![]() you are in: tram -> zurich -> news Newslog 2007 latest news | archive | news search <Newslog 2008 | Newslog 2006 > This page presents news and other items of interest concerning the Zürich tram system and connected topics. This is not the official information page of any organisation. All opinions expressed here are my own or belong to those to whom they are attributed. Whereas care is taken to ensure the correctness of news, no claim is made to total accuracy. Visitors are informed that many links from this page are to external sites. Such links are provided for informational purposes only. The author of this site explicitly declines responsibility for the content of external web pages. latest news | older newslogs | articles. return to Zürich tram home page. 2007 news: 29.12.2007 - In a tunnel deep under Zürich
These photographs were not taken in the tunnel proper, which is not normally accesible to visitors, but in the basement of the power plant and the initial cut-and-cover section extending from it. The photos were taken on a visit two years ago. I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas time and wish you all the best for the New Year! 20.12.2007 - Milano's Peter Witts keep on rolling
20.12.2007 - Canton rejects Zoo tram extension The cantonal government has rejected the proposals to extend tram 6 to the Zoo main entrance. It is claimed the 300m extension would cost 27 million (rather than 14) and that this is in no relation to the benefits. Tagi 17.12.2007 - More football liveries Two new football liveries were presented last week. These are the Mirage set 1687+1712 sponsored by Coca-Cola and trolleybus 63, sponsored by Volkswagen.
In all, six special liveries were announced for Euro-2008, so we are still awaiting two more. 17.12.2007 - Stuttgart farewell pictorial
05.12.2007 - 14 further Cobras ordered
20 Minuten It has been suggested on the forum bahnhofplatz.net that the number is still insufficient to replace all Mirage trams in addition to covering the new lines (Tram Zürich West and Glattalbahn). 05.12.2007 - Stadtbahn Limmattal
20 Minuten 04.12.2007 - Swisstrolley deliveries complete
16 Swisstrolleys and 17 LighTrams were ordered by VBZ in July 2005 as a replacement for Mercedes/ABB GTZ 1-11/13-36. The first Swisstrolley (144) arrived in July 2006, with the rest of the batch (145-59) following from January 2007. An option for two further Swisstrolleys (160-1) was exercised in February. Delivery of the longer LighTrams (61-77) began in August 2007 and will continue into 2008. See also this website's trolleybus page On 8th December, Genève is opening its extension from Cornavin to Les Avanchets. This is the first phase of a line that will ultimately serve CERN. See also: Genève: Lancy tram opening (17.05.2006) 03.12.2007 - Stuttgart — end of the metre gauge
03.12.2007 - Rolling stock update Cobra deliveries have reached 3045. Meanwhile, 3012 has been transferred to route 5, making this the fifth route on which the type is deployed (after 4, 9, 11 and 14).
VBZ's appetite for driver training trolleybuses is somewhat remarkable, with three vehicles (4124/6/8 ex 3/4/33) currently allocated exclusively to these duties. The latest of the football special livery trams (presumably 2087 + 2428) is being launched today by the trainer of the Swiss football team, Köbi Kuhn and other dignitaries. The tram is sponsored by Carlsberg. 29.11.2007 - Cobra deliveries reach 3043 Seen on route 14 yesterday: Cobra 3043. 28.11.2007 - Sankt Gallen orders Hess trolleybuses
On the evening of 22nd November, a head-on collision between two trams occurred at Schwamendingerplatz. Seven people were injured. The accident occurred at the track crossing where trams switch from left-hand to right-hand running (the former applies in the subway on account of the island platforms). The crossing is not protected by signals, but the normal ruling is that trams entering the subway should give way to those leaving. The cause of the accident is not clear. The trams involved were 3017 on route 9 (outbound) and 2049 on route 7 (inbound). Both have suffered significant damage. Pictures on polizeinews.ch/page/31084/24 and www.fotohugo.ch/unfaelle/vu_zuerich_23.11.07.htm. 25.11.2007 - Referenda: positive results Today's cantonal referendum on Tram Zürich West was approved by 196,229 votes to 161,995 (69.8%). This majority is even clearer than that of July's city referendum (69.3%). The St. Gallen referendum on the renewal of the trolleybus fleet was acepted by 20,269 votes to 2,380, efectively securing the survival of the system. An overwhelming vote of support for the trolleybus!! 23.11.2007 - Albino trolleybus The third of the LighTram trolleybuses is now in service on route 31. On account of its all-white livery (presumably in preparation for a football livery), 63 has been nicknamed Albino by enthusiasts. A photo can be found here on Adrian Senn's website. 22.11.2007 - Bombardier invests in Zürich Bombardier has announced that it is relocating its traction converter testing and manufacturing facilities from Turgi (near Baden in the canton of Aargau) to Zürich Oerlikon. The reason for the move is that the premises Bombardier are currently renting from ABB in Turgi are required to accomodate ABB's expanding activities at this site. 110 jobs will be relocated. Bombardier already employs 370 people in Oerlikon in its engineering and service sectors. The new facilities will open in late 2008 and will be located in part of the Tramont building. NZZ Website comment: The Tramont (Traktions Montage) assembly shop was the pride of the old ABB Transportation, with among others SBB's Re450 and Re460 locomotives having been commissioned there in the 1990s. Tramont is just across the road from the site where MFO (Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon) had manufactured railway traction equipment since the late 19th Century. Among their most iconic products were SBB's crocodile locomotives. ADtranz finally closed the Tramont shop between 1999 and 2001, with only the service and engineering departments remaining and finally being taken over by Bombardier. For this historic facility, the tide is finally turning! Bombardier is supplying the Cobra trams to Zürich. 16.11.2007 - Wallisellen ready for Glattalbahn Officially, work on the third phase of Glattalbahn isn't starting until next year. The railway station at Wallisellen is, however, already rapidly being transformed. Seizing the opportunity that the Glattalbahn offers, Wallisellen decided to upgrade the site to an attractive transport hub serving the railway, Glattalbahn and buses; and also featuring a shopping centre with office and residential accomodation on the upper floors. The project is called Mittim, designed to become the new "middle" of Wallisellen. Construction work has now begun. A group of nine Lugano councillors spanning five political parties have called for trams to return to this town in the southern part of Switzerland. A North-South line is proposed from Cornadero to the Scairolo plain. Lugano had trams until 1959. 12.11.2007 - Readable destinations
12.11.2007 - Rolling stock news Mirage (Blinde Kuh) 1693 and Trolleybus O405 GTZ 14 were transported to a scrapyard at Waltenschwil on 9th November. The second LighTram (double articulated trolleybus), number 62 entered service on 7th November. 63 was delivered on the 8th. It is painted in an all-over white and will presumably carry a football sepcial livery. 12.11.2007 - Four years of news
25th November will also see a referendum on the acquisition of new trolleybuses in Sankt Gallen. Back in Zürich, Cobra deliveries have reached at least 3041. The next special football livery is likely to be applied to 2087 + 2428, which have been running in an all-white for some time now. Other Swiss tram systems are similarly decorating vehicles. According to a report on Bahnhofplatz.net, the modifications to the trolleybus overhead at Klusplatz appears to be to permit a dismantling of the service connection to Hegibachplatz where the latter can no longer be accomodated due to the need to extend the tram and Forchbahn loading island. Until 1999, this non-revenue wiring was the only means of transferring trolleybuses from the Witikon line to the rest of the network (and especially the depot). The extension of route 33 to Tiefenbrunnen in that year meant it met the 34 at Klusplatz, making a direct connection the more obvious way of achieving this link — however, only the recently installed wires make this practicable.
