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19.12.2013: Blonay Chamby hit by fire

A fire broke out in the depot of the Blonay Chamby heritage railway on 15th December. One goods wagon was completely destroyed and the steepleback locomotive GFM 75 suffered some damage. The parts store was largely gutted with enormous loss of spare parts. Lesser damage also occurred to other vehicles.

For more information (and support - this unique heritage line can use it) please see this page of the BC site (in French).

18.12.2013: Are high speed trains killing the railway network?

High Speed Trains are Killing the European Railway Network A thought provoking article that dovetails with some of the remarks I have made on this newslog has appeared in Low Tech Magazine (to article).

I don't necessarily concur with all arguments and conclusions made, but the article does make some points of note.

17.12.2013: Zürich's post office railway

Post office railway Zurich Discussions on the Swissrail Yahoogroup have recently turned to the post office railway that once connected the Sihlpost (main post office) to the (now closed) post office 8023 in Hauptbahnhof. A similar line operated in Luzern. Like its longer London counterpart, the Zürich line was narrow gauge and presumably operated automatically. According to the German Wikipedia article on Sihlpost, the line was 340m long and had a gauge of 600mm and ran from 1938 to 1980. The car(s) had a wheelbase of 1600mm and a payload of 250kg. The power supply was by cables located between the tracks. Initially the power supply was three-phase 220V. This was converted to DC in 1958. Apparently, one of the cars survives in the Museum for Communication in Bern. The Wikipedia article has a photograph, which I have copied here (copyright Creative Commons, Sandstein). I have no idea why the car carries the Luzern arms.

See also my short 2007 contribution on another little know underground narrow gauge line, the EWZ railway.

13.12.2013: 2014 timetable

VBZ's 2014 timetable, which takes effect this Sunday (15th December) features several service improvements. Most have already been discussed on this newslog, but here in summary:

Tram route 17 is being extended to Albisgüetli sharing the tracks of route 13. This will bring a fifth tram route to that segment of Bahnhofstrasse and a third route to Enge - Laubegg (which until 2007 had only a single route). At the same time peak frequencies on route 5 are being increased slightly.

On Glattalbahn, all turns of route 10 will now serve the airport, with the off-peak turning of every second tram in Oerlikon being discontinued.

The trolleybuses routes on Hardbrücke are being re-arranged with the 33 and 72 exchanging their Morgental / Triemli legs. A new trolleybus route 71 will provide a peak-time relief service between Albisriederplatz and Rosengartenstrasse.

13.12.2013: 2014 international timetable

A bit off topic, but the 2014 timetable internationally is not just about improvements. A bit of a pet rant maybe, but as a regular traveller to Spain, there is once again a huge depreciation of service. Only a year ago, the comfortable hotel train between Zürich and Barcelona was lost. As a next step, this timetable change is seeing the international gauge-changing Talgos wiped out completely, bringing an entire historical era to a close. Both the Paris - Barcelona and Paris - Madid Elipsos trains are being discontinued, and the daytime Montpellier - Cartagena Mare Nostrum is being cut back to Barcelona (the other cross-border train, the Catalan Talgo, was discontinued in 2010, although this stopped running to Switzerland much earlier).

Furthermore, the Strasbourg to Portbou SNCF night train is also vanishing. All this is justified by the inauguration of direct TGV trains between Barcelona and Paris. No doubt a great step forward for users of that particular route. But at 6 1/2 hours, this is no yet a hop between the cities that will take a huge bite out of airline traffic share, and discontinuing everything that is vaguely parallel is making many connections unnecessarily longer and more torturous. Why not let these servives continue in parallel for a while so the passengers can decide and show what they prefer? What made this discontinuation all the more tragic was that it was largely acheived by stealth, with Elipsos saying until very late that 2014 timetables were not yet available.

More great international trains that will be missed.

For those determined to still go South by train (a daytime connection to many destinations is still not possible, despite promises of high-speed rail brining Europe together), there are still various domestic French night trains, mostly from Paris (but one from Strasbourg to Avignon and on to Marseille) and some Spanish domestic night trains going South from Barcelona, taht with some clever combination of detours can make for interesting (and doable) travel itineraries.

