unknown but it is speculated the trolleybus ... (more)

07.09.2010: Illuminated trams in Zürich?

An article in Tages Anzeiger reports on a proposed Fêtee des Lumières, featuring numerous illuminations and light spectacles in Zürich during the pre-Christmas period starting in 2011. Proposals include illuminated trams. However, the result is likely to be more restrained than Blackpool's.

25.08.2010: Karpfen and Mirage in Vinnitsa

With the exception of the ballet tram, the Mirage era in Zürich is probably over. That makes it all the more comforting to know that many ex-VBZ Mirage and Karpfen trams are providing good service in the Ukrainian town ... (more)

24.08.2010: First two BDWM BDe8/8 scrapped

The first BDWM BDe8/8 to be scrapped was 3, leaving Bremgarten by rail on 23 July to be scrapped by Thommen in Kaiseraugst. The second unit to go was number 9, which was partly dismantled in its own depot ... (more)

20.08.2010: Ballet Mirage in service

According to VBZ's website, the ballet-themed Mirage tram (1676) commences running today. This is the only Mirage tram in service in Zürich at present. It will work on route 8 until October. The special livery marks the 70th birthday ... (more)

06.08.2010: Ballet Mirage to debut soon

Mirage operation officially ended in June, but one Mirage is about to make a brief comeback. 1676 will operated on route 8 in a special ballet livery from 20th August until the end of October. It will be presented ... (more)

02.08.2010: Energy storage tests

Last year, this website reported VBZ's plans to test energy storage using a flywheel installation by the Zoo terminus. Evaluation of the six-week trial showed that currently about 85% of regenerated energy is re-used by trams. Additional energy savings ... (more)

16.07.2010: Trams diverted for major works

VBZ is making use of the summer break to execute track remodelling works at two locations, starting on 17th July (tomorrow) and lasting until 22nd August. Both of these projects are about connecting new tram lines to the existing ... (more)

14.07.2010: Mirages refuse to surrender

Only two weeks after officially retreating to the emergency reserve, a Mirage pair (1659+1668) is reported on route 13 today.

14.07.2010: New special livery tram

Another special livery tram has debuted in Zürich. 2005 advertises the musical Die Schweizermacher. Previosuly this tram advertised another musical, Ewigi Liebi (photos of that here). This is the tram's third consecutive special livery as previously to that it ... (more)

12.07.2010: First Sänfte + Pony pair in service

This newslog has previously reported on plans to operate Sänfte + Pony coupled pairs. This would permit a more intensive use of these types which have partly been displaced from their former strongholds by the introduction of Cobras, and ... (more)

05.07.2010: Buy a Winterthur GTZ

With the new Hess Swisstrolleys beginning to displace Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ trolleybuses in Winterthur, the German bus dealer H.D. Sturm is offering these for sale.

H.D. Sturm selling Winterthur GTZ

original page, screenshot.

02.07.2010: Mirage farewell

A correspondent has sent me this impressive YouTube video of the last day of Mirage operation.

02.07.2010: Mirage numbers

The set that performed the last honours on Wednesday was 1685+1688. The units that are to remain in Zürich are: 1656, 1659, 1664, 1668, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1676, 1677, 1681, 1685 and 1688. 1676 is currently in the paint shop ... (more)

30.06.2010: More Mirages depart

On this dark day for Zürich's Mirages, it is consoling to know that many are finding further work in Vinnitsa. Earlier this week, 1647, 1649 and 1650 left Zürich by rail, followed today by 1640, 1655, 1663 and an unidentified unit.

30.06.2010: Last Mirage day

Mirage end According to various newspaper reports, today is the last day of Mirage operation. One unit is set to make a brief comeback later this year, however, as a "ballet tram".

21.06.2010: Cobra 3088

3088, the final Cobra, has been delivered in late May.

21.06.2010: Tango, Combino or Flexity?

With the three trials of visiting trams now completed, VBZ must embark on the daunting task of evaluating public and internal reactions and using these to specify the next generation of tram for Zürich. Of course any other manufacturer will ... (more)

21.06.2010: Winterthur GTZ trolleybuses

According to reports on, Winterthur's first Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ trolleybuses will be withdrawn next week. Ten are likely to go to VBZ for parts, with the other 11 going to a dealership to be sold for further service ... (more)

20.06.2010: Flexity farewell

Augsburg Flexity in Oerlikon Friday (18th) was Augsburg Flexity 882's last day in service in Zürich. The adjoining picture shows it backing into Oerlikon depot after its final run (more here).