It was a praiseworthy decison on the part of VBZ to acquire prototypes, so preventing far more costly repairs.
Further news from Tram magazine: Mirages having received overhauls are (RA) 1676 (following accident damage) and 1685 and (SK) 1602/5/935/83 (observant readers of this website will recall that 1683+1717 now carry a football livery). 1692/4-6/703-6/9/22/6 are reported out of service. Tram 2000's overhauled are (R1.2) 2004-6 and (R2.0) 2087/314/417/23/8. Mercedes trolleybuses scrapped are 1/2/13/22. 5 is sold to Verkehrsbetriebe Winterthur and 6/15/29-30 stored in Regensdorf with 35 also being withdrawn.
The magazine's main article deals with the history of Basel's trolleybus. 07.11.2007 - Bern orders Combinos
05.11.2007 - Further Cobra trams ordered?
30.10.2007 - Rolling stock update
This is the 400th item to be posted on this newslog! 26.10.2007 - New tram layout for Stadelhofen
As far as trams are concerned, Forchbahn's turning circle will be replaced by a larger double-track oval, with Forchbahn using the inner track and trams the outer track. This means that trams heading for Kreuzplatz (11 and 15) will run on the opposite side of the square to their current itinerary. A connecting curve to the Seefeld line (routes 2 and 4) will permit trams from Tiefenbrunnen to also use the loop at times when Bellevue is closed. This will permit the current turning triangle in front of the opera-house to be dismantled. As part of a separate project, an underground car park is to be built at this location permitting many on-street parking lots to be removed, but meaning this track feature cannot be retained. In any case, the spur has seen little use in recent years as the difficulties of operating it during major events (normally involving the reversal of trams through dense crowds) has led to bus operation of the Tiefenbrunnen line often being necessary on such occasions. The new layout would put an end to this unpopular practice.
The square at Stadelhofen, which dates to the mid 19th Century and is marked by its large mature trees and decorative fountain, will remain essentially unchanged. Despite demands from certain traders, the attractive but old-fashioned soil and grit ground cover will not be replaced by a more moden surface. However, a modern lighting concept is being implemented. The tram works are planned for the Summer of 2009.
This generous approach to track layout design (also seen in the recent upgrade of the layout at Bahnhof Enge) is in refreshing contrast to the attitude prevalent on mainline railways, but also on many tramways, of rationalising track layouts to the bare minimum required for functionality under normal conditions — rendering them too inflexible to deal with extraordinary situations or the potential growth or changing needs of the future. 25.10.2007 - VBG finds its colours
The new identity was officially presented on 18th November. It was also revealed that construction work on the third phase (Auzelg — Wallisellen — Bhf. Stettbach) will begin in Summer 2008.
The photo on the left, taken on a September evening at Glattpark, shows a VBZ Cobra on route 11 meet VBG's concept tram apologizing for the inconvenience caused by the construction of the iarport line. Now the two vehicles are set to fuse. VBG is the managment company resposnible for bus routes in the Glattal area and also Glattalbahn. VBG does not own vehicles or directly operate services, but contracts its bus routes out to private franchise holders. The first phase of Glattalbahn (which opened last December) is operated by VBZ as an extension of city route 11. 25.10.2007 - Trolleybus overhead line Earlier this month, an overhead line connection was installed at Klusplatz permitting trolleybuses to transfer between routes 34 and 33. Presumably this makes the service connection to Hegibachplatz superfluous. 10.10.2007 - Fondue tram returning Zürich's popular fondue tram will be back from 3rd November to 27th February on Wednesdays and Saturdays and additionally on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays in December.
See also:
09.10.2007 - Through the lens of history
01.10.2007 - Mulhouse trams around the world
28.09.2007 - Second cross-city rail tunnel Construction of the second cross city rail link was officially launched on 20th September. The new tunnel from Oerlikon to Hauptbahnhof will carry both S-Bahn and long-distance trains. Boring of the tunnel will begin 2008 for a 2013 opening. Major projects clear another hurdle (27.09.2006) 26.09.2007 - Trolleybus 160, a lesson from a Mirage and football The latest new trolleybus to enter service, following on from Lightram 61, is not another Lightram but Swisstrolley 160. This is the first of two additional vehicles ordered in February and being delivered seamlessly as a continuation of batch 144-159. 160 has been in service for about two weeks now (see also trolleybus fleetlist). Mirages 1668 and 1709 came to brief fame in a short film jointly produced by VBZ and the police to warm motorists of the perils of making left turns in the path of approaching trams. 1668 was used for the street scene (in Oerlikon) and the cabless 1709 for the close-up of the actual impact. The .wmv file is here.
24.09.2007 - Stadtbahn Glattal progress
24.09.2007 - Route 14 gets its first Cobra
21.09.2007 - Bern: Tram Museum and other news
(This website reported on the museum's opening last year, however this was only a preliminary viewing prior to completion). Further Bern news in brief: Bernmobil is to build a new depot at Bolligerstr for opening in 2010. This will replace Burgernziel depot.