The above photograph, a Talgo train in France, will in two days time be history. This is the Mare Nostrum entering Perpignan, taken only 6 weeks ago.

13.12.2013: Hess trolleybus models

The manufacturer Navemo has long been a good source of HO/HOm scale models of Swiss trams. The manufacturer is now adding trolleybus models by offering Hess's Swisstrolley in both the Zürich and Winterthur variants.

(click on pictures for link to Navemo website)

Note that this is not just the same model in two livery variants. The Winterthur version sports that city's signature white hubcaps for example.

13.12.2013: New Winterthur trolleybus

I announced (back in July) that Winterthur was adding a single trolleybus to its fleet. This was based on an announcement on Not seeing any other source confirming this, I began to doubt that I had rightly interpreted ... (more)

13.12.2013: Trolleybus on route 69 by 2016?

This newslog has already reported on the nocturnal testing of a double-articulated trolleybus on routes 69 and 80 (well, I didn't mention the 69). A report on this published in the NZZ newspaper on 29th November (and cited on ... (more)

13.12.2013: Altstetten tram plans to get a re-think

In conjunction with the construction of Limmattalbahn, the city had proposed to re-route tram 2 from its present alignment on Badenerstrasse to share tracks with the proposed Limmattalbahn and so serve the forecourt of Altstetten station directly. The proposed ... (more)

13.12.2013: TOSA Genève, not a trolleybus replacement?

From rumours that I have heard, TPG is not planning to use the TOSA battery bus to replace a trolleybus route, but is instead looking at another deployment. Let us hope that common sense is genuinely prevailing.

29.11.2013: Wollishofen depot renovated

depot wollishofen reopens VBZ has celebrated the completion of the renovation of Wollishofen depot. The listed Bauhaus-era building, dating to 1929, now features improved earthquake proofing and solar panels on the roof.

26.11.2013: Pedaler photo tour

This announcement is a bit late, but maybe not too late for readers based locally: This Sunday (1st December), TMZ will run a photo tour with its Pedaler (lightweight Swiss Standard Tram) tram 1530 and four-wheeled trailer 687. The ... (more)

26.11.2013: Museum miscellanea

The same mailing that brought the above item also contained a newsletter commenting (among other things) on the recent return of Kurbeli 1379 and trailer 737 to Zürich from Paris. This was organized and financed by individuals outside of ... (more)

26.11.2013: Dwindling O405 GTZ fleet

GTZ trolleybus 106 Bahnhofquai Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ trolleybuses remaining in service are 106, 113, 115, 122, 124, 129, 131, 137, 140 and 142.

22.11.2013: Trolleybus tested on route 80

Route 80 has been one of the success stories of VBZ's bus department. Originally operated with standard sized buses, these were superceded by articulated buses as the Neoplans were delivered. But demand has continued to grow. The route acts as ... (more)

22.11.2013: Photo update

I have finally got around to adding some recent photos.

Alicante tram San Vicente Topics covered include:
- a recent Spanish train trip.
- Alicante trams, with the new line 2.
- A snippet of industrial archaeology in Oerlikon.
- Zürich trolleybuses.
- Tram and trains in Freiburg.

(or all together here)

GTZ trolleybus 106 Gare D'Austerlitz
Estacion de Valencia Norte Bahnhof Freiburg

22.11.2013: This newslog is 10 years old

This month marks the 10th anniversary of this newslog. The first two items published (on 12th November 2003) concerned Cargotram and the new Forchbahn units. In total, 957 news items have been published, totalling 108,198 words. The newslog page ... (more)

25.10.2013: Sänfte on Glattalbahn

With at least four of the VBG Cobras temporarily out of use due to accidents, VBZ is increasingly substituting city liveried Cobras on route 10/12 (operationally these are the same route as cars switch route designation at the airport ... (more)

11.10.2013: Limmattalbahn: federal concession granted

Limattalbahn Dietikon Bahnhof The federal approval for Limmattalbahn has been approved (with surprising speed, as the application was submitted in late September). Construction should begin in 2017, with a first phase being opened in 2019.

