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31.12.2012: Happy New Year!

A very happy and prosperous 2013 to all readers of this newslog!

31.12.2012: Basel (BLT): Trailer operation ends

b4 trailer blt barfuesserplatz The magazine Schweizer Eisenbahn Revue (SER) reports that the operation of trailers on BLT ceased with the December timetable switch. BLT operated a fleet of B4 Standard Tram trailers, all of them second hard cars from BVB or Zürich. The withdrawals are made possible through delivery of new Tango articulated units. Among the withdrawn trailers is the celebrity piggy bank tram.

22.12.2012: A spot of history: London RT buses in Zürich

RT bus at Bellevue Zurich 1953
A correspondent sent me a photograph he discovered in the January 1954 issue of the Leyland Journal, showing Zürich's Bellevue with a London Transport RT bus.

RT buses at Bahnhofplatz Zurich 1953
The occasion is fitting, as 2013 will mark the 60th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II. In connection with this occasion two RTL buses visited Zürich from 15 to 28 June 1953 as part of the "British Festival Weeks" sponsored by the British Tourism Board. Public rides were provided on timetabled routes from different parts of Zürich and its suburbs, bringing visitors to the festival at Kongresshaus. The buses were RTL 1459 and RTL 3710. The former was a Leyland/Park Royal vehicle and the latter AEC/Weymann. Registrations were NLE 733 and NLE 817. (the above information and photograph are from Peter Kamm, Zürich Transport 1882-1996)

I have done some quick internet research on this and found this short film.

This article from The Commercial Motor Archive reveals more about the trip, including that the bussed were worked by Swiss crews while in Zürich, who were trained by their London counterparts. The buses covered 6300 miles on the continent without any failures.

19.12.2012: Winterthur GTZ trolleybuses pass into history

Winterthur Mercedes ABB O405 GTZ trolleybus According to, the very last Winterthur ABB/Mercedes O405 GTZ trolleybus, 147, ran its last service on Wednesday 5th December, suitably decorated with flowers. Most of the Winterthur GTZs were withdrawn in 2010-2011. Although the fleet was replaced one on one by Swisstrolleys, the decision to reduce diesel bus operation on trolleybus lines led to two GTZs being retained. 147 spent a short period as de-icing unit before being re-instated alongside 149. To finally replace these, two further Swisstrolleys were ordered in late 2011 and recently delivered.

Possibly one of the recent withdrawals may be saved by the preservation group, Retrobus. Concerning the disposal of the earlier withdrawals, 143, 150, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161 were scrapped for parts by VBZ (it is interesting to note that previously Zürich 5, 9 and 21 went to Winterthur for parts). Further units went to a German dealership, and have apparently still not found a new owner.

13.12.2012: Trolleybus in 1939

A delightful find on YouTube is this 1939 MFO film, mostly about trolleybuses (but also showing other aspects of Zürich, with much that has changed and surprisingly much that hasn't).

1939 saw the opening of Zürich's first trolleybus line, from Bezirksgebäude to Bucheggplatz. Today this section is part of route 32. The footage with operating trolleybuses was mostly filmed along Langstrasse (including the railway underpass) and on Limmatplatz and Kornhausbrücke.

12.12.2012: Lightram deliveries complete

Delivery of the Hess LighTram3 trolleybuses 78-89 is complete, permitting headways on route 32 to be stretched to six minutes with the timetable switch of 8th December. In total 29 double-articulated trolleybuses are now available (61-89) – the first batch of 17 having been delivered in 2007-2008.

The first of the 21 new single-articulated Hess Swisstrolley4 units is expected before Christmas. It will be numbered 162 following on from Swisstrolley3 144-161. Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ units withdrawn so far include 101, 103, 107, 117, 134 and 139. Previous reports of 102's withdrawal were somewhat premature.


The same news site also presents images of the first Swisstrolley4 for Limoges, which is fitted with a "tram-like" front end. The Zürich examples, in contrast, will look much like their Swisstrolley3 predecessors. The Limoges images can be seen here (trolley:motion website).

11.12.2012: Bern: Wankdorf tram opens

The timetable change of Sunday (8th December) saw the opening of the extension of Bern's tram route 9 from Guisanplatz to Wankdorf. To add a note of tramway trivia, this was not the first tram line to serve Wankdorf. The ... (more)

27.11.2012: O405 GTZ trolleybus withdrawals gather pace

Trolleybus 107 With new trolleybuses entering service, withdrawals of Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ are gathering pace. Reported withdrawn are 102, 107, 126 and 134.