Update (23rd September). The website of Bern's tram museum is www.trittbrett.ch/tvb. The next opening days are yet to be announced. Pictures I took at the museum (and elsewhere) yesterday can be viewed on this page (and the following) of the photo gallery. 20.09.2007 - Basel: Weil extension comes a step nearer
17.09.2007 - Burgwies article in T&UT
Relevant links:LRTA (publisher of T&UT), TMZ. 14.09.2007 - Showdown for Stuttgart's metre gauge
The last metre gauge tram, route 15, connecting Ruhbank (Fernsehturm) — Eugensplatz — Hauptbahnhof — Nordbahnhof — Zuffenhausen — Stammheim, has only three months to go. This line is worked by a handful of the iconic GT4 trams (built 1959-65) of which 350 once graced the streets of Stuttgart.
Mixed gauge track is being retained on the Ruhbank leg of U15 for the purpose of museum tram operation. This will commence next year. For information on Stuttgart's tram museum, see www.shb-ev.info. Besides this museum operation, metre gauge will continue to be represented in Stuttgart by line 10, a cog railway from Degerloch to Marienplatz.
12.09.2007 - Lightram enters service (click here for more pictures) 11.09.2007 - Bern wants longer Combinos Bernmobil is seeking to extend circa 8 Combinos (series 751-765) by two segments, taking them to a length of about 42 metres. They will be deployed on route 9 from mid 2008. 10.09.2007 - Coimbra trolleybus model For all friends of the classic Swiss trolleybus, here is a special offer from the Portugese city of Coimbra:
NOTE This letter has been posted here for your information only. The author of this website is not responsible for its content. Any queries should be directed to the author of the letter. See also this website's trolleybus pages. 10.09.2007 - Engadine restaurant tram The next public appearance of the restaurant tram will present culinary highlights from the Engadine region of Switzerland from 12th September to 27th October. Tours will take two hours, departing from Bellevue Wednesdays to Saturdays at 18:00 and 20:15. The three course meal costs 89 Franks. Reservations: + 41 (0) 44 434 44 34. 10.09.2007 - Trolleybus news update Bern: Building work outside the main station is leading to numerous diversions and bustitutions leading to reduced trolleybus operations. Furthermore, trolleybus routes13 and 14 are no longer worked as such since 28.01.2007 and 09.07.2006 respectively (these will ultimately be replaced by Tram Bern West). The lines remained usable until late June when building works in Bümpliz lead to the dismantlement of a first section of overhead. Removal of further sections is in progress. Lausanne: The acquisition of 35 new trolleybuses is planned for delivery by 2009. A joint acquistion with other Swiss operators is intended. These will replace second hand Genève vehicles and trailer sets with the oldest four-wheelers (built 1982). A further 65 should replace the entire current fleet by 2014. The acquisition may include four-wheelers to permit the retention of recently acquired trailers. See also this website's trolleybus pages. Updates: Neuchâtel announced in July that it is joining forces with Lausanne (see above) and adding 20 trolleybuses to replace its oldest vehicles. Sankt Gallen is planning to borrow a Lightram3 for demonstration purposes. The town already has a double articulated trolleybus, but this is a rebuild of a high-floor bus with a low-floor rear section added. It had been planned to rebuild more, but replacement is now the preferred option. 21.08.2007 - Tram birthday card 16.08.2007 - Double-articulated trolleybus 15.08.2007 - Cargotram serves Burgwies See also this website's cargotram page. My latest series of photographs (mainly) from Burgwies can be found here. 14.08.2007 - Winterthur trolleybus demonstrated in Gent On 7th August, Winterthur's Solaris Trollino trolleybus number 180 was demonstrated in Gent (Belgium). A week earlier a Genova trolleybus was tested. Hopefully this is a good omen for the threatened system. www.trams-trolleybus.be/TBGand_21.html 08.08.2007 - Winterthur tests double-articulated trolleybus Luzern's Hess Lightram double-articulated trolleybus 232 was tested (without passengers) in Winterthur on 5th and 6th July. The trials should help clarify the necessary infrastructure modifications required to introduce such vehicles. A decison on the future of the town's trolleybus system is due soon. WV's Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ are due for replacement in 2009/10. See also this website's trolleybus page. Restaurant tram: An article of the Tages Anzeiger newspaper of 2nd August, it is reported that patronage of the restaurant tram is disappointingly low. The article suggests that this is due to the high prices and lack of variation in the chosen route. A VBZ spokesman, however, suggest the weather is also to blame, citing the success of the Fondue tram. The route is difficult to vary because of logistics of supplying the tram. Mirage: Tram Magazine (issue 90/06-08.2007) reports that the following Mirage are out of service: 1703/6/9/26. The list of scrapped units remains unchanged at 1617/54/61/70/90-1/97/700/2/8. The following Mirage have been overhauled/repaired (SK) 1601 and (RA) 1659/81/5. SK inspections are also planned for 1602-5. Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz, Bahnforum Schweiz, Tram Magazine 20.07.2007 - Zürich trolleybus update Four different Roumanian operators are reported to be interested in obtaining withdrawn GTZs. VBZ, however, only wishes to pass them on to two different towns. Which these will be has yet to be decided. Furthermore, various vehicles have recently been scrapped for spares and two are being retained for driver training duties.
