Cargo tram in Den Haag?

The list of cities operating, or taking interest in goods trams has been joined by The Hague. The Dutch Rail Magazine (September 2005, quoting source: reports that a concept is being evaluated to supply city centre shops. Such a tram would operate in the early mornings to avoid interference with passenger services. A tram of the type being acquired for Randstadrail is considered suitable, the large low floor area being ideal for fast unloading.

Goods by tram: background
The modern goods tram was born in in 2001 when Dresden commenced operation of its CarGoTram. Purpose built trams shuttle parts from Friedrichstadt logistics centre to the high profile Volksagen factory in the city centre where the Phaeton model is assembled. Two purpose-built five unit sets, each 60m long, provide the service which operates up to once every 40 minutes.

In 2003, Zürich introduced its Cargotram to collect refuse from neighbourhoods and bring it to a recycling centre. In contrast to the Dresden model, this tram uses older vehicles adapted at relatively low cost. The offer is succesful and popular and has been expanded to serve further destinations in the city.

Vienna is currently evaluating the potential of trams to carry a broader range of cargoes. A prototype / demonstrator has been built.

Cargotram ZurichSee also:
Güterbim — Vienna tests its cargo tram (25.05.2005)
[Zürich] Cargotram vehicles (04.05.2005)
[Zürich] Cargotram services expand (13.12.2004)
Cargotram concept speads to Vienna (11.08.2004)
[Zürich] Cargo tram is a success! (16.04.2004)
[Zürich] Cargo-Tram wins award and is set for expansion (12.11.2003)
This website's 2003 Zürich Cargotram article

this item was added on 20.09.2005 (6813 days ago)
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