Vinnitsa update

Karpfen Vinnitsa Ukraine Updating this website's previous report on the numbering of ex-Zürich trams in Vinnitsa, the following identities are confirmed: 229 is ex VBZ 1418 and 236 is ex VBZ 783. 1420 and 774 are being cannibalised for spares. The Mirage Be4/6 trams are being allocated odd numbers in the range 255 to 283. Confirmed so far are:

Vinnitsa number: Zürich number

255: 1601
259: 1603
261: 1604
263: 1605

Unconfirmed is

257: 1602

Mirage Vinnitsa Ukraine The even numbers in the range 256 to 284 are (or will be) "B4 Mirages" (FFA 3-door trailers). The following are exceptions:

260, 262, 272: Be4/6 Mirage Kühe (cabless units) 1715, 1717, 1718 (sequence unconfirmed)

268 is described as "B4 Karpfen" and is probably ex VBZ 786.

Martin Baumann, quoting as sources this forum and this fleetlist (with links to photos of individual vehicles).

The photographs accompanying this news item are from a series by Håkon Kinck Gaarder.

this item was added on 09.03.2009 (5528 days ago)
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