274 million passengers

VBZ's latest passenger statistics suggest some 15 million fewer passengers travelled by VBZ than in 2004. VBZ assures us, however, that there is no need for panic. The lower figure is due to a new counting method. In the past inspectors counted passengers manually and estimated total figures from these results. Now every seventh vehicle is equipped with infrared sensors at the doors providing continuous and accurate passenger counts.

The statistics show that in 2005, 185 million passengers travelled by tram (67%), 52 million by trolleybus (19%), 35 million by diesel bus (13%) and 2 million by neighbourhood minibus, Quartierbus (1%). On a typical working day, 907,000 passengers are carried.

Tages Anzeiger

See also: A good year for VBZ (25.02.2005).

this item was added on 12.04.2006 (6597 days ago)
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