See also this website's trolleybus fleetlist and main trolleybus page. Directly adjoining this, the Schweizer Verein der Feld- und Werkbahn Freunde (Otelfingen) operated their light railway. Pictures of the event are available here. I have uploaded a short video of the pump trolley racing here. A broader selection of recent photographs can be viewed here. See also: (very) Special trams at Züri-Fäscht (05.07.2004) Link to: Feld- und Werkbahn Freunde 02.07.2007 - Reprieve for Schaffhausen's trolleybus Schaffhausen's council has decided to postpone the decison on the future of its trolleybus to 2010. The decision was due this year for a possible 2008 closure. The time gained will be used to consider the scenarios: gas (CNG), dieselbus and trolleybus retention (and possible expansion). 28.06.2007 - Bremgarten-Dietikon orders new trains This new rolling stock will permit the entire present fleet to be replaced. Be4/8 21-25 of 1993 will be sold to WSB. BDe8/8 1-9 of 1969 are likely to be scrapped, with possibly one unit being preserved. See also WSB fleet renewals (11.06.2007). Links concerning BDWM: 27.06.2007 - Another referendum on Tram Zürich West Tram Zürich West is a project to build a new tram line from Escher-Wyss-Platz to Bhf. Altstetten. The 3km line costing 150 million Franks is scheduled to open in 2010. See also Tram expansion strategy unveiled (19.07.2006) 27.06.2007 - First track laid on second phase of Glattalbahn The first lengths of rail of the second phase of Stadtbahn Glattal were installed near Bäuler yesterday. 21.06.2007 - New trams for Bern Following Sunday's approval of Tram Bern West, Bernmobil is seeking tenders for 20 new trams. These must work the new lines but also replace the remaining Be8/8. The new trams must have a capacity of 240 passengers and a length of 40 to 45m with an axle loading not exceeding 8.3t. The Tram Zürich West (or strictly speaking, the provison of 59 million by the city for the financing thereof) was approved by 69.3 to 30.7% at a voter participation of 36%. The Tram Bern West project (or the cantonal contribution of 33 million) was approved by 69.5 to 30.5% at a voter participation of 29.2%. The city's contribution of 26 million was approved in last November's referendum. Basel's trolleybus is now set to be abandoned, with Pro Trolleybus' retention initiative being rejected by 53.7 to 46.3%. The cantonal counter-proposal, involving the purchase of gas buses was accepted by 57.0 to 43.0%. Asked to select between the two, suport for the trolleybus fell to 43.8 to 56.2%. Voter participation was 52.1%. This is very bad news for Basel: Almost all of the arguments used against the trolleybus (such as nuclear power, inflexibility, difficulties in extending across borders) can equally be used against the tram. Search newslog archive for Tram Zürich West, Tram Bern West and Trolleybus Basel. 17.06.2007 - Embarassment for trolleybus opponents Interestingly however, the biogas produced would be of sufficient quality for electricity generation. But without trolleybus wires, how is that electricity going to get to the buses? Let's wait for the next lame excuse. Trolleybus Basel 14.06.2007 - Photo tour on Bremgarten Dietikon Bahn Aktion Pro Sächsitram is organising a photo tour on the Bremgarten Dietikon Bahn (BDWM) on 1st July. The tour will feature rides with and opportunities to photograph at various points along the line the BDe8/8 articulated units, both solo and as coupled pair. This type, dating to 1969, is soon to vanish. The tour also features a depot line-up and a short ride with the heritage set BDe4/4 10 Mutschällezäni plus open trailer B 11. The tour costing 64 franks starts at 09:30 in Dietikon and ends at about 17:00. In case of poor weather the tour will be postponed to the 8th. Details and registration on this page of Aktion Pro Sächsitram's website. See also events diary. 13.06.2007 - Trolleybus deliveries reach 156 Seen yesterday on route 31: trolleybus 156. 11.06.2007 - WSB fleet renewals The more modern Be4/8 28-34 are also to be refurbished and have first class areas added. There is no fresh news about the acquisition of BDWM's Be4/8 21-25 (which are essentially identical to 28-34). These would replace WSB's older stock (Be4/4 9-14, BDt 80-85). 08.06.2007 - Kurbeli 1408 leaves Zürich Pictures of the move can be seen on this page of the organisation's website. See also APS saves Standard Tram 1408 (15.02.2007) or search news archive for 1408 or Aktion Pro Sächsitram. 06.06.2007 - Hope for Valparaíso The state of the iconic trolleybus system of Valparaíso (Chile) has recently given much cause for concern. The privately operated system, which features many former Swiss trolleybuses, is increasingly facing financial difficulties due to minibus competition. The operator has said it would have to close within two months if no solution could be found. However, the system enjoys much sympathy and President Bachelet herself has spoken out in favour of retention. Options being considered include priorities, susbsidies and state ownership. For further information on Valparaíso, see this Valparaíso history page on Allen Morrison's Electric Transport in Latin America page (www.tramz.com). 30.05.2007 - Karpfen enter service in Vinnitsa 30.05.2007 - Tram Museum opening Some impressions of the opening of the Tram Museum (26th May) can be found on this page of Adrian Senn's website. According to the page counter, this newslog page has been viewed 20,000 times (10,000 since August). Thank you to all visitors — and please spread the world to anybody else who may be interested. 24.05.2007 - Grand opening of tram museum 23.05.2007 - A gourmet's guide to tram cities As part of the 125th anniversary celebrations of Zürich trams, restaurant tram 1802 will be presenting specialities from tram cities around the world. From 1st June to 31st August, the tram will be operating from Wednesdays to Saturdays, leaving Bellevue at 11:45, 13:00, 18:00 and 20:15. The two midday trips take an hour and costs 35 Franks (two-course meal), the evening trips take two hours and cost 89 Franks (three-course meal). Drinks are charged extra. As always, reservation is strongly recommended: +(41)44 434 44 34. The cities presented will be Valencia (from 1st June), San Francisco (from 4th July) and Rome (from 1st August). The tram will not operate during Züri-Fäscht (6-8 July) or Street Parade (11th August). Weather permitting, the open "beer garden" trailer (1971) will be attached to this tram. See also: events diary 23.05.2007 - Roof boards to vanish 21.05.2007 - Tram museum re-launches website In the run-down to the grand opening of the tram museum (now only 5 days away!), its website has undergone a professional re-design: www.tram-museum.ch. The highly informative pre-April 2004 website is archived on www.tram-museum-archiv.ch. 21.05.2007 - Tram Zürich West — the campaign hottens Search news archive for Tram Zürich West. The same day (17th June) will also seen public transport referenda in Basel (trolleybus) and Canton Bern (Tram Bern West). Update: (1st June) The author of this website has written a letter of protest to Umverkehr, one of the organisations opposing Tram Zürich West, withdrawing his membership and support of that organisation. 16.05.2007 - Countdown to tram museum See also: Programme for Burgwies opening The latest new Cobra carries the number 3006, replacing the 3006 that was scrapped last year. 07.05.2007 - Trolleybus news update Bern: with various trolleybus routes temporarily or permanently diesel-bus worked, only routes 11 and 12 currently see trolleybuses. Sankt Gallen: the town council is considering replacing trolleybuses by hybrid buses. As an alternative, the acquisition of 7 double-articulated and 17 single-articulated trolleys is to be considered. The entire current fleet will be replaced. Schaffhausen: a decison on the future of this small system is due to be taken this Spring. A study recommends conversion to diesel operation. This would take place in late 2008 coinciding with the rebuilding of an underpass. Local opposition is stirring. Winterthur: in this city too, trolleybuses are threatened. The town council wishes to take a decision on the system's future before the end of the year. In the face of so much troubling news, it is comforting that developments further West are more positive. Genève's route 7 was extended by 1km to Hôpital in February. In Lausanne, the delivery of 10 trailers from Hess was completed in the same month. Zürich: besides the withdrawal of trolleybus 4122 (aka 1), two further GTZs are withdrawn and two others transferred to driver training duties. See also this website's trolleybus page. Update On 7th May the executive town council of Sankt Gallen decided in favour of purchasing 7 double-articulated buses for 2008-2009 and 17 single articulated vehicles for 2008-2011. Earlier plans to stretch existing single-articulated vehicles by adding low-floor rear sections are being dropped. These replacements reduce the trolleybus fleet by two vehicles. The decison requires council confirmation. Stadt St.Gallen On 30th April, tl (Lausanne) received authorisation to purchase 35 double-articulated trolleybuses for 43 million franks. The buses will enter service from 2009. There should be 100 new vehicles by 2014. According to a 14th May report on the trolleybus Yahoogroup, trolleybuses could vanish from Valparaíso (Chile) in little more than two months due to financial difficulties caused by minibus competition. The city has many ex-Swiss trolleys. On 22nd May, the full council of Sankt Gallen approved the trolleybus acquisition. A referendum will be held in November. 02.05.2007 - Programme for Burgwies opening 09:30-11:30 Heritage trams and buses converge on Burgwies from all parts of the city and beyond. Opening times for the museum for the rest of the year are: Operating days for heritage trams are listed on this website's event diary page. For further details, please consult the webpage of Tram Museum Zürich.