21.11.2012: Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part four

The fourth and final part of my article series on the Swiss Standard Tram has been published in the December-dated (No 232, pages 560-571) issue of Tramway Review. The article discusses the BLT, Neuchâtel, Luzern and Genève units and ... (more)

20.11.2012: New tram order: The ball is rolling

VBZ has asked the suppliers that have emerged from the pre-qualification round to submit offers for the 30 trams that will replace the first batch of Tram 2000 units. The first of these should be delivered in December 2016. ... (more)

12.11.2012: Luzern to acquire nine further double-artic trolleybuses

Luzern has invited tenders for the delivery of nine further double-articulated trolleybuses to be delivered by December 2014.


09.11.2012: Video update

With a cull of the Mercedes trolleybuses likely to start soon, I have filmed nocturnal trolleybuses over the last weeks.

Fans of works trams may enjoy the farewell tour of Freiburg's rail grinder 405 of 30th September.

09.11.2012: Driver trainer trolleybuses

GTZ driver trainer trolleybus 4128 ex 33 The driver-trainer GTZ trolleybuses (ex passenger units of the first batch) were scrapped in July. Swisstrolley 161 is now used for driver training, but remains available for passenger service.

07.11.2012: Pau Casals: End of an icon

Largely ignored by the media is the approaching end of the Pau Casals Talgo hotel-train linking Zürich and Barcelona. Presently the legendary train runs thrice weekly, providing the only direct train service between Switzerland and Spain. The operating company, ... (more)

07.11.2012: 175 railway links threatened

As if one piece of bad news wasn't enough, news has already been going around for some time of 175 railway links that are under threat. Pre-empting panic, there are no immediate plans to shut these down, but due ... (more)

07.11.2012: Trolleybus deliveries

Trolleybus deliveries have reached at least number 86.

07.11.2012: La Chaux de Fonds until 2014

A report on Trolley:motion suggests trolleybus operation in La Chaux de Fonds could continue until 2014, although an imminent reduction of operations is expected due to the arrival of new hybrid buses.


25.10.2012: Future trolleybus fleet

This newslog has been awash with trolleybus news lately. Earlier on, doubt was raised over how 43 GTZ trolleybuses were to be replaced by 12 LightTrams and 21 Swisstrolleys. A knowledageable entry on the forum provides some additional ... (more)

25.10.2012: Zürich trolleybus in Linz

Following its trial in Salzburg, Zürich's 78 also demonstarted in Linz, where it arrived on 11th October.


25.10.2012: Winterthur trolleybus update

Winterthur's two new trolleybuses (122 and 123) should have entered service there on 14th October, spelling the end for the last two GTZ (147 and 149).

12.10.2012: Zürich trolleybus in Salzburg

VBZ 78 in Salzburg Facebook A picture has been posted on VBZ's facebook page of VBZ's 78 in Salzburg. The visit has also been covered in Salzburg's media.

VBZ 78 in Salzburg

03.10.2012: Forchbahn models

Forchbahn model VHF is preparing HOm-scale models of the modern image Forchbahn rolling stock, covering all the FB2000 variants as well as the recent Stadler units.


02.10.2012: Zürich trolleybus to be demonstrated in Salzburg

The first of the new trolleybuses, number 78, has been seeing intensive use on both routes 31 and 32, where it has since been joined by 79. Deliveries have reached at least number 80. The new buses can easily ... (more)

04.09.2012: First new trolleybus arrives

The first of the new batch of 12 Lightram double-articulated trolleybuses (ordered last May), number 78, arrived in Zürich on 17th August and is set to enter service on 6th September on route 32. Delivery of the 21 single-articulated trolleybuses, ... (more)

31.08.2012: Limmattalbahn: Concession applied for

Limmattalbahn in DietikonLimmattalbahn, the proposed light rail link from Zürich Altstetten to Killwangen is moving forwards. The concession to build and operate the link has now been applied for by Zürich's cantonal authorities. The concession must be granted by the federal government.

28.08.2012: Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part three

The third part of my article series on the Swiss Standard Tram has been published in the September-dated (No 231, pages 502-518) issue of Tramway Review. The article completes the history of the Zürich cars (including works car and ... (more)

31.07.2012: Special livery for Forchbahn centenary

The latest VBZ special livery is applied to Cobra 3048 and celebrates the centenary of Forchbahn.

27.07.2012: Tram Zürich West article on LRTA website

My T&UT Tram Zürich West article (or the first page thereof) is presently featured on the LRTA website as sample page for the magazine.