11.10.2013: ex-FW units head for CJ

Following up on the recent Frauenfeld Wil news, FW Be 4/4 11 and 12 have now been sent by road to CJ.

Swissrail Yahoogroup

04.10.2013: Rosengarten tram

The City and Canton of Zürich have jointly presented their plans for the Rosengarten corridor. Currently the connection between Milchbuck and Hardbrücke is a heavily used road axis of some infamy, also shared by VBZ's trolleybus 72. In order ... (more)

30.09.2013: Frauenfeld – Wil update

On the Frauenfeld-Wil railway (FW), Stadler units 7001 and 7002 are now in service. 7003 is delivered but not currently in service as it is only fitted only with the new signalling system (the old system will cease to ... (more)

30.09.2013: Swisstrolley4 deliveries complete

With Swisstrolley 182 now in service, delivery of the Swisstrolley4s trolleybuses (162-182) is complete.

25.09.2013: Limmattalbahn approval moves to federal level

With the cantons of both Zürich and Aargau having approved the Limmattalbahn project, the application has been forwarded to the federal transport department. The proposed tram / light-rail corridor will link Zürich's western neighbourhoods (Altstetten) to Killwangen via Schlieren, Urdorf, ... (more)

20.09.2013: Trams for Winterthur?

A study by a professor and students at the Winterthur university ZHAW has explored bringing tram back to the town. The 17km, three-line system would require 19 trams. Each line would run at 15 minute headway, with these combining to ... (more)

17.09.2013: Polybahn car in Landquart

This website previously reported that the last surviving car of the original Polybahn funicular (in service 1889-1996) had left its previous resting place on the forecourt of the tram museum workshop at Wartau and departed for a destination unknown. ... (more)

13.09.2013: Trolleybus upate

In an article of 6th September, the NZZ newspaper reports on the order for two additional Lightrams for route 31. It also states that some O405 GTZ will remain in service beyond the delivery of the Swisstrolley4s, but limits ... (more)

11.09.2013: Sad pictures of GTZ

The O405 GTZ trolleybuses are rapidly becoming an endangered species. Trolleybus Valparaiso has, on his facebook page, posted these sad pictures of 106 awaiting its fate.
Trolleybus 106
Trolleybus 106

20.08.2013: Trolleybus 102 joins Rétrobus collection

O405 GTZ trolleybus 102 was towed out of Zürich on 17th August for preservation by Rétrobus. This is the third O405 GTZ to be preserved by this organisation following Winterthur 147 and 149.

14.08.2013: Kurbeli 1379 leaves Zürich

According to, Kurbeli 1379 and trailer 737 – returned to Zürich from AMTUIR earlier this year – have left for storage at a location in Solothurn on 18th June. Also moved to the same location was crane car ... (more)

14.08.2013: Cargotram marks 10th anniversary

VBZ and ERZ are celebrating 10 years of Cargotram operations. The pilot phase began on 15th April 2003, becoming permanent at the end of the year. The service was gradually expanded from four to nine destinations and a second ... (more)

14.08.2013: Trams lose bins

While on the subject of rubbish and trams, VBZ is presently removing bins from its trams. This follows a similar trial on S-Bahn trains in which this was seen as a cost-cutting exercise, the idea being that people take ... (more)

14.08.2013: Bicycle-friendly tram tracks

VBZ is testing cycle-freindly tram tracks at the Schwert stop of route 13. Past tests have involved rubber inlays in the rail groove but these have proved unsuitable as they would easily become detached from the rail or damaged ... (more)

13.08.2013: Future trolleybus fleet

This newslog has already discussed the future deployment of the trolleybus fleet, especially in regard to the new vehicles not being numerically sufficient to replace the current fleet one to one (see posts of October and June). Trolleymotion now ... (more)