18.06.2010: Flexity in Zürich

Augsburg Flexity in Zurich With Augsburg Flexity 882 now completing the second week of its demonstration on Zürich's route 11, I have uploaded some further pictures.

Augsburg Flexity in Zurich  

Augsburg Flexity in Zurich, Bad Allenmoas Here is the trams' passenger information display, with an amusing typo hinting at the tram's Bavarian home.

15.06.2010: Vinnitsa tram website

An interesting website, with pictures and information on the Vinnitsa tramway in English can be found on It includes many pictures of the ex-Zürich cars.

Vinnitsa tramway website

14.06.2010: New trolleybuses?

Following a July 2005 order, VBZ took delivery of 18 single-articulated and 17 double-articulated trolleybuses from HESS between July 2006 and July 2008 replacing the Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ trolleybuses 1-11/13-36 of 1986/88-9. There has not yet been an official ... (more)

10.06.2010: New tram depots

In order to cope with future growth, VBZ has identified the need for two new tram depots. These will be locted in the West (by 2020) and North (2025). Tages Anzeiger Website comment: Further details are not offered for either of ... (more)

09.06.2010: Photo update

ICN in Arth Goldau I have uploaded various new pictures. The series cover Zürich, Amsterdam, SBB and Rigi Bahn.

07.06.2010: Flexity demonstration commences today

Augsburg Flexity Bucheggplatz Demonstration running of Bombardier's Augsburg Flexity commences today. The tram will run on route 11 for two weeks.


07.06.2010: New S-Bahn train (RABe 511)

Stadler S-Bahn On 3rd June, the first of the new Stadler double-deck S-Bahn trains was presented at Zürich Hauptbahnhof. About 29 of the 50 six-car trains are intended for Zürich's S-Bahn.

04.06.2010: Augsburg Flexity in Zürich

Augsburg Flexity in Zürich Quite by chance, I saw the Augsburg Flexity demonstrator on test today. Demonstration runs will commence on Monday. Meanwhile, here are two pictures.

03.06.2010: Mirage: The end is nigh

According to reports on, regular operation of Mirage trams is likely to cease within about three weeks. Currently, about three sets are still operational on route 2. Circa 13 units are likely to be retained in storage, and ... (more)

31.05.2010: Flexity demonstrator

Bombardier's Flexity demonstrator (from Augsburg) arrived in Zürich this past weekend (29/30th May) and will operate in service on route 11 for two weeks commencing 7th June. This is the third and final demonstrator being trialled in Zürich after ... (more)

28.05.2010: S-Bahn is 20 years old

It was on 27th May 1990 that the cross-city rail link was opened. This line, which is largely in tunnels soon became the keystone of Zürich's suburban railway system, which was restructured to coincide with the opening to become ... (more)

28.05.2010: Cobra 3087

Cobra deliveries have reached number 3087. Only one Cobra remains to be delivered.

18.05.2010: New Routemaster

This newslog doesn't normally comment on buses. However, it is rare that the presentation of a new bus design is reported so widely in the mainstream press. Even models such as the Mercedes Citaro – whose numbers outstrip even ... (more)

17.05.2010: Basel: No tango for BVB?

An article in Basler Zeitung (14th May) suggests that BVB is withdrawing from its part of the joint tango procurement with BLT. A Combino derivative seems to be the preferred option. BVB is seeking to acquire 30 trams by ... (more)

11.05.2010: Bern: back to three trolleybus routes

Bern is now back to three trolleybus routes, with trolleybuses having returned to route 11 on 2nd November (road works had led to the temporary dismantlement of the overhead line). Bern's three trolleybus routes are 11, 12 and 20. ... (more)

10.05.2010: Mirage farewell tour

With the remaining Mirage turns becoming increasingly rare (currently down to three or four pairs on route 2 only), Tram Museum Zürich are running a farewell tour on Sunday 6th June. The tour starts at Burgwies depot (the tram ... (more)

06.05.2010: Combino trial positive

The Zürich trial of Bern Combino 659 in March and April left a positive impression. The tram ran 2906 km in 192 hours of operation. 4100 passengers returned the questionnaire. The accessibility of the tram, its low noise level ... (more)

27.04.2010: Schaffhausen orders Hess trolleybuses

On 20th April, Schaffhausen confirmed that it is acquiring seven Swisstrolley3 trolleybuses from Hess AG for 10.5 million Franks. The new trolleybuses will replace the existing fleet, with delivery commencing in June 2011. This finally ends uncertainty over the ... (more)

27.04.2010: Cobra 3085

Cobra deliveries have reached 3085. Only three more trams of the type remain to be delivered.