Reports on Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz indicate that Swisstrolley trolleybuses 151 and 152 entered service in April. The new vehicles are mostly used on route 31. Cobra deliveries have reached 3028. In Winterthur, trolleybus routes 3 and 6 are joined into a new route 3, Rosenberg - Hauptbahnhof - Oberseen. The last of the Saurer vehicles (122/4-5/30) are withdrawn and have been sent to Baia Mare in Roumania where sister vehicles 126-9 have already found a new home. 131 is being retained for driver training purposes. BDWM (Bremgarten-Dietikon) is seeking to acquire 14 new trains to replace its entire fleet. Be4/8 21-25 of 1993 could be sold to WSB (Menziken-Aarau-Schöftland). BDe8/8 1-9 of 1969 face an uncertain fate. In Bern, a major rebuilding of the station forecourt this summer will lead to numerous route diversions, curtailments and bustitutions. 26.04.2007 - Another great year for VBZ The most popular tram line was route 14 (73,000 passengers per day), with the greatest growth being seen on routes 5, 7 and 9 (more than 4% each). The favourite trolleybus route was 33 (45,000 passengers) and the favourite diesel bus route was 80 (8.6 million in total). See also: * This figure does not appear to be compatible with the figure of 274 million as reported on this site for 2005. I assume the 2005 figure covers only activities within the city. 26.04.2007 - Celebrating 125 years 19.04.2007 - Stadtbahn Glattal phase two construction update Work is now in hand on all sections of the alignment (except a short section at Bahnhof Glattbrugg). Along the first section, from Glattpark to Lindbergh-Platz, work is concentrating on moving services. The tram will use a central alignment here, meaning the roadway itself is being diverted at the expense of the adjoining field — the rest of which is soon to make way for the massive Glattpark development (combined residential and commercial buildings and a park with a lake). Some of the buildings on the left hand-side of the road are hotels, calling themselves Zürich Airport — the airport proper is still many kilometres away. Between here and Bäueler, the alignment cuts across what is still a field (excavation of the trackbed is in hand). At Bäueler, a new bridge is taking shape over the Glatt river (the latter gives Glattal its name). From here the tram follows a roadside alignment (Unterriet). The front yards of the buildings on the right hand side have all been cleared and many dug up for the new line. The latest pictures can be seen here. A location-by-location set with these and earlier views of the Glattalbahn can be found here. Search news archive for Stadtbahn Glattal 19.04.2007 - 125 years of public transport in Zürich See also events diary 2007. For a brief overview of the history of Zürich's trams, see the history section of this website's 2005 Zürich article. Cobra deliveries have reached 3028. Pictures of the latest addition being unloaded last Friday (13th) can be seen on this page of www.bahnforum.org. 13.04.2007 - Amsterdam: cargo trams tested Apolgy: Amsterdam may be a bit off-topic for this website, but as cargo trams are a subject that fascinate me and that I have reported on extensively before, I will for the time being, continue to use this platform to publicise important developments. Cargo tram: Amsterdam's project has come a step closer to reality through its test phase from 7th to 31st March (extended to 3rd April). The trams used were 783 and 801 (articulated types 9G and 10G). One was specially repainted into a green and white cargotram livery and the other advertises the energy comany and sponsor Nuon. In the initial part of the trial phase, the trams ran without payload, but from 19th March cargoes were carried from De Aker to the city. Cargoes carried were Heineken beer for pubs in the city and clothes for the Mexx store. During the final week waste paper was additionally carried in the opposite direction. One of the trams was driven by retired tram drivers and the other by drivers of the museum tram line. Cargotrams Yahoogroup, citycargo.nl See also: 05.04.2007 - Halberstadt article 02.04.2007 - Zürich trolleybus update BahnCH Yahoogroup, Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz 22.03.2007 - Route 5's Sihlcity extension opens 20.03.2007 - Karpfen in Vinnitsa A series of pictures of ex-Zürich Karpfen being unloaded in Vinnitsa appears on this forum (click here). The contribution is dated 11th March. See also Karpfen trams leave Zürich (09.02.2007) It is interesting to note that 1420 is among the trams depicted, definitely ending any speculation as to whether it has been retained in Zürich. 19.03.2007 - Indian cuisine on the tram See also: events diary 16.03.2007 - Photo tour with Kurbeli on 22nd April See also events diary. Tramfans planning a visit to Zürich for 2007 are also reminded of the grand opening of the new tram museum for 26-27 May. 15.03.2007 - Ringbahn Hardwald The website of Eurailpress (7th March) states that the cantonal transport department is seeking a partner to produce a study on the Ringbahn Hardwald project, evaluate potential traffic and identify alignment variants. Ringbahn Hardwald is a long-term project to extend Stadtbahn Glattal from the airport via Kloten and Bassersdorf to Dübendorf (and so close the Glattal "ring"). 14.03.2007 - Driver training trolleybus Seen this morning at Bucheggplatz: a trolleybus numbered 4122 on a driver training run. The bus was easily recogniseable as O405 GTZ number 1, the oldest of its type (dating from 1986) and the only with three doors instead of Zürich's standard four. This arrangement was often a source of delays in loading, making 1 a favourite for driver training (and other non-revenue work) even while in the regular passenger fleet. 13.03.2007 - Basel: Refurbished Combino in service
20 Minuten 13.03.2007 - Oerlikon projects come closer Included in the same list is the project to replace the Schaffhauserstr railway underpass at Bhf. Oerlikon (used by route 14) by a 40m wide structure (instead of the current 17m). Work will begin in October, but the planned tram/railway interchange which will occupy this space will not be realised until 2013 at the earliest. Website comment: What wonderful times that new trams projects are so commonplace that they escape high profile announcements ... 07.03.2007 - Double deck Talgo clarification In the news item on the double deck tram poster, I mentioned that Talgo had proposed a double deck train with gangways on both levels, but that the concept had never been tried in practice. A correspondant from Finland has pointed out that following Talgo's failure to secure the Zürich S-Bahn order, partly on account of the lack of prototype experience, a non-motored prototype was built (pictures: 1 and 2). 06.03.2007 - Zürich tram events diary 2007 All information provided as-is. As everywhere else on this website, no guarantee is offered for accuracy or completeness. Visitors intending to make special arrangements for these events are recommended to visit the websites of the organisers (see end of list) or check with these directly. diary events | regular events