13.08.2013: Bern trolleybuses to run on batteries in town centre

Continuing on the topic of trolleybuses, Trolleymotion reports on the future of the Bern system. With both the network and fleet having shrunk over the years, some observers have expressed concern over the system's future. However, on a more ... (more)

26.07.2013: Winterthur to add a trolleybus

First of all apologies for the lengthy break in updating this page. Some of the following items may thus seem slightly old. According to, Winterthur is acquiring an additional trolleybus to strengthen service on route 2. At this ... (more)

26.07.2013: Vision 2030, looking at VBZ's plans for the future

Back in 2006, VBZ announced their Vision 2025, outlining their development strategy. VBZ has now published a new report, adapting these plans and taking them up to date. The study looks at present and future passenger flows and expected development ... (more)

26.07.2013: All change at Altstetten

Further details are emerging on the future tram layout at Bahnhof Altstetten. When the proposed Limmattalbahn is built, route 2 will be extended beyond its present Farbhof terminus, sharing the new tracks as far as Schlieren. To improve connectivity ... (more)

26.07.2013: More white for Glattal Cobras

Following a series of accidents on the airport line, VBG are repainting the front ends of their Cobras to be more visible by increasing their area of white.

12.06.2013: Limmattalbahn into central Zürich?

Various politicians have proposed that the planned Limmattalbahn tramway (which will extend from Zürich Altstetten westwards out of the city proper and along the Limmat valley to Killwangen) be extended at its Zürich end from its present proposed terminus ... (more)

07.06.2013: Iconic Giraff bus as model

This newslog mostly reports on Zürich's trams and trolleybuses, while mostly sidestepping the topic of diesel buses, presuming them to be of less interest to the international audience. However, as I know that several followers of this newslog also ... (more)

04.06.2013: Two additional Lightrams ordered

VBZ has ordered two additional Lightram3 double-articulated trolleybuses. The pair is costing 3.6 million and will be delivered in the first half of 2014. The order is being placed with the manufacturer, HESS, on the basis of an option ... (more)

04.06.2013: Basel: BLT orders further Tangos

BLT Tango Centralbahnplatz BLT has placed an order for a second batch of Tango trams from Stadler. The order comprises 19 units to be delivered 2014-2016.

Railway Gazette

The 2006 plan enivsaged 21 units to be acquired in this phase. The reason for the discrepancy is unclear.

23.05.2013: Trolleybus renewal update

Recent O405 GTZ withdrawals (since the April update) include 102, 111 and 123. Swisstrolley4 deliveries have reached number 172.

23.05.2013: Sign a petition for Seattle's streetcars

From 1982 to 2005, Seattle ran a historic streetcar line along its waterfront. The suspension was temporary at first, but present plans to redevelop the waterfront no longer include the streetcar. To learn more about this tragic development, and ... (more)

17.05.2013: Bern steam tram model

The publisher, Atlas Verlag, is offering this HO scale model of Bern's steam tram for the suspiciosly low price of 6.90 CHF. A careful reading of the small print is recommended before signing up for more than you were ... (more)

15.05.2013: Flashback to 2003: The cardboard tram

cardboard tram zurich
Strange, but amusing, and apparently true. Found by a friend on the Eurotrams Yahoogroup. This cardboard tram really ran (well, walked) in Zürich ten years ago. Pictures on the website and in the YouTube movie below

14.05.2013: Glattalbahn to Uster?

There is certainly no shortage of ideas to extend Glattalbahn. Besides Ringbahn Hardwald (which will probably be realised in phases) and the rather more speculative proposal to take it to Bülach, there is now a proposal to extend it ... (more)

14.05.2013: Kurbeli 1379 returns to Zürich

One rather significant item which I regret to have missed is the return of Kurbeli tram 1379. Discounting the works cars and those sold to North Korea, only three trams of this type (the Zürich heavyweight version of the ... (more)

14.05.2013: Basel cross-border trams

Work on Basel's cross-border line to Weil (Germany) is making good progress. Plans to extend lines to Saint Louis (France) are in the meantime also gathering momentum. The French authorities would like to begin work on extending route 3 ... (more)

30.04.2013: Trolleybus deliveries reach number 170

Delivery of Swisstrolley4 trolleybuses is progressing rapidly, with number 170 being reported in service.

