Tram Hardbrücke

Zürich is pressing ahead with its plans to extend tram route 8 from its present Harplatz terminus to join the Tram Zürich West line (currently under construction) in a junction at Schiffbau. The trams would run on the outer lanes of the existing Hardbrücke road bridge, serve Hardbrücke railway station, and return to ground level using the West side approach ramp at Schiffbau. This would entail crossing the centre lanes on the busy road viaduct at Hardbrücke station. The extension is phase two of VBZ's Vision 2025, and would help relieve pressure on the centre-area tram network by interconnecting the neighbourhoods north and south of the railway lines. With this link in place, route 8 will run through to Werdhözli (route 4 will switch to Bahnhof Altstetten).

The link is estimated to cost 89.3 million Franks. Work could begin in 2015 for an opening in 2017.

this item was added on 26.01.2010 (5197 days ago)
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