Regular events Updated: 23.04, 02.05, 08.11 For further information and confirmation please check the websites of the event organisers: TMZ (Tram Museum Zürich), APS (Aktion Pro Sächsitram), VHF (Verein Historische Forchbahn), VBZ (Verkehrsbetriebe der Stadt Zürich). Event diaries for other years. 05.03.2007 - Wear and tear on the Cobras 01.03.2007 - Another step towards Tram Zürich West Following the approval of the cantonal contribution of 90 million Franks for the Tram Zürich West project on Monday (26th), the city council yesterday (28th) approved its own 59 million contribution by 76 votes to 35. Subtracting the federal contribution, these contributions reduce to 45 and 23 million respectively. Opponents of the project have announced that they are to seek a cantonal referendum in addition to the city referendum of June (this is hardly likely to derail the project seeing 66.6% voted in favour of Glattalbahn in February 2003). In contrast, pro-tram politicians are pressing for an earlier realisation of the Schiffbau - Hardplatz extension than outlined in last year's 2025 strategy document. NZZ 01.03.2007 - Bern: Combino refurbishment complete The last Combino to be refurbished for Bern returned from Krefeld yesterday. 20 Minuten 28.02.2007 - 90 million Franks for Tram Zürich West The cantonal parliament has approved its contribution of 90 million Franks for Tram Zürich West by 98 votes to 48. This tram connecting Escher-Wyss-Platz to Bhf Altstetten should open in 2010 and will cost a total of 150 million, of which 59 will be payed by the city of Zürich. It is likely that a federal contribution will reduce these costs by half. It is estimated that the number of jobs in the corridor served will grow by 40% between 2005 and 2015, and the residential population by 110%. The project is subject to a referendum this June. 20 Minuten Trolleybus deliveries have reached 148. 22.02.2007 - Rolling stock roundup The following sightings are taken from Nahverkehrsforum Schweiz and Bahnforum Schweiz: Cobra: 3023 is in service. Karpfen: (Heading for Vinnitsa) the following motor units were located at Altstetten works on 30/01: 1416-9/21/3-4/6-9 plus 1420 on accomodation bogies. On 06/02 two cars were seen passing through Schlieren on railway wagons at c12:30. On the evening of 08/02, 775/9/83 and 1418/21/24 were on wagons outside the works, with at least one further unit not loaded. On 15/02, 780-1 and 1419/20 were stabled at Buchs SG (Austrian border). Circa 14/02 some were seen near Vienna. 21.02.2007 - Mulhouse trams visit Buenos Aires The demonstartion line will be worked for one year using two Alstom Citadis-type trams from Mulhouse. The cars concerned are Didenheim and Staffelfelden which were shipped via the port of Bilbao and arrived in Buenos Aires on 24th January. Public service is expected to start in mid March. www.tram-train.org (Mulhouse official tram website) Trams have been absent from central Buenos Aires for 43 years, but the city is not entirely without trams. A heritage operation exists in the Caballito neighbourhood, and two further unconnected lines operate. www.tranvia.org.ar (website of heritage tram) See also: 20.02.2007 - Ride a double deck Mirage to Sihlcity! Looking at the picture carefully reveals that this double deck rebuild has retained its articulation. Such a bi-level articulation is a novelty on a tram as far as I know. Talgo has proposed such a system for railways but as far as I know there is not even a prototype. I wonder how 1631's upper deck will negotiate the hump at Bahnhof Enge? 18.02.2007 - Cargotram will no longer serve Laubegg The extension of route 5 to Laubegg, which will take effect on 22nd March, means Cargotram can no longer use the Laubegg turning circle. In order to be able to continue to serve this neighbourhood. ERZ will provide a lorry to pick up waste from an adjoining site. The changeover affects two monthly services (Cargotram and E-tram). Website comment: It has always been a strength of Cargotram that the service uses infrastructure (in terms of both vehicles and the tracks where loading occurs) that already existed but did not see intensive use. Only this low-cost structure permitted the service to start in the first place and to expand to such success. When the expansion of passenger services re-claims such infrastructure, this can only be welcomed. I hope however, that Cargotram services will continue to be succesful and even expand at other locations. This website's cargotram index 16.02.2007 - Zoo tram extension latest VCS has succesfully collected 7000 signatures for its initiative to push ahead with the tram extension to Zoo. This is 1000 signatures more than required to enforce a referendum. The referendum demands the provision of 14 million Franks for the extension. The justification for the 570 metre extension has been strengthened following the recent expansion of the zoo, which led to annual visitor numbers rising from 875,000 to 1,7 million. The zoo director, Alex Rübel said he was not opposed to the tram extension in principle, but would prefer to see the aerial cable car from Stettbach realised. He is concerned the tram extension will lead to the loss of 80 to 150 car parking spaces. Website comment: The two projects (tram extension and cable car) should not be seen as alternatives, as each fulfills a different role. The tram takes visitors from the town to the zoo, whereas the cable car can provide an attractive connection to S-Bahn trains (and car parking) at Stettbach and so provides significant time savings (as well as being an attraction in its own right) for visitors from Winterthur, Uster and other destinations. For visitors from most parts of the town however, it represents a huge detour. As the two projects are to be financed from wholly different sources, they need not be competitors in terms of funding either. As I have argued before on this newslog, the car parking argument does not hold water. The explanation that families who have walked around in the zoo all day can be expected to walk a bit further to the tram stop may contain an element of truth. But why should the same then not apply to car drivers? Is this really how people are to be encouraged to use public transport? 15.02.2007 - APS saves Standard Tram 1408 More Standard Tram photographs. 