(very) Special trams at Züri-Fäscht

From 2nd to 4th July, Zürich celebrated Züri-Fäscht, a major festival recurring approximately every 3 years. The lakeside area was closed to traffic. Food, drink and entertainment venues attracted the crowds. This also led to the diversion of many tram-lines. But not these diversions are the subject of this news item, but some very special trams taking part in the festivities.

The tracks on General Guisan Quai (route 5 was diverted) were used for tram racing! A pump trolley styled to look like a mini Tram 2000 (suitably numbered 2004) raced another pump trolley looking like a mini Neoplan bus. Members of the public were invited to try their hand at the pumps and the overall best time was honoured by a trip to Cyprus!

A little further along the same road, some further trams were to be admired: Zürich's community centres (now calling themselves Gemeinschatzzentren) marked their presence by offering activities for children. The activities were centered around four old trams (withdrawn standard trailers 747/56/67/68). Children could act in a tram theatre or paint the trams according to their wishes. This may well have been the last public appearance of these tram veterans (incidentally, 770 was in service on route 4 on Saturday - see also news item of 02.04.04).

Another railway attraction was presented by Schweizer Verein der Feld- und Werkbahn Freunde (Otelfingen) who operated a 600mm gauge demonstration line offering rides through the Arboretum between General Guisan Quai and Hafen Enge.

this item was added on 05.07.2004 (7241 days ago)
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