Meet my Macs
Selected links to Classic Mac websites
If you want your site added, please contact me. A return link would be greatly appreciated.
Classic Mac websites
Technical information on older Macs
Classic Mac newsgroups
- Any questions, problems, queries with classic macs. You'll be sure to find someone who can help on this e-mail based discussion group: www.zws.com/classicmacs.
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Goodies for the Mac
Upgrading older Macs
- Sonnet provide a range of accelerator cards for classic macs. If you ever wanted a 68040 processor and the power to runs Mac O.S.8, then this is the place for you. www.sonnettech.com
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Suppliers of parts and complete systems
- Sun Remarketing still supply replacement parts and complete systems of almost every Apple model ever made! See it to believe it! www.sunrem.com
- A bigger hard disk, accessories, or an accelarator for you Mac? Check www.macsales.com
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Buying second-hand Macs
Other (non-Mac) links