15.02.2007 - Update on cargo trams in Amsterdam This website has reported on developments of cargo trams in various cities across Europe. Geographically, this may seem rather off-topic for a Zürich-focussed website. However, I feel this is justified and of interest in view of Zürich's status as a cargo tram pioneer and the coverage this webiste has given the topic (and my own interest in this particular aspect of tram operation in general). Amsterdam's cargo tram will commence commercial operations in 2008, transporting goods to and from businesses within the city. The payload will be transferred from lorries to trams at distribution centres on the town's edge. The trams will serve smaller distribution centres within the city from where door-to-door distribution will be assured by electric cars. Restrictions on lorry access will provide incentive to use the system. This February, a test phase starts in which two modified GVB trams will connect Osdorp to central Amsterdam. During the first two weeks these will run without load in order to evaluate their influence on the stability of passenger tram operations. After this loads will be transported. See also this website's cargotram index page. 15.02.2007 - R.I.P. Stephen Parascandolo It is with great regret that I have learnt of the death in a car accident of Stephen Parascandolo. Stephen was active in promoting trams in London, and ran a highly succesful website on Croydon's Tramlink. Stephen, aged 26, was a signalling engineer. He started his Croydon website as a schoolboy in 1999. www.croydon-tramlink.co.uk Stephen's website was one of the main inspirations in starting my own news page. 15.02.2007 - Route 5 to Sihlcity A new shopping centre, Sihlcity is shortly to open on the site of the former Sihl paper factory. It is intended that 60% of visitors come to the centre by public transport. To this effect, the site is well served by various bus routes, by trolleybus 33, tram 13 and by S-Bahn line S4. Additionally, the number of car parking spaces the center may provide is strictly limited. To further improve the service and add to the choice of direct connections, VBZ had been planning to extend tram route 5 from its present terminus at Bahnhof Enge to Laubegg in December 2008. It has now been announced that this date has been moved forwards to 22 March of this year! The early start has been made possible through financial support from the tenants of the new shopping centre. Very good news indeed! See also: Route 5 to Sihlcity coming soon? (19.01.2007) 15.02.2007 - Innsbruck trolleybus farewell Trolleybus operation in Innsbruck is coming to a close. In contrast to what is planned for Basel however, most sections are being replaced by trams — so this changeover is strengthening rather than weakening the position of electrical traction in the city. On Saturday, 24th February, the last trolleybuses in regular service will operate on route O. This will be followed by a farewell event on the 25th, organized by the Tiroler Museumsbahnen society. Connected links: 15.02.2007 - Basel trolleybus referendum The date for Basel's trolleybus referendum is now official: 17th June 2007. 09.02.2007 - Karpfen trams leave Zürich The fact that 13 and not 14 Karpfen are being shipped leads me to speculate whether the 14th unit that is available may not be earmarked for San Francisco? See also: 08.02.2007 - Another setback for Basel's trolleybus Basel's parliament decided yesterday to reject the Pro Trolleybus initiative in favour of an all gas bus option. This means 26 new gas buses will be acquired instead of the alternative which was considered which is reported as the purchase of 13 new trolleybuses and replacing the other 13 trolleybuses by gas buses (sic — Basel currently has no more than 11 trolleybuses). This decison was taken by 60 votes to 51. The last word has not yet been spoken as Basel's citizens will vote over this in a referendum later this year. The vast support the referendum initiative received (over 8000 signatures) gives hope that this battle can be won. The 26 new gas buses would cost 5 million franks and the fueling station 1.5 million. See also: Webiste comment: The short-sightedness of the anti-trolleybus faction is on par with the massive tram and trolleybus abandonments of 1960s, only with the hindsight of history reducing the refuge of ignorance or innocence. In times of spiralling costs of fossil fuels and concerns over carbon dioxide it cannot make sense to wish to rely so strongly on a single source of energy whose prices are dictated by events far beyond local control — and this for very marginal and speculative savings. Electricity too, of course, is influenced by oil and gas prices, but electricity comes from many sources, including local ones, which makes its cost so much more robust in the face of crises. The higher costs of trolleybuses are larely offset by the longer working life and lower operating costs. When the environmental advantages and customer attractiveness are added, the gas bus must be a very meagre proposition. Come on Basel, wake up! And all the best for the referendum! (please also visit the homepage of Pro Trolleybus, www.protrolleybus.ch.) 06.02.2007 - Train Urbain de Tana back on track? Readers who have been following the news on these pages over the last two years will be aware of the ex-Forchbahn BDe4/4 and Bt4 vehicles that have been been shipped to Madagascar for the purpose of inaugurating a tram service in the capital, Antananarivo. Various cynics have seen the whole procedure as just a cheap way of disposing of unwanted rolling stock while veiled in a pretence of philanthropy. The prolonged periods of silence and the slow pace of progress have certainly not helped counter such suspicions. For example, some of the vehicles were marooned in Antwerpen for an extended period and were even threatened with scrapping while the promotors in Madagascar struggled to find money for the onward shipment. A lot of the news that comes back from African aid projects certainly is tainted by the bitter marks of waste, poor planning and little effect — problems that good intention alone cannot offset. It seems to me, however, that the case of Madagascar is very different. There has been a considerable contribution to this project from the Madagascar side, and it enjoys the personal support of Antananarivo's major Patrick Ramiaramanana. Also, if other projects are anything to go by (such as the refurbishment of the railways), the achievements of this island have a model status. While donating surplus rolling stock certainly doesn't have the elements of philanthropy that famine or medical relief present, the value of this contribution should not be easily shrugged aside. The author believes that aid should not concentrate exclusively on the poorest among the poor but also bolster up stronger sectors to improve the economic viability of regions. Transport infrastructure is a prime ingredient of such viability, and in contrast to mammouth investments by multinationals such as oil or mining corporations, it remains under local accountability and provides immediate and sustainable benefits to a broad range of local people. The low-cost nature yet inherent technical soundness of the proposal at hand make it a model that should be considered for emulation not only in developing economies but also more globally. Torn between the alternative scenarios of success or abandonment, it comes as a great relief to find further news from Antananarivo on the Internet. The website of Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie, d'Artisanat et d'Agriculture of Antananarivo carries an article dated 4th January and quoted from L'Express de Madagascar. The article laments that two years have passed since the arrival of the (first) vehicles in Antananarivo. but that the minister of transport and public works is seeking offers from the private sector for the operation of the service. An investment of 80,000 Euros is estimated for the fitting of diesel generators. Additionally, the tracks will require some attention before services can commence. The trains that will be operated will have a capacity of 250 passengers, and serve the corridors Soarano — Soanierana — Tanjombato — Ambatofotsy and Soarano — Alarobia (the system will be known as Train Urbain de Tana). The goal is to relieve congestion in the city centre and will allow measures such as restrictions on access by taxis to further this purpose. Further news articles on this project. 