12.04.2010: Flexity demonstrator

Following on from the Tango and Combino demonstrations, the third demonstrator, a Bombardier Flexity from Augsburg, will visit Zürich in late May.

Tages Anzeiger

08.04.2010: Official: Limmattalbahn is now a company

Limmattalbahn, the projecetd light rail link from Zürich Altstetten to Killwangen has taken another step forwards today with the legal founding of a company to plan and realise the line. Limmattalbahn AG is jointly owned by the Cantons of ... (more)

22.03.2010: First Winterthur Swisstrolley delivered

Winterthur today took delivery of its first Hess Swisstrolley trolleybus. Mysteriously, the vehicle carries the number 150 which is already in use.

Trolleybusverein Schweiz

22.03.2010: Named trams

Several people have recently written to me asking for a list of named tramcars in Zürich. Quite by coincidence (or maybe not?), a discussion on has pulled together precisely this information. Tram 2000 first series 2001 Höngg (renamed Street-Parade in ... (more)

19.03.2010: Combino debut

Bern Combino in ZürichToday is the first day of the demonstartion of Bern Combino 659 in Zürich. Its demonstration will continue until 9th April (without weekends). An initial series of pictures is here.

18.03.2010: Waiting for Combino

The local press have picked up positively on the approaching Combino trials. The NZZ has even warned that compared to the Tango which was demonstrated last year, the ride quality is inferior, but added that this is the price ... (more)

16.03.2010: Mirage accident at Helvetiaplatz

This morning at 05:30, Mirage 1667 hit a lorry at Helvetiaplatz and derailed. Fortunately, nobody suffered more than light injuries. The tram is a write-off. 1667 was one of the 20 IBIS-plus equipped units, set to be retained as ... (more)

10.03.2010: More Mirages for Vinnitsa

Four Mirage trams left Zürich by train on Monday night (8th). A further four were on railway wagons, waiting to depart yesterday evening (9th). The latter four were 1610/27/52/8.

See also: Vinnitsa (3rd March).

08.03.2010: Valparaíso earthquake

Not the transport news but the world news has recently turned to Chile and the aftermath of the earthquake that hit hat country on 27th February. Samuel Fuentes' trolleybus blog presents an interesting inside view on the event in ... (more)

08.03.2010: Combino to debut on 19th

The Combino demonstrator's (Bern 659) first day in service is likely to be Friday 19th March.

05.03.2010: The first Combino in Zürich

With a Combino tram demonstrator having now arrived in Zürich and soon to debut in service, it is appropriate to recall that this isn't the first Combino to visit Zürich. In September 1998 the Combino prototype was demonstrated in ... (more)

04.03.2010: Combino arriving

The Combino demonstrator (Bern 659) is scheduled to arrive in Zürich tomorrow (5th March). It will be presented to the press on 16th March and then operate on route 11 until 12 April.

03.03.2010: Limmattalbahn

The decison on the mode of the Limmattalbahn corridor has been taken: It will be realised as a metre gauge light rail system using bi-directional rolling stock. This decison ends speculations over guided bus alternatives. The choice of bi-directional ... (more)

03.03.2010: Final end of the line for La Ficelle

Following the 2006 closure of La Ficelle for conversion to Lausanne's new rubber-tyred metro, there were hopes that the vehicles of this cog railway could see further use elsewhere. Initially there were plans to deploy them on a new ... (more)

03.03.2010: Vinnitsa

The best report on the Vinnitsa tramway that I have read so far appears in the 2/2010 edition of Strassenbahn Magazin. Vinnitsa is of interest to fans of Zürich trams due to the second-hand Karpfen and Mirage-type trams in ... (more)

02.03.2010: Tango for Geneva

It's blue and white, but no, it's not Zürich's future Tango tram! In January, TPG (Genève) ordered 32 Tangos from Stadler for 154 million Franks. The new trams will be 44m long and enter service from late 2011. The ... (more)

02.03.2010: Combino to be demonstrated in Zürich

After the yellow demonstrator, a red demonstrator.

The Siemens Combino tram to be demonstrated in Zürich is to be Bern 659, which will visit Zürich on it's way to its new home later this month. It will operate on route 11.