25.04.2013: Youtube find, FBW trolleybuses in 1984

Found on Youtube: this short clip dating to 1984 of two FBW GTr51 trolleybuses at Schlyfi (on the Witikon line). Valparaíso fans may appreciate that the first of the two, 132 later saw service in that city (as number ... (more)

24.04.2013: Living in a tram depot?

Modernisation plans for Hard (Escher-Wyss) tram depot include new appartments being built above the tracks. Part of the depot is a listed building (and already has integrated appartements), but the rear part will be demolished and replaced by a ... (more)

23.04.2013: O405 GTZ update

ABB Mercedes O405 GTZ trolleybus farewell tour at Zwingliplatz According to a report on, the O405 GTZ trolleybuses still in service are 102/106/110/111/

22.04.2013: O405 GTZ farewell tour

TMZ organised a farewell tour for the ABB / Mercedes O405 GTZ trolleybus on Sunday (21st). This is not actually the final end of operation of the type (they are expected to last until Autumn), but with their numbers ... (more)

22.04.2013: More pictures

Basel BLT tram at night In addition to the trolleybus pictures (above), I have uploaded a small selection of tram pictures: Alicante and Basel at night.

Alicante tram Muchavista beach El Campello

16.04.2013: Google doodle for Indian Railways

Google today has another rail-related doodle. This time Google (in India) marks the 160th anniversary of that country's first passenger train.
160 years passenger trains India

10.04.2013: Skoda 15T for Zürich?

Skoda 15T for Zurich? A correspondent has suggested that the fifth manufacturer submitting a tender for Zürich's new trams may be Skoda with its 15T.

Wikipedia article for Skoda 15T

09.04.2013: First Swisstrolley4s in service

The first Swisstrolley4s are now in service, with 164 and 165 being reported. 168 has been seen on test.

08.04.2013: Five suppliers vie for tram contract

Five suppliers have submitted bids to supply Züich's new trams (the deadline passed at the end of last week). Although the hopefuls are not named officially, the list must definitely include Siemens, Bombardier and Stadler. Alstom says it has ... (more)

28.03.2013: Genève: TOSA electric bus demonstration

Genève is to host this year's UIP conference (26th-30th May), and so there will no doubt be a lot of positive talk about how to get more people onto public transport and how to make it cleaner and more ... (more)

28.03.2013: Frauenfeld – Wil new trains

The first of Frauenfeld - Wil's new Diamant trains has been delivered.

27.03.2013: GTZ trolleybus farewell tour

With the days of the Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ trolleybuses now clearly numbered, Tram Museum Zürich is organisiing a farewell tour on Sunday 21st April. Two GTZs will participate in this event. Departure is at 10:00 from in front of ... (more)

27.03.2013: Mirage coupled pair in action

Mirage tram coupled pair This Easter weekend (30th-31st March) will see Mirage trams operate as a coupled pair for the first time since preservation, running on the museum line (Burgwies - Hauptbahnhof).

Tram Museum Zürich

27.03.2013: Trams and trolleybuses in adverts

The appearance of Zürich's trams and trolleybuses in adverts for all sorts of products and services happens so frequently that it isn't usually worthy of much mention. But I recently observed two that maybe merited a bit more. Allow me ... (more)

22.03.2013: City council approves Hardbrücke tram

On 20th March, the city council gave its final approval to the Hardbrücke tram project (extending route 8 from its present terminus at Hardplatz using the road overpass to re-join existing tram tracks at Schiffbau, from where route 8 ... (more)

18.03.2013: Tram route 17 to be extended to Albisgütli?

Further news on the December 2013 timetable switch suggests route 17 will be extended to Albisgütli (via Paradeplatz) at peak times.

15.03.2013: Trolleybuses to be re-routed?