05.02.2007 - Passenger information displays Three Cobra type trams on route 9 have been equipped with real-time passenger information displays. These monitors, fitted inside the trams, announce the next stop with arrival times as well as real-time information on connections. Website comment: Similar displays have been used on the new generation of Neoplan buses for some time now. But alas, these often defeated their purpose by announcing hypothetical connections that the passenger could just as well have read from the route network him- or herself, including connections to bus routes that were not operating at that time of day. Only real-time information makes such a system genuinely useful. Is it worth dashing for a late-running connection, or is it better to take it calmly because the next is just minutes behind, or is it maybe better to maybe stay on board to travel by a different route? With an electronic traffic control system all this information is available in the control centre, so why not make it available to passengers. This is sensible use of technology for the benefit of all. Thank you VBZ! 05.02.2007 - Two further Swisstrolleys ordered In order to be able to shorten peak headways on route 32 to five minutes, VBZ has exercised its option for two additional Swisstrolley3 type trolleybuses. The total size of this batch is now 18 instead of 16 as ordered in July 2005. Deliveries will continue at the rate of two vehicles a month until late Summer. 25.01.2007 - Trolleybus 146 is here The Swisstrolleys are arriving! A correspondent (Alexis) saw trolleybus 146 at Waserstr. stop (route 34) on a test run today. See also: New trolleybuses arriving soon (11.01.2007) 24.01.2007 - Website update — rhapsody in white This website has been updated with a brief series of pictures I took on my way to work. Further pictures were added on 25th, depicting Glattalbahn's first snow. It is reported on Nahverkehrsforum.ch.vu that Cobra 3020 is now in service. 19.01.2007 - Route 5 to Sihlcity coming soon? It is reported on Nahverkehrsforum.ch.vu that route 5 may be extended to Sihlcity before 2008! Sihlcity is a new shopping center that is taking shape on the site of the former Sihl paper factory. The area is already served by route 13, but it is considered an additional tram route is required to serve the site. The prerequisite for the extension was created with the recent rebuilding of Tessinerplatz (at Bhf. Enge), as part of which a direct track connection was created between the two lines. When, and indeed whether this connection would actually be used has however remained a subject of speculation. From Bhf. Enge, route 5 will share tracks with route 13 and turn either at the Albisgütli terminus or at the intermediate loop at Laubegg. 11.01.2007 - New trolleybuses arriving soon See also: 08.01.2007 - More Cobra trams to be ordered? On a related matter, differences of opinion over liveries have arisen between VBZ and VBG. VBZ would like to see the trams used on Glattalbahn painted in the same colours as its city trams. VBG, however, wishes to enforce its own corporate identity. 08.01.2007 - Basel: Cross-border tram plans in doubt Plans to extend tram lines from Basel across the border into neighbouring France and Germany are threatened. An independent study by a French organisation concerning the two extensions into Saint Louis (France) has suggested a price tag of 31 million Euros rather than the 17 million the Swiss planning claims. This is attributed to various details but more importantly reflects the higher costs of tram construction in France. Saint Louis's council is now in favour of dropping the extension of route 11 through the centre of Saint Louis and retaining only the more peripheral extension of route 3. The third of the extensions, that to Weil am Rhein (Germany) is also plagued by financial questions. It appears that the bridge that must carry the tram across the railway lines at Weil is not sufficiantly strong and must be replaced, so boosting costs from 33 to 45 million Franks. It is hoped a decison can be taken this Summer. The Swiss federation is supporting these projects by provising 50% of the costs (39.5 million Franks). However, the condition is that work must begin by or in 2008. If this support is lost, the projects could be set back by many years. Currently, public transport accounts for only 17% of journeys between Basel and its international neighbours as opposed to 37% for its national neighbours. Search news archive for Basel, Weil, St. Louis. 08.01.2007 - Basel: First Combino returns The first modified Combino type tram was returned to Basel on 22nd December. Combino 310 was the pilot vehicle for the Basel modifications and left its home city in November 2005. The modification of the other vehicles of this type will now commence. The first of these left Basel on 18th December. The modified 310 will have to undergo type acceptance testing before returning to passenger service. The Combino type is undergoing design modifications following the discovery of dangerous structural defects in March 2004. Search news archive for Basel, Combino. Merry Christmas and a Happy 2007 to all readers! All 2006 news items (101 in total) have been moved to: While on the subject of new lines, a blueprint was presented for the future development of the urban network. The first step of this expansion, Tram Züri West is scheduled to open in 2010. On the rolling stock side, 2006 saw commencement of deliveries of the series Cobra trams, with deliveries having reached number 3019 (?) by the end of the year. There are renewals ahead for the trolleybus fleet also. At the beginning of the year, a Geneva-double articulated Lightram type vehicle was tested. The success of this trial led to the confirmation of the order for 17 such vehicles, delivery of which is to start this Summer. Being purchased as part of the same 2005 order are 16 single-articulated vehicles of the Swisstrolley type. The first of these was delivered ahead of its batch in For the tram museum, the approaching opening of the new Burgwies depot is an important milestone. A lesser highlight was the return of a now centenarian Albisgütlibahn tramcar to Zürich. next year | previous year | current year | other years | search. return to Zürich tram home page. |