Tram Zürich West unlocks regeneration article TAUT
to page
| screenshot | screenshot 2

25.07.2012: Ex-MThB driving trailers for SZU

SZU is aquiring two NPZ ex-MThB driving trailers (built 1994) for the Sihltal service. They will replace Bt 971-973 of 1976, which are reported to be in poor condition due to corrosion. The vehicles in question are: SBB Bt 50 ... (more)

24.07.2012: Tram Zürich West article in T&UT

An article by myself on the opening of Tram Zürich West is published in the latest (August dated, No. 896) issue of Tramways and Urban Transit, with the title Tram Zürich West unlocks regeneration. photos T&UT is published by the LRTA. ... (more)

19.07.2012: Basel: Piggy bank tram to go to Stuttgart

Possibly Basel's most famous tram, a trailer disguised as a giant piggy bank on wheels, is slated to be withdrawn at the end of this year. The unit (BLT B4 1322) is to find a new home in Stuttgart's ... (more)

17.07.2012: Users select new tram seat

D2 tram seat The clear winner of the public consultation over seats for the new trams is a design named D2, based on those of the old Mirage trams.

17.07.2012: YouTube update: SZU, Cracow, Montserrat, CNL...

I have uploaded some random YouTube movies that may be of interest. The final of Uetlibergbahn Ce 2/2's farewell tour of 9th November 2008. These views may also be of interest for those interested in the archaeology of Zürich's abortive ... (more)

16.07.2012: Cobra tram increases wear on track

Adding to the various problems that have plagued the Cobra trams throughout their careers so far, is their increased wear on track due to their heavy axle loads, especially on shallow-groove pointwork. To mitigate this, VBZ are evaluating new ... (more)

13.07.2012: WSB: Freight traffic to end

WSB has announced that freight traffic is to be terminated this December. Volumes have dwindled from some 100,000t annually to 15,000t. Presently, freight traffic operates between Suhr (exchange siding with SBB) and industries in Reinach and Menziken using transporter ... (more)

10.07.2012: Basel: Tram museum has BVB's blessing

In an unexpected change of mood, Basel's BVB has agreed to a tram museum in Dreispitz depot. About half of the depot will be set aside for the museum trams (presently 15 cars), with the other half being required ... (more)

03.07.2012: BDWM BDe 8/8 is back

The launch of BDWM's "new" heritage car was celebrated on 30th June. BDe 8/8 number 7 was restored by a working group and will not only be available for private hire, but can also be called upon to work ... (more)

27.06.2012: Testing new tram seats

Mirage set with demonstartion seats in 2002 In order to consult the public over the design of seats for Zürich's new tram generation, three variants have been set up at Bellevue. It was already decided last year that the seats will be wooden.

25.06.2012: Trolleybus extensions not a priority

Trolleybus Bucheggplatz The canton of Zürich cannot budget for the proposed electrification of bus routes 69 and 80. The statement does, however, recognise the advantages of trolleybuses, maintaining hopes for a later realisation.

22.06.2012: Tram Affoltern back in the news

Tram Affoltern continues to make news. According to a Tages Anzeiger article, the city executive council has rejected the idea of installing bus lanes along Wehntalerstrasse (they would require a row of trees to be felled, which is not ... (more)

19.06.2012: New trolleybuses: First deliveries in late August

double articulated trolleybus The first of the new double-articulated trolleybuses, number 78, is expected to be delivered around the end of August.

18.06.2012: Madagascar: Swiss stock update

In the past, these pages have reported on the progress (or more often lack thereof) in the shipping of various items of Swiss rolling stock (much of it ex-Forchbahn) to Madagascar to create a suburban service in Antananarivo. The website, ... (more)

18.06.2012: Tram Affoltern: Voters approve revised building lines

The weekend's referendum included a challenge to the city's plans to re-draw a building line in Affoltern to create space for the future tram alignment (and a stop). Opponents had called for a referendum on this modification, but 71% ... (more)

15.06.2012: Hybrid buses reduce fuel consumption by 30%

ZVV has succesfully concluded it's one year trial of hybrid buses. These buses were tested on the regional system VZO and VBG, with fuel economies of 30% exceeding the expected figure of 25%. The buses were also able to ... (more)

08.06.2012: Vinnitsa status update

A correspondent (Martin Baumann) confirms (with reference to the numbering of ex-Zürich units in Vinnitsa reported here in February. The page cited furthermore highlights units out of use in yellow (these are primarily Karpfen and FFA trailers) and ... (more)

06.06.2012: Passenger trains on industrial tracks?

