Basel: Combino latest

It is now more than a year since Siemens ordered the worldwide immediate withdrawal of all Combinos with more than 120'000km on the clock — following the discovery of cracks threatening the vehicles' structural integrity in case of an accident. The trams concerned have since returned to service with temporary repairs, but agreements over a permanent solution and compensation for the damages caused have yet to be concluded.

Siemens has now offered to pay an undisclosed sum to Basel as compensation if BVB accepts the company's repair proposal and relinquishes all further claims. Under these proposals the trams will be shipped to Siemens in Uerdingen or Prague. Bodywork will be strengthened and running gear modified. The exact terms of the payment offer are strictly confident.

If Basel does not accept, and chooses instead to demand a refund of the full sales price from Siemens, the case will probably have to treated by the courts.

Strassenbahnen Yahoo Group and TramForumBasel.

See also 30.06.2004 and 13.03.2004.

this item was added on 23.03.2005 (6980 days ago)
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