02.03.2010: More Bern news

Further news items concerning Bern: Further to the news on Combino 659 visiting Zürich, sister unit 657 made the news when the low loader carrying it to Bern lost its footing on an icy between Lörrach and Rheinfelden on 4th ... (more)

23.02.2010: BDWM news

The first of BDWM's new Stadler Diamant-type Be4/8 sets (number 5001) was delivered in December. The new unit was unloaded from its standard gauge transporter wagon at Bremgarten West. It is currently undergoing trials and is expected to be ... (more)

23.02.2010: Basel: BVB looking for alternative to Tango?

The Tango trams being acquired by Basel were initially announced as a joint order of the two tram companies BLT and BVB, with the procurement being led by BLT. BLT has ordered the four prototypes (May 2006), and follwing ... (more)

23.02.2010: Cobra and Mirage update

Cobra deliveries have reached number 3082. Meanwhile,it appears that further withdrawn Mirage are being prepared for their journey to Vinnitsa.

23.02.2010: Zürich trolleybus in Lausanne

According to a report on Trolleymotion, VBZ's Lightram3, number 72 is currently in Lausanne for demonstration purposes (but not in public service). TL is considering acquiring such vehicles to replace trolleybus + trailer combinations by 2015.

02.02.2010: Schaffhausen: Trolleybus supplier sought

Schaffhausen trolleybus Schaffhausen is calling for tenders for seven trolleybuses to replace its current fleet. Demonstration trials will be held in March and the decison publicised on 16th April.


29.01.2010: Mirage 1626

The newslog previously reported that 1626 was being converted to an exhibition tram for Tram Zürich West. This was not quite accurate as the tram does not house any exhibition. It has, however, been set up on a short ... (more)

27.01.2010: Sankt Gallen: Trolleybuses to Sarajevo

With Sankt Gallen's NAW trolleybuses 151-154 and 156-168 (*) having been been displaced by new Hess trolleybuses, Sarajevo has been attempting to obtain the NAWs. A deal was signed but then terminated in circa April as Sarajevo was unable ... (more)

27.01.2010: Winterthur: New trolleybus in May

A report on trolleymotion informs that the first Swisstrolley for Winterthur will be delivered in May, with the series delivery from July to May 2011. In contrast to the Swisstrolley3 of other cities, only the third axle will be ... (more)

26.01.2010: Tram Hardbrücke

Zürich is pressing ahead with its plans to extend tram route 8 from its present Harplatz terminus to join the Tram Zürich West line (currently under construction) in a junction at Schiffbau. The trams would run on the outer ... (more)

22.01.2010: Mirage: The End is Nigh

The early days of the new year are seeing the scrapping of the six remaining "Blinde Kühe" (or cabless mirage units of the 1691-1726 series). Confirmed scrapped are 1710, 1712 (all white livery, formerly Coca Cola ad) and 1725. ... (more)

20.01.2010: More tramcasting

Today's online edition of the Tages Anzeiger newspaper reports that following last year's demonstration of a Stadler Tango in Zürich, other manufacturers are lining up to showcase their products. In the case of Siemens, one of Bern's new Combinos ... (more)

15.01.2010: News roundup

The latest issue of Tram magazine (issue 100/11.2009-01.2010), confirms the scrapping of the accident-damaged Tram 2000 number 2060 (scrapped in July 2009), the first tram of its type to be scrapped. Concerning Mirage trams, 1675 which was fitted with ... (more)

14.01.2010: Cobra 3080

The latest addition to the Cobra fleet is number 3080. This tram is in VBZ's blue and white livery, so ending the line of white VBG liveried ones (3062-3079).

14.01.2010: Mirage as exhibition tram

Reports on suggest that the withdrawn Mirage tram 1626 is being converted to an exhibition tram for static display to inform about the Tram Zürich West project. The new tram line which is currently under construction will connect ... (more)

08.01.2010: Biel tram update

Last year, this website reported on plans to return trams to Biel. The project now has its own website: It is interesting to observe that the trams used on the artist's impressions are Zürich Cobras, looking very smart indeed ... (more)

08.01.2010: 2009 news

A belated happy new to all readers! All 2009 news items (92 in total) have been moved to: Future tram generation One of the highlights of 2009 was the visit of Basel (BLT) Tango tram 154 in April. This was the last ... (more)

<news for 2011 | news for 2009>