Stadtbahn Limmattal

The Stadtbahn Limmattal concept was debated yesteday at a regional planning conference. The current status is that the first phase, Farbhof - Schlieren, will be realised within the horizon of the next 10 to 15 years. Dietikon - Spreitenbach has second priority, but this could move forwards if the Niderfeld area develops faster than expected.

Stadtbahn Limmattal is a project to extend trams out of the city and along the Limmat valley via Schlieren, Dietikon and Spreitenbach to Killwangen. At the western end of the line, local politicians are expressing interest in extending it further to Baden and Brugg. The project will probably be realised as a bus corridor initially and converted to light rail as traffic develops.


this item was added on 17.11.2006 (6376 days ago)
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