According to, VBZ is considering exchanging the south-western arms of trolleybus routes 33 and 72. The 33 would thus run Triemli - Tiefenbrunnen and the 72 Morgental - Milchbuck. The change, which could come into effect with the ... (more)

14.03.2013: Swisstrolley4 arriving

Swisstrolley4 trolleybuses 162, 163 and 164 are reported in Zürich, with 162 having been sighted on test runs.

12.03.2013: A look at O405 trolleybuses in Quito

Time is clearly running running out for Switzerland's Mercedes O405 trolleybuses: Bahnhofplatz reports that the last two Winterthur vehicles, 147 and 149, have been passed to Retrobus, although the Retrobus website does not as yet refer to the acquisition. ... (more)

12.03.2013: Future of Zürich's trolleybus fleet

This webiste has already pointed out that once the new Swisstrolley4s and Lighttrams are all available, that they will notz be sufficient numerically to replace the O405s 1 to 1. In an earlier posting on this matter, based on ... (more)

28.02.2013: Basel: days of classic trams are numbered

The delivery of the new Bombardier trams will radically change the face of Basel's tram fleet, so friends of the classic trams, enjoy them while you can. Besides the elimination of the Swiss Standard Trams (457-476) of 1968-1968, the articulated ... (more)

28.02.2013: Trolleybus deliveries delayed

The availability of the new double-articulated trolleybuses 78-89 has been somewhat problematic during their first months. The reason for this was that, in contrast to the earlier batch (61-77) which has auxiliary diesel motors for moving away from the ... (more)

28.02.2013: Mistaken identity, scorched tram was 3034

Several corresponents has pointed out to me that I have mistaken the identity of the tram damaged by fire at Escher-Wyss-Platz depot. The tram was Cobra 3034, not 3043.

24.01.2013: Scorched 3043 likely to return

Investigation of the damage to Cobra 3043 shows that a repair is viable, but the tram will not return to service before the Summer at the earliest. Forensic investigations indicated that the fire was arson.

24.01.2013: Footage of The Bourne Identity trams

Part of the storyline of the 2002 movie, The Bourne Identity, plays in Zürich, only the Zürich of the movie wasn't Zürich but Prague (apparently Hollywood decided that Zürich didn't look enough like Zürich – or maybe it was ... (more)

11.01.2013: Which shade of green for Basel?

Basel is consulting its citizens over the shade of green in which its trams should be painted. The consultation is taking place as part of the acquisition of 60 new Flexity trams, the first of which will arrive next ... (more)

09.01.2013: Google marks London Underground 150

For those who haven't visited today, the welcome screen marks the 150th anniversary of London Underground.
London Ungerground 150 google
150 years ago today, the first underground train operated between Paddington and Farringdon.

07.01.2013: Is burnt Cobra beyond repair?

Cobra 3043, which was damaged by fire last Wednesday, is currently being assessed in the VBZ workshops at Altstetten. Whether or not the aluminium structure can be salavaged depends on the temperatures to which it was exposed during the ... (more)

04.01.2013: Burnt out tram moved to ZW Altstetten

Tram 3043, which was damaged by fire at Escher-Wyss depot on Wednesday was moved to VBZ's Altsetten works by low loader lorry this morning.

03.01.2013: More on the 1953 RT bus visit

Following up on the recent item on the 1953 visit of two RT buses to Zürich, I have discovered this fascinating Flickr page collecting pictures of this and other worldwide goodwill visits by London buses. The RTs almost literally ... (more)

03.01.2013: 100,000 visitors

The visitor counter on the newslog page has just passed the 100,000 mark. Thank you to all loyal (and occasional) readers who continue to make this site popular.

02.01.2013: Fire at Escher Wyss Depot

Yesterday night a fire broke out in the yard behind Escher-Wyss-Platz depot. Cobra tram 3043 suffered damage along with two automobiles that were parked adjacently. The fire was discovered at 3am and extinguished by the fire brigade. The extent ... (more)

01.01.2013: 2012 news

A Happy New Year to all readers.

All 2012 news items can now be found on

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