They can still be found, those railway tracks criss-crossing the city's industrial areas, often lightly built and running by the roadside if not on grooved track on the roadway. Their number has decreased over the years under the combined ... (more)

04.06.2012: Trams for Sankt Gallen?

A study has suggested bringing back trams to Sankt Gallen. A line from Stephanshorn to Winkeln could cost 500 million.

04.06.2012: BDWM heritage car to debut on 30th June

BDWM BDe 8/8 With the restoration of BDe8/8 7 approaching completion, the vehicle will be presented to the public on 30th June. Ex-WM BDe4/4 2 will also be present.

01.06.2012: Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part two

Tramway Review issue 230 The second part of my article on the Swiss Standard Tram has been published in the June-dated (No 230, pages 459-472) issue of Tramway Review. The article discusses the Zürich production cars.
Tramway Review issue 230 with The Swiss Standard Tram page 459
Tramway Review issue 230 with The Swiss Standard Tram pages 466-467
Tramway Review issue 230 with The Swiss Standard Tram pages 468-469

08.05.2012: Aktion Pro Sächsitram has new website

Aktion Pro Sächsitram In February, this newslog reported the disappearance of the Aktion Pro Sächsitram website. Fortunately, it has now returned in an updated guise (including an entire section dedicated to the project to restore Standard Tram 1408).

08.05.2012: ... but another significant website remains down

The same can unfor-tunately not be said of the Tram Museum Archive site, whose content has not been restored. As a small consolation, one of the random pictures shows a Lisbon funicular (but is probably just a stock shot). ... (more)

20.04.2012: Biel: trolleybus will co-exist with proposed tram

tram biel According to present plans, the proposed Biel tram will not spell the end of the city's trolleybuses. Although route 4 will be replaced by the tram, trolleybus operation of route 1 will continue.


04.04.2012: WSB heritage car saved — by scrap merchant

WSB's heritage car 115, sold for scrap only weeks ago, has won an unexpected reprieve. Rather than break it up, the scrap merchant, Bertschi, wishes to set the car up in their Reinach scrap yard and use it as ... (more)

02.04.2012: ZVV does not support trolleybus expansion

ZVV (the cantonal public transport coordinator) has indicated it does not share VBZ's enthusiasm over expansion of the trolleybus system. The body, which regularly exerts pressure on VBZ and other operators to increase their financial efficiency, has said it ... (more)

30.03.2012: Remodelling Oerlikon

Further details have been published of the approaching remodelling of the tram layout around Bahnhof Oerlikon. Rather than looping around the block of buildings as it does today, route 11 will have a more generous and straighter double-track alignment ... (more)

23.03.2012: Bernina Railway on Google Street View

Google Street view has established itself as a useful way to explore the streets of distant cities from the comfort of your home. But now Google is travelling by rail as well. Parts of the Bernina Railway are now ... (more)

23.03.2012: More on Zürich's trolleybus expansion

Two days ago, I questioned whether 14 million would be enought to equip two new trolleybus routes with vehicles. The figure quoted, however, is not the total cost but the additional cost compared to replacing old diesel buses with ... (more)

21.03.2012: Pushing for trolleybus expansion

Zürich's city council has asked the cantonal government to include the extension of the trolleybus system in its development program and apply for funds. The electrification work on bus routes 69 and 80 would cost 44 million Francs, with ... (more)

13.03.2012: NStCM looks to the future

NStCM (Nyon - La Cure) has ordered new units from Stadler. The two-section trains are based on the manufacturer's existing narrow gauge concepts as recently delivered to other lines. The new trains will be delivered in batches, with the ... (more)

12.03.2012: 90,000 visitors

This website's newslog page ( has just passed the 90,000 visitor mark. The real visitor count is probably high still as the news items can also be read individually (for example Thank you to all returning visitors who ... (more)

12.03.2012: Tram Affoltern by 2022?

As this website has reported previously, the chances of the Affoltern tram line being built are growing. As recently as 2006, VBZ's Vision 2025 projected this link to a long-term horizon well beyond 2025. With the Rosengarten slipping to ... (more)

07.03.2012: Progress on BDWM BDe 8/8 No. 7

Progress on the restoration of BDWM is looking very good, as this series of photographs from the BDe 8/8 website shows. The group behind saving this fascinating vehicle are also looking for members, or can otherwise be supported by ... (more)

07.03.2012: WSB/AAR scraps heritage car

WSB/AAR is scrapping heritage/party car 118 due to insufficient use.

07.03.2012: Tram Zürich West opening in pictures

Tram Zurich West opening Somewhat belated, I have uploaded pictures of the opening of Tram Zürich West, the first day of operation and the new route 17 (view index).
Tram Zurich West opening
Tram Route 17 first day

06.03.2012: Photo update

BLT tram Basel SBB I have uploaded a short series of recent pictures. Topics are Basel, a brief encounter in Zürich and the ex-Zürich Pedaler now at Wagerenhof in Uster (view index).
Fonduetram in twilight at Bucheggplatz
Pedaler tram 1517 at Wagerenhof in Uster

02.03.2012: Hardbrücke tram concession granted

Tram Hardplatz impression The federal council has granted the concession for the Hardbrücke tram (Hardplatz to Schiffbau). The project, which will cost 100 million Francs, must also be approved in a referendum in 2013 or 2014.

Tages Anzeiger

21.02.2012: La Chaux de Fonds trolleybus to close

The La Chaux de Fonds system will close this Summer. The remaining trolleybuses will be transferred to Neuchâtel. The closure is precipitated by the need to divert bus routings in the town centre.


20.02.2012: Swiss Standard Tram article in Tramway Review

Tramway Review is publishing a series of articles written by myself on the history of the Swiss Standard Tram. The current (March dated, No 229) issue publishes part one (of probably three). The article appears on pages 16-33 of ... (more)

15.02.2012: Snow

Tram in snow Bucheggplatz Tram in snow Bucheggplatz The very cold spell appears to be over, but snow is back. Here are some pictures I took this morning.
Tram in snow Bucheggplatz

14.02.2012: Vinnitsa numbering update

The final shipment of Mirage trams to Vinnitsa was reported here in November, with movies of these 12 cars leaving Zürich and arriving in Vinnitsa being added later. The latest edition of Tram magazine (No 109) has published the ... (more)

10.02.2012: Ex-Zürich trolleybus burnt in Valparaíso

Burnt out FBW trolleybus in Valparaiso exterior I have learnt with regret that one of three ex-Zürich Valparaíso FBW GTr51 trolleybuses, number 504 (ex VBZ 132 of 1963) was destroyed by fire yesterday.

Trolleybus Valparaíso

Burnt out FBW trolleybus in Valparaiso interior

Burnt out FBW trolleybus in Valparaiso cab

03.02.2012: Another website down?

After reporting two days ago on the demise of the old Tram Museum website, it has been drawn to my attention that another webiste that has been unreachable for some time now is that of Aktion Pro Sächsitram ( ... (more)

02.02.2012: Advertising trams debut

Zürich has been slow to jump on the all-over advertising bandwagon, but tightening budgets can sweep away good resolutions. Last year, the city council decided to trial five such trams over a three year period. The first of these ... (more)

02.02.2012: Limmattalbahn progress

The pre-project of the Limmattalbahn light-rail system has been completed. Work on the LRT, which will connect Zürich Altstetten to Killwangen via Schlieren and Dietikon should commence in 2017. A brochure with plenty of details is available on the website ... (more)

02.02.2012: Bern: Compressed air tram project stopped

The Berner Tramway Gesellschaft, who also operate Bern's steam tram, have been working on a replica compressed air tram. Such trams operated in Bern from 1890 to 1902. With the support of apprentices, work had begun on both the ... (more)

01.02.2012: Tram Museum Website on Wayback

In the course of its history, Tram Museum Zürich has redesigned its website several times. The current version is here: Professionally implemented, it presents the visitor with all the basic information, but it hardly presents scope for hours ... (more)

31.01.2012: Trams for Winterthur?

Apologies for the long silence on this newslog. By 2030, it is expected that Winterthur's population will have grown from 100,000 to 120,000. To cope with the increased pressure on the city's transport system, the GLP party is suggesting trams. ... (more)

31.01.2012: Former Albisgüetli tram in Kärnten

The ex Zürich (Albisgüetlibahn) tram which served as a rail grinder in Innsbruck until 2004 has been loaned by the Innsbruck tram preservation group to the Historama museum of Kärnten. It is planned to restore the car to its ... (more)

31.01.2012: YouTube update

For those who may be interested, I have posted some new videos on YouTube, drawing on footage of the last couple of years. LSB reversing out of Wartau depot - and into Burgwies In the Schwamendingen subway, Schörlistrasse stop And somewhat unrelated, ... (more)

31.01.2012: Watch the last 12 Mirage trams leave Zürich

Not filmed by me, but a must for all Mirage fans, is this YouTube footage of the last 12 Mirage trams leaving Zürich by rail for their new home in Vinnitsa. The event was reported here on 24th November. And ... (more)

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